
3.0.2 • Public • Published

Hexo Waline NexT

Theme Version npm

Waline plugin for NexT theme. Waline is a simple, safe comment system inspired by Valine.


npm install hexo-waline-next --save


  • upload pictures to qiniu


Set the value enable to true, add serverURL, and edit other configurations in waline section in the config file as following. You can config those in both hexo or theme _config.yml:

# Waline Config File
# For more information:
# - https://waline.js.org
# - https://waline.js.org/reference/component.html
  # New! Whether enable this plugin
  enable: false

  # Waline server address url, you should set this to your own link
  serverURL: https://waline.vercel.app

  # Waline library CDN url, you can set this to your preferred CDN
  # libUrl: https://unpkg.com/@waline/client@v2/dist/waline.js

  # Waline CSS styles CDN url, you can set this to your preferred CDN
  # cssUrl: https://unpkg.com/@waline/client@v2/dist/waline.css

  # Custom locales
  # locale:
  #   placeholder: Welcome to comment # Comment box placeholder

  # If false, comment count will only be displayed in post page, not in home page
  commentCount: true

  # Pageviews count, Note: You should not enable both `waline.pageview` and `leancloud_visitors`.
  pageview: false

  # Custom emoji
  # emoji:
  #   - https://unpkg.com/@waline/emojis@1.0.1/weibo
  #   - https://unpkg.com/@waline/emojis@1.0.1/alus
  #   - https://unpkg.com/@waline/emojis@1.0.1/bilibili
  #   - https://unpkg.com/@waline/emojis@1.0.1/qq
  #   - https://unpkg.com/@waline/emojis@1.0.1/tieba
  #   - https://unpkg.com/@waline/emojis@1.0.1/tw-emoji

  # Comment infomation, valid meta are nick, mail and link
  # meta:
  #   - nick
  #   - mail
  #   - link

  # Set required meta field, e.g.: [nick] | [nick, mail]
  # requiredMeta:
  #   - nick

  # Language, available values: en-US, zh-CN, zh-TW, pt-BR, ru-RU, jp-JP
  # lang: zh-CN

  # Word limit, no limit when setting to 0
  # wordLimit: 0

  # Whether enable login, can choose from 'enable', 'disable' and 'force'
  # login: enable

  # comment per page
  # pageSize: 10

  # Display the footer copyright information
  copyright: true

  # Allow upload picture
  allowUploadImage: true

  # Print the error message of the picture uploaded by qiniu
  qiniuDebug: false

  # The custom domain for qiniu
  qiniuDomain: https://qiniu.example.cn

  # The api to get qiniu token
  qiniuTokenUrl: https://api.example.cn/qiniu/sdk/token/upload

  # The custom library url for qiniu javascript sdk
  # qiniuLibUrl: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/qiniu-js@3.3.1/dist/qiniu.min.js

Qiniu Token API Return Data Description

    "data": "tdvdhnpSs2JFt8U9-c9hL74ddWtEj",
    "msg": "success"
parameter name type value explain
status code Number 200 http status code, 200 returned successfully, 403 returned illegal request source, 429 returned too many requests, 500 returned system internal error
data String tdvdhnpSs2JFt8U9-c9hL74ddWtEj the value of token
msg String success message


waline client version plugin version
<= v1.x <= v2.2.9
>= v2.x >= v3.x



  • Support Aliyun OSS


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