
2.0.0 • Public • Published

gracenode 2.0

©Nobuyori Takahashi < >

What gracenode does

  • Manages cluster process.

  • Handles daemonizing of the application and auto-restarting on file changes.

  • Bootstrap other modules to organize setting up of each module on starting of the application process.

  • Provides a built-in logging module.

  • Provides plethora of utility functions to aid development.

Installation via npm

NOTE: If you are running your application as a daemon with older version of gracenode, please make sure to stop the daemon before installing the newer version.

npm install gracenode

Add gracenode as your application's dependency

To install gracenode you can either add it to your package.json like so:

Install From Git Repository

    "dependencies": {
        "gracenode": "git+"

Install From npm Repositiory

    "dependeicies": {
        "gracenode": "2.0.0"

Install From Git Without package.json

npm install git+

How To Use gracenode

In order to use gracenode, you need to properly set it up in your application root file (The file that starts your application).

Configure Logging and Cluster Management

These are optional configurations, but you will want to know what they do.

var gn = require('gracenode');
// Here the configurations are given as an object
    log: {
        file: '/path/to/my/logging/dir/'
    cluster: {
        // Maximum number of workers
        max: 0
// Now start gracenode
gn.start(function () {
    // Your application is now ready!

NOTE 1: You may give the configurations as a JSON file also:


NOTE 2: You may call .config() as many times a syou need to merge the configuration objects.

This is useful when you have shared common configurtions with other developers and your custom configrations for each.



NOTE 3: More details for logging and cluster configurations will be given later in this README.

Start Your Application As A Daemon

There are 2 different ways to start your application as a daemon.

Example 1:

Assuming app.js is your appliction file to execute.

node app.js start -l /path/to/my/daemon/logging/

Example 2:

gracenode creates ./gracenode executable when you install gracenode.

Assuming app.js is your appliction file to execute.

./gracenode app.js start -l /path/to/my/daemon/logging/

NOTE: More details on the daemonization command options will be explain later in this REAME.

Auto-Restarting Of Daemon Process

It is very useful when you are developing your application to automatically restart the running daemon on changes that your make.

To do so, you need to use a daemon command option -w.


node app.js start -l /path/to/my/daemon/logging/ -w /path/to/my/app/code/ /path/to/my/another/ap/code

NOTE: -w option watches the directories/files that are given and when there changes such as adding a new file, removing some files, and changing the existing file are detected, daemon will automatically restart so that your changes are now in effect without having to manually restart your daemon.

Bootstrapping other modules

Some modules require some setting up before they can be used in your code, some setup process maybe asynchronous and your application has to wait for it to complete its process. When you use such modules, simply calling var mod = require('great-mod'); is not good enough especially when the module requires asynchronous setup.

gracenode can bootstrap all of these modules and handle setting up of each module in an organized way.

For example, assuming this foo module needs to read some files before it is ready, gracenode can handle it like so:

var gn = require('gracenode');
gn.use('foo', 'node_modules/foo', {
    setup: function (cb) {
    // Now gracenode is ready
    // And foo is also ready
    // To access foo module:;

NOTE 1: The 2nd argument of .use() is a relative path to load the module foo. The path is relative to the root path of your application.

NOTE 2: The 3rd argument is an optional object that you can assign specific functions to perform setting and/or cleaning.

NOTE 3: this inside of the functions you assign to the 3rd argument is the module you are "using". In this example, this is foo module.

NOTE 4: More details on .use() and its options will be explained later in this README.

Accessing Bootstrapped Modules

gracenode has a property .mod that holds all bootrstapped modules. The first argument of .use() will be the name of bootstrapped module.

Here is how you would access the bootstrapped modules in your application code:

var gn = require('gracenode');
gn.use('myModule', '/path/to/my/module/');
gn.start(function () {



Returns a application root path as a string.

.config(configObj [object])

Set configurations as an object as an option.

This function can be called multiple times and it will merge all configuration objects being passed.

NOTE: The same configuration properties will be overwritten.

