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1.6.2 • Public • Published

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Replace build blocks in HTML. Like useref but done right.

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Put some blocks in your HTML file:

<!-- build:<name> -->
Everything here will be replaced
<!-- endbuild -->

name is the name of the block. Could consist of letters, digits, underscore ( _ ) and hyphen ( - ) symbols.


htmlreplace(tasks, options)


Type: Object {task-name: replacement}

  • task-name - The name of the block in your HTML.
  • replacement - String|Array|stream.Readable|Object The replacement. See examples below.
Simple example:
// Options is a single string
htmlreplace({js: 'js/main.js'})
// Options is an array of strings
htmlreplace({js: ['js/monster.js', 'js/hero.js']})

If your options strings ends with .js or .css they will be replaced by correct script/style tags, so you don't need to specify a template like in the example below.

Advanced example:
// Options is an object
  js: {
    src: 'img/avatar.png',
    tpl: '<img src="%s" align="left" />'
// Multiple tag replacement
  js: {
    src: [['data-main.js', 'require-src.js']],
    tpl: '<script data-main="%s" src="%s"></script>'
  • src - String|Array|stream.Readable Same thing as in simple example.
  • tpl - String Template string. Uses util.format() internally.

In the first example %s will be replaced with img/avatar.png producing <img src="img/avatar.png" align="left"> as the result.

In the second example data-main="%s" and src="%s" will be replaced with data-main.js and require-src.js accordingly, producing <script data-main="data-main.js" src="require-src.js"></script> as the result

Extended replacements:
// Replacement based on the file being processed
  js: {
    src: null,
    tpl: '<script src="%f".js></script>'
// Extended replacement combined with standard replacement
  js: {
    src: 'dir',
    tpl: '<script src="%s/%f".js"></script>'
  • src - null|String|Array|stream.Readable Same as examples above but null if there are no standard replacements in the template.
  • tpl - String Template string. Extended replacements do not use util.format() and are performed before standard replacements.

In the first example src is null because there are no standard replacements. %f is replaced with the name (without extension) of the file currently being processed. If the file being processed is xyzzy.html the result is <script src="xyzzy.js"></script>.

In the second example src has been set to the string 'dir'. Extended replacements are processed first, replacing %f with xyzzy, then %s will be replaced with dir resulting in <script src="dir/xyzzy.js"></script>.

Valid extended replacements are:

  • %f - this will be replaced with the filename, without an extension.
  • %e - this will be replaced with the extension including the . character.
Stream replacements:

Everywhere a string replacement can be given, a stream of vinyl is also accepted. The content of each file will be treated as UTF-8 text and used for replacement. If the stream produces more than a file the behavior is the same as when an array is given.

// Replacement is a stream
  cssInline: {
    src: gulp.src('style/main.scss').pipe(sass()),
    tpl: '<style>%s</style>'


Type: object

All false by default.

  • {Boolean} keepUnassigned - Whether to keep blocks with unused names or remove them.
  • {Boolean} keepBlockTags - Whether to keep <!-- build --> and <!-- endbuild --> comments or remove them.
  • {Boolean} resolvePaths - Try to resolve relative paths. For example if your cwd is /, your html file is /page/index.html and you set replacement as lib/file.js the result path in that html will be ../lib/file.js
Options example:
  js: {
    src: null,
    tpl: '<script src="%f".js></script>'
}, {
  keepUnassigned: false,
  keepBlockTags: false,
  resolvePaths: false



<!DOCTYPE html>
    <!-- build:css -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/normalize.css">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/main.css">
    <!-- endbuild -->
    <!-- build:js -->
    <script src="js/player.js"></script> 
    <script src="js/monster.js"></script> 
    <script src="js/world.js"></script> 
    <!-- endbuild -->


var gulp = require('gulp');
var htmlreplace = require('gulp-html-replace');
gulp.task('default', function() {
        'css': 'styles.min.css',
        'js': 'js/bundle.min.js'


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.min.css">
    <script src="js/bundle.min.js"></script> 


From 0.x to 1.x

This version introduces streaming support, less confusing API, new option keepUnused and full code overhaul.

  • If you used single task like this: htmlreplace('js', 'script.js') just change it to htmlreplace({js: 'script.js'})
  • If you used single task with template: htmlreplace('js', 'script.js', '<script="%s">') change it to htmlreplace({js: {src: 'script.js', tpl: '<script="%s">'})
  • files renamed to src, see previous example. Rename if needed.

From 1.1.x to 1.2.x

This version switches to the new way of specifying options which is more future-proof. Before it was htmlreplace(tasks, keepUnassigned = false), now it's htmlreplace(tasks, {keepUnassigned: false}). No action required, old syntax will still work, but it is advisable to switch to the new syntax.



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