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Headless React Datepicker

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A headless, highly customizable, multi-calendar date picker component for React. It supports various calendars and locales.

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Supported Calendars

All calendars are supported by the ECMAScript's Intl API:

  • Gregory
  • Persian
  • Indian
  • Iso8601
  • Japanese
  • Buddhist
  • Chinese
  • Coptic
  • Dangi
  • Ethioaa
  • Ethiopic
  • Hebrew
  • Islamic
  • Islamic-umalqura
  • Islamic-tbla
  • Islamic-civil
  • Islamic-rgsa
  • Islamicc
  • Roc

Supported Locales

All locales are supported by the Intl API.


1. install the package

npm install headless-react-datepicker

# or

yarn add headless-react-datepicker

# or

pnpm add headless-react-datepicker

2. import the css file

import "headless-react-datepicker/dist/styles.css";


import React from "react";
import DatePickerProvider, {
} from "headless-react-datepicker";

const MyAwesomeDatePicker = () => {
  return (
      <Title />
      <Header />
      <WeekDays />
      <DaySlots />


Customization of the headless-react-datepicker


Headless React Datepicker structure


Must be in place as the parent of the whole calendar component.

import { DatePickerProvider } from "headless-react-datepicker";


Name Type Description
value Date | Date[] The value of the date picker (Controlled component).
initialValue Date | Date[] The initial value of the date picker.
defaultStartDate Date The default start date. Useful when you want to be on a different month or year despite the initial value.
config TCalendarConfig The configuration for the date picker.
isRange boolean Indicates whether the date picker is a range picker.
calendar TCalendar The calendar to use.
onChange (value: Date | Date[]) => void on calendar selected date change
children ReactNode The other parts of the calendar or your custom components.


Name Type Description Default
weekStartsOn TDay | undefined The first day of the week. "monday"
locale string | undefined The locale to use. "en-US"
showOtherDays boolean | undefined Show other days from the previous and next month or not. false
otherDaysSelectable boolean | undefined Allow selecting other days from the previous and next month or not. false
weekdayFormat "long" | "short" | "narrow" | undefined "narrow"
dayFormat "numeric" | "2-digit" | undefined "numeric"
yearRangeFrom number | undefined last 10 years if not provided
yearRangeTo number | undefined current year if not provided
maxDate Date | undefined Prevent selecting dates before this date.
minDate Date | undefined Prevent selecting dates after this date.
weekends TDay[] | undefined Specify which days of the week are holidays. undefined
weekendSelectable boolean | undefined Allow selecting weekends or not. true
allowBackwardRange boolean | undefined If user select a date before the previous selected date, it will be considered as a range or start from beginning. false


"gregory" | "persian" | "islamic" | "islamic-umalqura" | "islamic-tbla" | "islamic-civil" | "islamic-rgsa" | "iso8601" | "japanese" | "islamicc" | "roc" | "chinese" | "indian" | "buddhist" | "coptic" | "dangi" | "ethioaa" | "ethiopic" | "hebrew"


Title component

The Title component is used to display the month and year based on the selected locale and calendar.

import { Title } from "headless-react-datepicker";


Name Type Options Default
monthFormat string | undefined "numeric", "2-digit" , "long" , "short" , "narrow" "short"
yearFormat string | undefined "numeric" , "2-digit" "numeric"
className string ClassName of the title component
style CSSProperties css styles of the title component

Header component

The Header component is used to navigate to the next and previous month and select month and year from the drop-down list.

You can customize arrow icons with React Node and the dropdowns with className and CSS stylesheets.

import { Header } from "headless-react-datepicker";


Name Type Description
leftIcon ReactNode
rightIcon ReactNode
rootClassName string the root className of the header
rootStyles CSSProperties the root css styles of the header
monthSelectClassName string Class name of the month select dropdown
monthSelectStyles CSSProperties css styles of the month select dropdown
monthOptionClassName string className of the month Options in the dropdown
monthOptionStyles CSSProperties css styles of the month Options in the dropdown
monthSelectedOptionClassName string className the selected option in the month dropdown
monthSelectedOptionStyles CSSProperties css styles the selected option in the month dropdown
yearSelectClassName string className of the year select dropdown
yearSelectStyles CSSProperties css styles of the year select dropdown
yearOptionClassName string className of the year Options in the dropdown
yearOptionStyles CSSProperties css styles of the year Options in the dropdown
yearSelectedOptionClassName string className the selected option in the year dropdown
yearSelectedOptionStyles CSSProperties css styles the selected option in the year dropdown
prevButtonClassName string className of the previous button (left button)
prevButtonStyles CSSProperties css styles of the previous button (left button)
nextButtonClassName string className of the next button (right button)
nextButtonStyles CSSProperties css style of the next button (right button)

WeekDays component

The WeekDays component is used to display the weekday header.

import { WeekDays } from "headless-react-datepicker";


Name Type Description
renderer (args: TWeekDaysRendererArgs) => ReactNode Custom renderer. If provided, the whole component will be ignored
className string Custom class name for the element
style CSSProperties css styles for the element
rootClassName string Custom class name for the parent root element
rootStyle CSSProperties css styles for the parent root element