.onExit(taskFunction [function])

Assigns a function to be executed on process exit of gracenode. The assigned function will have a callback function passed.


gracenode.onExit(function (callback) {
    // do something before terminating the process

Default Configurations

gracenode can be configured with the following properties by default:

    log: {
        rotationType: [string],
        useTimestamp: [boolean],
        bufferSize: [int],
        bufferFlushInterval: [int],
        oneFile: [boolean],
        file: [string],
        console: [boolean],
        remote: [object],
        color: [boolean],
        showHidden: [boolean],
        depth: [int],
        level: [string]
    cluster: {
        max: [int],
        autoSpawn: [boolean],
        sync: [boolean]

NOTE: To use configurations for bootstrapped module, simply use the same name as used in .use().


Defines log file rotation type.

The valid types are:

  • year

  • month

  • day

  • hour

Default is day,


If true, the logging time will be in Unix timestamp.

Default is false.


Defines the buffer size for log data in bytes.

Default is 8128 bytes (8KB).

NOTE: File logging only.


Defines auto-buffer-flush interval in milliseconds.

Default is 5000ms (5 seconds).

NOTE: File logging only.


If true, file logging will be combined in to one file for all log levels.

Default is false.

NOTE: File logging only.


Defines the path to the logging directory.

If this is not set, gracenode will NOT log to file, but stdout/stderr stream only.

Default is not set.


If true, all logging will be outputting to stdout/stderr stream.

Default is true.


Defines the configurations to send logging data to a remote server via UDP protocol.

    host: [string],
    port: [int]

Default is not set.


If true, logging data will be colored.

Default is false.


If true, logging objects will show hidden properties.

Default is false.


Defines how far logging module should recursively output objects.

Default is not set.


Defines from which log level to output.

The valid log levels are:

  • verbose

  • debug

  • table

  • trace

  • info

  • warn

  • error

  • fatal

Use >, >= to control the definition of log level.


'>= info'

The above example will be logging from log level info to lower (info, warn, error, fatal).

NOTE: From the top highest to lowest


Defines how many cluster worker processes.

If 0 is given, gracenode will not be running in cluster.

Default is 0.


If true, terminated worker processes will be automatically respawned and replaced.

Default is false.


If true, all workers will share a list of existing workers and their pid.

This may lead to server stress.

Default is true.

.registerShutdownTask(taskFunction [function])

Alias of .onExit().

.use(moduleName [string], modulePath [string], options [object])

Tells gracenode to bootstrap and set up a given module.

gracenode will be loading the module from modulePath.

options [object]

Assigns an optional functions to be executed for the bootstrapped module.


    config: [function],
    setup: [function],
    exit: [function]
options.config [function]

A function to be executed when starting the gracenode process to read configuration data.

The assigned function be will passed a configuration data.


gracenode.use('myMod', '/path/to/my/mod/', {
    config: function (configData) {
        this.configData = configData;

NOTE: this in the function is the bootstrapped module.

.options.setup [function]

A function to be executed when starting the gracenode process after options.config() if provided.

If options.config() is not provided, it will be called at the start of bootstrapping the module.

The function will be passed a callback function.


gracenode.use('myMod', {
    setup: function (callback) {
        // do something here

NOTE: this in the function is the bootstrapped module.

.options.exit [function]

A function to be executed on exitting of the gracenode process.

It is useful to clean up before the exit.

The function will be passed a callback function.


gracenode.use('myMod', '/path/to/my/mod/', {
    exit: function (callback) {
        // do something here

NOTE: this in the function is the bootstrapped module.

.start(callback [function]);

Starts the gracenode process.

NOTE: If there is an error while starting the process, it will crush with an exception.

.stop(error [*error object])

Stops the running gracenode process.

If an error object is passed, it will stop the process with an error.


Returns true if the process is running in cluster and the process is a master process.


Returns true if the process is running in cluster.


gracenode comes will built-in logging module.

It is access as gracenode.log.

How To Log

In order to log some data, you need to create a logger.

var logger = gracenode.log.create();
logger.verbose('I am logging something here');

.log.setPrefix(prefix [string])

Defines a prefix to each logging data.

.log.create(loggerName [*string])

Returns an instance of logger object.

Logger Class Methods


Log level verbose.


Log level debug.


Log level debug.


Log level debug.


Log level info.


Log level warn.


Log level error.


Log level fatal.

Log Event

gracenode log module emits an even on each log output.

gracenode.log.on('output', function (ip, logName, level, messageObj) {
    // do something


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