Handy Acme
npm install handyacme --save
Get Started
import HandyAcme from "handyacme"
const le = await HandyAcme.create("LetsEncrypt")
Create Account or import the exists account
// Create an Account
await le.createAccount('user@example.com')
const account = await le.exportAccount()
email: string
accountUrl: string
jwk: JsonWebKey
// Import Account
await le.importAccount(account)
Create an Order
// Create an Order
const order = await le.createOrder(['test.example.com'])
// authorizations
const authorizations = await order.authorizations()
// For restore
// const authorizationUrl = authorizations[0].url
// const authorization = await le.restoreAuthorization(authorizationUrl)
// sign for the default http-01 challenge
const token = authorizations[0].challengeHttp.token
const httpSignKey = await authorizations[0].challengeHttp.sign()
// Acme Server will send a http request to http://test.example.com/.well-known/acme-challenge/${token}
// and the expect content is ${httpSignKey}
// sign for the default dns-01 challenge
const dnsSignKey = await authorizations[0].challengeDns.sign()
// expect DNS TXT Record _acme-challenge.test.example.com => dnsSignKey
Verify the challenge when you are ready
const le = await HandyAcme.create("LetsEncrypt")
await le.importAccount(account)
const authorization = await le.restoreAuthorization(authorizationUrl)
// pending verify
if (authorization.isPending) {
const challenge = await le.restoreChallenge(challengeUrl)
if (!challenge.isValid) {
// challenge not ready. show the challenge
return challenge
// verify succeed
} else if (authorization.isValid) {
const order = await le.restoreOrder(orderUrl)
// order is ready
// finalize certification from CSR
// and return the PEM privateKey
if (order.isReady) {
const { privateKey, csr } = await order.csr("ECDSA")
await order.finalize(csr)
return privateKey
// ready for download cert
// download and return PEM cert
} else if ( order.isValid ) {
return await order.downloadCertification()
// may be pending or invalid
} else {
return order