Name Type Options Description
formattedTitle string Title based on calendar config.weekdayFormat which follows locale and calendar.
weekIndex number
weekDay TDay "monday" | "tuesday" | "wednesday" | "thursday" | "friday" | "saturday" | "sunday"

DaySlots component

The DaySlots component is used to display the month and year based on the selected locale and calendar.

import { DaySlots } from "headless-react-datepicker";


Name Type Description Default
dayRenderer (args: TDaySlotsDayRendererArgs) => ReactNode Custom renderer
onClickSlot (date: Date) => void when click on slot
parentClassName string parent box
parentStyles CSSProperties parent box
slotParentClassName string
slotParentStyles CSSProperties
slotClassName string
slotStyles CSSProperties
todayStyles CSSProperties
todayClassName string
todayParentStyles CSSProperties
todayParentClassName string
disableStyles CSSProperties
disableClassName string
disableParentStyles CSSProperties
disableParentClassName string
weekendStyles CSSProperties
weekendClassName string
weekendParentStyles CSSProperties
weekendParentClassName string
selectedStyles CSSProperties
selectedClassName string
selectedParentStyles CSSProperties
selectedParentClassName string
selectableStyles CSSProperties
selectableClassName string
selectableParentStyles CSSProperties
selectableParentClassName string
inSelectedRangeStyles CSSProperties
inSelectedRangeClassName string
inSelectedRangeParentStyles CSSProperties
inSelectedRangeParentClassName string
inHoveredRangeStyles CSSProperties
inHoveredRangeClassName string
inHoveredRangeParentStyles CSSProperties
inHoveredRangeParentClassName string
startOfRangeStyles CSSProperties
startOfRangeClassName string
startOfRangeParentStyles CSSProperties
startOfRangeParentClassName string
endOfRangeStyles CSSProperties
endOfRangeClassName string
endOfRangeParentStyles CSSProperties
endOfRangeParentClassName string

TDaySlotsDayRendererArgs props

Name Type Options Default
date Date based on calendar config.dayFormat which follows locale and calendar.
formattedDay string Formatted date based on locale and calendar which is in the calendar config.
IsToday boolean Indicate that is the day is today or not.
isSelectable boolean Is the day can be selected or not.
isDisabled boolean Is the day is disabled or not.
isInSelectedRange boolean Is in the selected range (if calendar type is range) or not.
isInHoveredRange boolean Is in the hovered range (if calendar type is range) or not.
isStartOfRange boolean
isEndOfRange boolean
isInWeekend boolean
isSelected boolean
handleClickSlot (date: Date) => void
handleKeyDown (e: React.KeyboardEvent, date: Date) => void onKeyDown event

Date picker Context

You can access almost all props and functions of the date picker from the date picker context, so you can customize and build your own custom component easily.


import { useDatePickerContext } from "headless-react-datepicker";

const MyCustomAwesomeHeader = () => {
  const { goToCurrentMonth, yearInTheCalendar } = useDatePickerContext();

  return <div onClick={goToCurrentMonth}>{yearInTheCalendar}</div>;

returned props

Name Type Description
goToNextMonth () => void Function to navigate to the next month
goToPrevMonth () => void Function to navigate to the previous month
goToDate (date: Date) => void Function to navigate to a specific date
goToCurrentMonth () => void Function to navigate to the current month
goToMonth (month: number) => void Local month (based on the desired calendar)
goToYear (year: number) => void Handle go to year (based on desire calendar)
daysOfMonth Date[] All the dates of the month rendered in the calendar
startDateIncludeOtherDays Date End date of the month rendered in the calendar (include previous month days (if in the week))
endDateIncludeOtherDays Date Start date of the month rendered in the calendar (include next month days (if in the week))
firstDayOfMonth Date First day of the month
lastDayOfMonth Date Last day of the month
selectedDay Date | Date[] | undefined The selected day in the calendar
handleClickSlot (date: Date) => void Callback function when a date is clicked
monthInTheCalendar number Current month in the calendar (based on desire calendar)
totalDaysInTheCalendar number Indicate the total days in the month
yearInTheCalendar number Current year in the desire calendar
monthsList TMonthListItem[] List of all month based on culture
yearsList number[] List of all years based on yearRangeFrom and yearRangeTo
initialValue Date | Date[] The initial value of the date picker.
defaultStartDate Date The default start date. Useful when you want to be on different month or year despite the initial value.
config TCalendarConfig The configuration for the date picker.
isRange boolean Indicates whether the date picker is a range picker.
calendar TCalendar The calendar to use.


Using the Intl API which is ECMAScript Internationalization API with a very good browser support and depends on Temporal for converting other calendars into gregory.


  • [x] remove dependency to date-fns
  • [ ] time picker
  • [ ] rangle picker hover effect
  • [ ] integrate popover for whole calendar
  • [ ] two side by side calendar


MIT @ Sepehr09


We're eagerly welcoming to contributors who want to help build and maintain this repo. PRs are always welcome!

Change log

you can see the change log here

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  • sepehr09