
2.0.0 • Public • Published


Simple way to visualise things on a 3D globe

See a live demo here.


Get it from NPM

npm install globejs

Using with Browserify or without it

This package can be used with browserify like this:

var Globe = require('globejs');

Globe.init("world.jpg", 0.005);

or in vanilla Javascript like this:

<script src="globe.js" data-compat="true"></script>
  window.Globe.init("world.jpg", 0.005);

Simple example

In the simplest case, you can get things on the globe like this:

<!doctype html>
  <script src="globe.js" data-compat="true"></script>
    var latitude = 47.367347, longitude = 8.550002, color = 0x0000ff;
    window.Globe.init("world.jpg", 0.005);
    window.Globe.add(latitude, longitude, 0, color); // blue marker on Zurich

Using more advanced options

In this case, we will add it into a container, have it transparent and with a red background colour. We will also specify a callback that is called when a frame is rendered, that just logs to console.

<!doctype html>
  <div id="worldcontainer" style="width:500px; height:500px"></div>

  <script src="globe.js" data-compat="true"></script>
    var latitude = 47.367347, longitude = 8.550002, height = 200, color = 0x0000ff;

    window.Globe.init("world.png", 0.005, {
      bg: 0xff0000,
      animation: true,
      transparent: true,
      onRender: function() { console.log("Rendered."); },
      container: document.getElementById("worldcontainer")

    window.Globe.add(latitude, longitude, height, color); // blue marker on Zurich

Adding markers

Markers can be added like this:

var marker = window.Globe.add(latitude, longitude, height, color);


  • latitude and longitude are decimal degrees between -90/+90 (latitude) and -180/+180 (longitude), e.g. 47.367347 and 8.550002 for Zurich.
  • height is the height of the marker sticking out of the globe. For comparison: The globe has a radius of 600 canvas pixels...
  • color is a hex number representing the RGB color, e.g. 0xff0000 for red, 0x00ff00 for green, etc.

"Fly in" animation for markers

Using the animation option, you can let the new markers "fly in". Check out the live demo here.

Hack it / Contribute


  1. Clone this repository
  2. Install all the dependencies
  3. Run the dev task to watch and auto-rewrite the browserify bundle while hacking

Like this:

git clone
cd globe
npm install
npm run dev

Then run the static file server of your choice, e.g. python -m SimpleHTTPServer and tweak it to your needs.


All contributions welcome - if you're not sure about something, please don't hesitate to open an issue or pull request!

To get started for contributing, do:

  1. Fork the repo on github
  2. Clone your fork
  3. Create a new branch for the thing you'll be working on
  4. Code code code
  5. Push to your fork
  6. Make a pull request against the gh-pages branch of this repository.

Thank you very much!

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