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Grunt Approvals Server

Grunt task to run approvals server for client-side approval testing

Grunt Approvals Server is a Grunt wrapper around approvals-server which is a node server wrapper around Javascript approvals. Due to the wrapper nature of the grunt task, the configuration is minimal, simply taking the file location for your approvals-server configuration. An example configuration is as follows:

// ... grunt code above

        "approvals-server": {
            start: {
                path: '.config/approvals-server.conf.js' // replace this path with your own
        // other configuration goes here

    // loading more tasks

    grunt.registerTask('test', ['approvals-server:start', 'test-runner-task']);

// and grunt code below ...

The gruntfile I used to test proper installation is as follows:

module.exports = function (grunt) {
        karma: {
            test: {
                configFile: '.config/karma.conf.js'
        "approvals-server-start": {
            path: '.config/approvals-server.conf.js'


    grunt.registerTask('test', ['approvals-server-start', 'karma:test', 'approvals-server-stop']);

Configuration for approvals-server can be found on the Approvals Server NPM page and configuration for approvals can be found on the Approvals page.

An example configuration for the Approvals/Approvals-Server package looks like the following:

var BeyondCompare4 = require('beyond-compare-4-reporter');

module.exports = {
    approvals: {
        reporters: [new BeyondCompare4()],

        normalizeLineEndingsTo: '\n',

        appendEOL: true,

        EOL: require('os').EOL,

        errorOnStaleApprovedFiles: true,

        shouldIgnoreStaleApprovedFile: function (/*fileName*/) { return false; },

        stripBOM: false,

        forceApproveAll: false

    port: 3217,
    path: './test/approvals'

An example custom reporter for Beyond Compare 4 is like the following:

var spawn = require('child_process').spawn;
var fs = require('fs');

function statPath(filePath) {
    try {
        return fs.lstatSync(filePath);
    } catch (e) {
        return false;

function BeyondCompare4 () {
    return {
        name: 'BeyondCompare4',
        canReportOn: function () {
            return true;
        report: function (approvedFilePath, receivedFilePath) {
            var executionPath = '/Program Files/Beyond Compare 4/BCompare.exe';
            var approvedPath = './' + approvedFilePath;
            var receivedPath = './' + receivedFilePath;

            var approvedStat = statPath(approvedPath);

            if (!approvedStat) {
                fs.writeFileSync(approvedPath, '');

            spawn(executionPath, [receivedPath, approvedPath], { detached: true });


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  • cmstead