
0.1.0 • Public • Published


A Hapi MongoDB (via Mongoose) plugin. Access one or several connections and optionally expose your model classes through server and request

Options can be a single object with the following keys or an array of the same kind if you need multiple connections:

  • url: Optional. MongoDB connection string (eg. mongodb://user:pass@localhost:27017).
    • defaults to mongodb://localhost:27017/test
  • settings: Optional. Provide extra settings to the connection, see documentation.
  • decorate: Optional. Rather have exposed objects accessible through server and request decorations. You cannot mix different types of decorations.
    • If true, server.db or request.db
    • If it's a string, server.<string> or request.<string>
  • rootDir: Optional. The root dir path of your project. Used when requiring your models
  • models: Optional. A list of models you want to register. Each item is an object of the shape:
    {path: 'string', collection: 'string', name: 'string'}

Some objects are exposed under server and request by this plugin:

  • connection: Mongoose connection object, if an array was provided for the configuration, it will be an array of connections in the same order
  • ObjectID: mongodb ObjectID constructor in case you need to use it
  • modelName: Your registered models are exposed as server.db.className and request.db.className.

Options example:

  url: 'mongodb://localhost:27017/test',
  settings: {
    poolSize: 10
  rootDir: '/project/root/dir',
  models: [{
    path: 'rootDir/path/to/models/User',
    name: 'CustomName',
    collection: 'users'
  decorate: true

Model definition:

A model will receive in its constructor an object with three properties:

  • connection: The Mongoose connection object
  • collection: The collection name. It becomes optional if you add a default value to the collection param in your model, like the example below.
  • name: The model name that is used to access the exposed object. If name = 'CustomName', it'll be accessible as server.db.CustomName. If you don't provide the name, the class name is used with first letter in lowercase, like server.db.className

Model example:

// models/User.js
const {Schema} = require('mongoose')

const UserSchema = new Schema({
  username: {type: String, required: true, unique: true},

class UserModel {
  constructor({connection, name, collection = 'users'}) {
    this.model = connection.model(name, UserSchema, collection)

  async findById(id) {
    return this.model.findById(id).exec()
module.exports = UserModel

Plugin usage example:

const Path = require('path');
const Hapi = require('hapi');
const Boom = require('boom');

const launchServer = async function() {
  // if you don't pass rootDir, you have to pass the full path for each model
  const dbOpts = {
    url: 'mongodb://localhost:27017/test',
    settings: {
      poolSize: 10
    models: [{
      path: Path.join(__dirname, 'models/User'),
    decorate: true
  const server = Hapi.Server();
  await server.register({
    plugin: require('hapi-mongodb-models'),
    options: dbOpts

    method: 'GET',
    path: '/users/{id}',
    async handler(request) {
      const {db: {userModel}, param: {id}} = request;

      try {
        const result = await userModel.findById(id);
        return result;
      catch (err) {
        throw Boom.internal('Internal MongoDB error', err);

  await server.start();
  console.log(`Server started at ${server.info.uri}`);

launchServer().catch((err) => {

Compatibility level

  • Hapi >= 17
  • Node.js >= 8

Ships with mongoose 5


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