
0.0.11 • Public • Published


bildung is a Grunt plugin for generating static websites. Inspiration from Jekyll and similar tools. Prior art: grunt-pages by @crhisawren et al.

Note: This project is still in its early stages, so the API is subject to changes.


See Gruntfile.js for an example usage.



Type: String Default: dist

The destination folder for the generated website.


Type: String Default: content

The path to the articles.


Type: String Default: assets

The path to the assets folder, the contents of which will be copied as is to the destination folder. Put your CSS, JS, images and what-not here.


Type: String Default: templates

The path to the templates folder, which are used to render the articles.


Type: String Default: list

The name of the template to use for the index page (which contains the list of all articles).


Type: String Default: :year/:month/:day/:slug

The permalink to each individual post. You can use any property from the Article class (described below).


Type: Function Default: Sort by date (recent first)

The sort function to use when generating the list of articles for the index page.


Type: Function Default: Exclude filenames starting with _ (we consider those are drafts)

The filter function can be used to exclude some articles from the generation process.


Type: Object

Send options directly to the marked plugin. See its documentation for available options.


Type: String Default: MMM D, YYYY

The format to use with moment.js for generating the human-readable date for the article.


Type: String Default: YYYY-MM-DD

The format to use with moment.js for generating the machine-readable date for the article.


Type: Object/Boolean

Set rss: false to skip RSS generation. The various options if you do want to create a RSS feed:

  • title String Title of the feed; if missing, falls back to the title option on the global config object.
  • description String Description of the feed; if missing, falls back to the description option on the global config object.
  • posts Number (default: 20) The number of posts to include in the RSS feed.
  • author String The author of the feed; if missing, falls back to the author option on the global config object. Other RSS options you can specify: managingEditor, webMaster (they fall back to author).

The Article class

  • metadata
    • title title of the article
    • date raw Date for the article
    • year year of the article (4-digit number)
    • month month of the article (1 to 12)
    • day day of the article (1 to 31)
    • moment human-readable article date with the format controlled by the moment option
    • datetime machine-readable article date with the format controlled by the datetime option
    • slug article slug
    • permalink permalink to the article
    • basepath path to the root of the site (taking into account the permalink pattern)
    • template the name of the template to use for rendering the article (default is article)
  • filename file name of the source file, useful for filtering out drafts (see filter option)
  • content HTML content of the article passed through marked (see marked option for parser configuration)

Note: The metadata object for each article will reflect all the properties from the article's front matter. Careful with the name collisions though, there's no check -- if you use any of the properties outlined under metadata above, they most certainly will be overwritten (YOLO).

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  • danburzo