
1.0.2 • Public • Published

Hapi JWT

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hapi-jwt is a JWT authentication plugin for Hapi.

This is library is a fork of Jerry Sievert's hapi-auth-jwt library.


$ npm install --save hapi-jwt


hapi-jwt will validate a token passed in the bearer authorization header, e.g. 'Authorization:Bearer #{my_auth_token}', or by an access_token query parameter in the request. The validation will only occur on routes that have the authorization scheme set in the routes config object.

hapi-jwt will return an error response if the token is invalid or expired, as well as an error if the request is malformed.


Register the plugin with your server object, from there we'll need to create a new server auth strategy within the registration block. To create our new auth strategy, will need to pass our new strategy's name, the strategy type, as well as the types options. hapi-jwt's auth strategy type currently is 'bearer-access-token'.

  server.pack.register(require('hapi-jwt'), function ( err ) {
    server.auth.strategy( 'jwt-auth', 'bearer-access-token', options );

Options & Token Validation

Token validation is handled by the validateFunc that is set in our auth strategy's options object. Also within our options object, we'll pass our secret key. The secret key will be used by hapi-jwt to decrypt our token.

  function validateToken ( decoded, request, next ) {
    var isValid = false;
    if ( decoded.username === "valid user"  ) isValid = true;
    return next(null, isValid, { token: decoded });
  var options: {
    validateFunc: validateToken,
    secret: 'mySecret'
  server.auth.strategy( 'jwt-auth', 'bearer-access-token', options );

Any logic that our app needs to validate the decrypted token data will live inside of validateFunc. If we pass an err to our callback, or isValid is set to false, hapi-jwt will return a 401 Unauthorized error response.

Securing a route

Hapi routes can be secured using our auth scheme using the routes config object.

  function defaultHandler ( req, reply ) {
  server.route({ method: 'GET', path: '/', handler: defaultHandler, config: { auth: 'jwt-auth' } });

Token generation

As of writing this, hapi-jwt does not handle token generation, revoking, or re-issuing. This functionality will need to be handled with in your application.

API Reference


  • validateFunc - (required) a token lookup and validation function with the signature function (token, request, callback) where:
    • token - the decoded and authenticated JSON Web Token.
    • request - the request object.
    • callback - a callback function with the signature function (err, isValid, credentials) where:
      • err - an internal error.
      • isValid - true if access is to be granted, otherwise false.
      • credentials - a credentials object passed back to the application in request.auth.credentials. Typically, credentials are only included when isValid is true, but there are cases when the application needs to know who tried to authenticate even when it fails (e.g. with authentication mode 'try').
  • secret - (required) the secret for decoding the JWT Bearer Token


See the example directory for examples


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