
0.8.8 • Public • Published

grunt-contrib-jasmine-phantom v0.8.8 Build Status

Run jasmine specs headlessly through PhantomJS.

Getting Started

This plugin is a fork of grunt-contrib-jasmine-phantom. This plugin works around solving an issue with glob pattern in strings.

Todos : Rewrite tests for this plugin, check all the other functionalities.

This plugin is tested with Grunt-cli '~1.4.3' which has dependency to Grunt ~1.3.0

If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:

npm install grunt-contrib-jasmine-phantomjs-unofficial --save-dev

Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:


Jasmine task

Run this task with the grunt jasmine command.

If you want to run specific Suite or any spec. _Run this task with the grunt jasmine:unit:run="suite1|suite2|......etc"

unit -> It contains options for jasmine task to run specs.

Automatically builds and maintains your spec runner and runs your tests headlessly through PhantomJS.

Run specs locally or on a remote server

Run your tests on your local filesystem or via a server task like grunt-contrib-connect.

Run with code coverage

Specify coverage field in options passed as mentioned in options section and the run jasmine:unit --coverage

Customize your SpecRunner with templates

Use your own SpecRunner templates to customize how grunt-contrib-jasmine builds the SpecRunner. See the wiki for details and third party templates for examples.

AMD Support

Supports AMD tests via the grunt-template-jasmine-requirejs module

Third party templates



Type: Object

Configuration to run code coverage. By the default this plugin uses Blanket js.


coverage: {
    yes: 'app/', // To be covered
    no: "[spec, app/vendor]", // To be skipped
    onCoverage: function(cb) { // Callback to run after all specs executed.
        // Do your stuff with this.lcovPath, this.leastCovered and this.percentage


Type: String|Array

Your source files. These are the files that you are testing. If you are using RequireJS your source files will be loaded as dependencies into your spec modules and will not need to be placed here.


Type: String|Array

Your Jasmine specs.


Type: String|Array

Third party libraries like jQuery & generally anything loaded before source, specs, and helpers.


Type: String|Array

Non-source, non-spec helper files. In the default runner these are loaded after vendor files


Type: String|Array

CSS files that get loaded after the jasmine.css


Type: String
Default: '2.0.1'

This is the jasmine-version which will be used. currently available versions are:

  • 2.0.1
  • 2.0.0

Due to changes in Jasmine, pre-2.0 versions have been dropped and tracking will resume at 2.0.0


Type: String
Default: _SpecRunner.html

The auto-generated specfile that phantomjs will use to run your tests. Automatically deleted upon normal runs. Use the :build flag to generate a SpecRunner manually e.g. grunt jasmine:myTask:build


Type: Boolean
Default: false

Prevents the auto-generated specfile used to run your tests from being automatically deleted.


Type: String
Default: undefined

Path to output JUnit xml


Type: Boolean
Default: false

Consolidate the JUnit XML so that there is one file per top level suite.


Type: String
Default: undefined

Specify a custom JUnit template instead of using the default junitTemplate.

Type: String
Default: ''

The host you want PhantomJS to connect against to run your tests.

e.g. if using an ad hoc server from within grunt

host : ''

Without a host, your specs will be run from the local filesystem.


Type: String Object
Default: undefined

Custom template used to generate your Spec Runner. Parsed as underscore templates and provided the expanded list of files needed to build a specrunner.

You can specify an object with a process method that will be called as a template function. See the Template API Documentation for more details.


Type: Object
Default: {}

Options that will be passed to your template. Used to pass settings to the template.


Type: String|Array

Third party polyfill libraries like json2 that are loaded at the very top before anything else. es5-shim is loaded automatically with this library.


Type: String
Default: full

  • full displays the full specs tree
  • short only displays a success or failure character for each test (useful with large suites)
  • none displays nothing


Type: Boolean
Default: false

Display a list of all failed tests and their failure messages


Type: Object, Default : {}

If you want to attach any event on Phantom instance pass them through handlers object with event name as key and handler as value.


Name: build

Turn on this flag in order to build a SpecRunner html file. This is useful when troubleshooting templates, running in a browser, or as part of a watch chain e.g.

watch: {
  pivotal : {
    files: ['src/**/*.js', 'specs/**/*.js'],
    tasks: 'jasmine:pivotal:build'

Filtering specs

filename grunt jasmine --filter=foo will run spec files that have foo in their file name.

folder grunt jasmine --filter=/foo will run spec files within folders that have foo* in their name.

wildcard grunt jasmine --filter=/*-bar will run anything that is located in a folder *-bar

comma separated filters grunt jasmine --filter=foo,bar will run spec files that have foo or bar in their file name.

flags with space grunt jasmine --filter="foo bar" will run spec files that have foo bar in their file name. grunt jasmine --filter="/foo bar" will run spec files within folders that have foo bar* in their name.

Example application usage

Basic Use

Sample configuration to run Pivotal Labs' example Jasmine application.

// Example configuration
  jasmine: {
    pivotal: {
      src: 'src/**/*.js',
      options: {
        specs: 'spec/*Spec.js',
        helpers: 'spec/*Helper.js'

Supplying a custom template

Supplying a custom template to the above example

// Example configuration
  jasmine: {
    customTemplate: {
      src: 'src/**/*.js',
      options: {
        specs: 'spec/*Spec.js',
        helpers: 'spec/*Helper.js',
        template: 'custom.tmpl'

Supplying template modules and vendors

A complex version for the above example

// Example configuration
  jasmine: {
    customTemplate: {
      src: 'src/**/*.js',
      options: {
        specs: 'spec/*Spec.js',
        helpers: 'spec/*Helper.js',
        template: require('exports-process.js')
        vendor: [

Sample RequireJS/NPM Template usage

// Example configuration
  jasmine: {
    yourTask: {
      src: 'src/**/*.js',
      options: {
        specs: 'spec/*Spec.js',
        template: require('grunt-template-jasmine-requirejs')

NPM Templates are just node modules, so you can write and treat them as such.

Please see the grunt-template-jasmine-requirejs documentation for more information on the RequireJS template.


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