
0.1.0 • Public • Published


Gulp.js plugin utilizing gm to automate down-scaling of images to target lower resolution or non-retina browsers. Accepts @4x and @2x resolutions, outputting to @4x, @2x, and @1x. Overrides may be implemented by manually creating lower resolution copies in the source directory.


  • Works in Node 0.10+ with Gulp.js
  • Requires GraphicsMagick for Node. Please go there for installation directions and relevant questions.


  1. Install GraphicsMagick for Node (follow instructions).
  • Install Gulp npm install -g gulp
  • Install gulp-retinize npm install --save-dev gulp-retinize
  • Create your gulpfile.js:


var gulp = require('gulp');
var retinize = require('gulp-retinize');
var retinizeOpts = {
    // Your options here.
gulp.task('images', images);
function images(file) {
  console.log('Retinizing images...');
  return gulp.src(file && file.path || './img/**/*.{png,jpg,jpeg}')
    .on('error', function(e) {

Options (Optional)


Type: Object

Default: {1: '@1x', 2: '@2x', 4: '@4x'}

The flags Retinize will use to detect which source images should be resized. Key is output resolution, value is flag.


Type: Boolean

Default: false

Whether to look for the flags at the beginning of the source image filename, e.g., @2xgrumpycat or at the end, e.g., grumpycat@2x. Defaults to the latter.


Type: Object

Default: {1: '', 2: '@2x', 4: '@4x'}

The flags Retinize will append (or prepend) to the destination image files. Key is output resolution, value is flag. Note that, by default, @1x files are unflagged.


Type: Boolean

Default: false

Whether to output the flags at the beginning of the destination image filename, e.g., @2xgrumpycat or at the end, e.g., grumpycat@2x. Defaults to the latter.


Type: Array

Default: ['jpg', 'jpeg', 'png']

Whitelist of allowed extensions.


Type: Boolean

Default: true

Whether to round partial resolutions up (true) (default) or down (false). For example, an @2x source image with dimensions of 35px x 35px will be scaled to 18px x 18px by default.


Type: Boolean

Default: true

Whether to omit resolutions not matched by options.flags. For instance, by default, and image of grumpycat@4x will be ignored if options.flags is set to {1: '', 2: '@2x'}.


Type: Boolean

Default: false

Whether to scale images up if they are only included at a lower resolution in their source files. For example, if true, an images directory that includes only grumpycat@2x.png will output destination files grumpycat@4x.png (scaled up), grumpycat@2x.png, and grumpycat.png. Note that this depends on what resolutions are included in options.flagsOut.


Type: Boolean

Default: true

Whether to, for each image, scan its containing folder for other source image sizes. If false, will only search within the files matched by gulp.src().

Use With

Gulp Watch (NOT

Install gulp-watch: npm install --save-dev gulp-watch and implement as follows:

var gulp = require('gulp');
var retinize = require('gulp-retinize');
var watch = require('gulp-watch');
var retinizeOpts = {
    // Your options here.
gulp.task('images', images);
gulp.task('watch', function() {
  // Prevent gulp-watch from reading the file contents and follow the "change" event:
  watch(['./img/**/*.{png,jpg,svg}'], { read: false }, images);
function images(file) {
  // ... (see "Usage")


Install gulp-livereload (npm install --save-dev gulp-livereload) and Chrome Extension and implement as follows:

var gulp = require('gulp');
var retinize = require('gulp-retinize');
var watch = require('gulp-watch');
var livereload = require('gulp-livereload');
var retinizeOpts = {
    /// Your options here.
gulp.task(images, images);
gulp.task('watch', function() {
  // Prevent gulp-watch from reading the file contents and follow the "change" event:
  watch(['./img/**/*.{png,jpg,svg}'], { read: false }, images);
  // Watch destination files and reload
  var server = livereload();
  watch('./public/img/**/*', livereload.changed);
function images(file) {
  // ... (see "Usage")


  • Each file in stream that does not map to a real file will be ignored. This means that any image processing will have to happen downstream of Retinize.
  • This is a plugin I developed some time ago and only recently decided to publish. There may be a few problems here and there, especially when using outside my typical use cases, so please do feel free to post any issue for any reason.


Developed in Alaska by Matti Dupre

Provided under The MIT License (MIT)

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  • mattidupre