
0.1.0 • Public • Published


Utilitary helpers for react-admin applications. It's private package, supported by Empeek team.


npm install empeek.utils.react-admin


yarn add empeek.utils.react-admin



Includes a set of components for constructing a form, built using Material UI Tabs component. Unlike TabbedForm component provided by react-admin, MultiColumnForm does not include Toolbar with SaveButton by default, but has a more flexible layout and better customization options.

Basic Usage:

import React from 'react';
import { MultiColumnForm, Content } from 'empeek.utils.react-admin';
import { TextInput, NumberInput } from 'react-admin';
export default props => (
  <MultiColumnForm {...props}>
    <Content position="main">
      <NumberInput source="id" label="ID" />
      <TextInput source="name" label="Name" />

Usage with Tabs:

import React from 'react';
import { MultiColumnForm, Content, FormTab } from 'empeek.utils.react-admin';
import { TextInput, NumberInput } from 'react-admin';
export default props => (
  <MultiColumnForm {...props}>
    <Content position="main">
      <NumberInput source="id" label="ID" />
      <TextInput source="name" label="Name" />
    <Content position="bottom">
      <FormTab label="Notes">
        <TextInput source="notes" label="Notes" />
      <FormTab label="Contact details">
        <TextInput source="phone" label="phone" />
        <TextInput source="email" label="email" />

Tip: FormTab expects a child, which can be in most cases Input type or Field type Component, but you can pass inside your own component with unique layout, it's totally up to you.

Content component available props:

  • position : Type: String. Available values: "main", "side", "bottom".

FormTab component available props:

  • label : Type: String. Used as Tab Name.
  • icon : Type: Element. You can easily set icon from collection of Material UI icons


Component allows editing of arrays, inside in record. For example tags array inside in post record:

  id: 123;
  tags: [
      id: 0,
      name: 'Sport',
      id: 1,
      name: 'Music',

Component displays an array of fields in an table (<table>), one sub-form by table row (<tr>). It also provides controls for adding and removing a sub-record. Built using Material UI table conponents.


import React from 'react';
import { DisabledInput, TextField, NumberField } from 'react-admin';
import { TableFormIterator } from 'empeek.utils.react-admin';

export default props => (
  <ArrayInput source="tags">
      <NumberField source="id" label="ID" />
      <TextField source="name" label="Name" />

Available props:

  • disableAdd : Type: Boolean. Disable ADD button. Default value false.
  • disableRemove Type: Boolean. Disable REMOVE button, bellow the table. Default value false.
  • tableRowDisable Type: Boolean. Style table row by adding red color.

Data Provider

Data Provider already includes credentials for API (Authorization header) and supports features needed for authentication refreshTokens. Data Provider it's function which receives three arguments:

  • fakeData - for testing purpose.
  • apiBaseUrl - string, which will be concat to your main entry point url.
  • apiAuthUrl - string, which will be concat to your main entry point url and used for auth requests.
  • saveTokens - func, receives data object, which contains all necessary credential info, like username and tokens. Must be same for authProvider.
  • clearTokens - func, removes credentials from local storage etc. Must be same for authProvider.

In you need to use dataProvider inside custom pages, use withDataProvider


import React from 'react';
import { Admin, Resource } from 'react-admin';
import { dataProvider } from 'empeek.utils.react-admin';

const fakeData = {
  users: [
    id: 1,
    firstName: 'Jhon',
    lastName: 'Doe',

const apiBaseUrl = '/api';
const apiAuthUrl = `${apiBaseUrl}/token`;

const App = () => (
    title="My awesome application"
    dataProvider={dataProvider({ fakeData, apiBaseUrl, apiAuthUrl })}
    <Resource name="users" />

!Note Make sure you do not forget to specify the parameter 'proxy' in your package.json file. For example:

"proxy": "",

After that dataProvider will send a request to the address

Auth Provider

AuthProvider supports authentication refresh tokens strategy and store user's credentials in local storage.


Sometimes you may encounter a problem when your UI on the production server is broken. The reason for this may be a collision of classnames. It may be happening because React-Admin and Material-UI using two independent counters for naming in production. You can find more info here:





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