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1.0.0 • Public • Published


A node utility to sync git repositories and get notifications using RxJS.

There are 2 operations modes:

  • Sync (simple git pull)
  • Sync Fork (pull source remote -> rebase -> push fork remote)


The Sync method is straight forward, you have a git repository with 1 remote.

Sync Fork

The Sync Fork method is used when you have a remote that was forked and you want to get notified when the fork changes and sync the 2.

It is usually referred to as origin and upstream.

Example: This is the material2 repository:

Forking it to my own github account:

Running git remote -v:

origin (fetch)
upstream (fetch)

The origin remote is my fork, the upstream remote is the source for updates.


The GitWatcher class is used to watch repositories.

import { GitWatcher } from 'git-repo-watch'

// TypeScript:
// import { GitWatcher, RepoResult } from './src'; 

const watcher = new GitWatcher();


  • watch(info: RepoWatchConfig): void
    Start watching a repository.

  • unwatch(info: RepoWatchConfig): void
    Stop watching a repository

  • check$: Observable
    Notification stream triggered before a git repository starts a sync check.

  • result$: Observable
    Notification stream triggered after a git repository sync check as ended.


  • path: string
    The file system path where the repository is.

  • poll: number
    The time in seconds between each check
    Optional, Default: 1 hour

  • remote: string
    The remote name to sync in sync mode In Sync Fork mode this is the fork to update to.
    Optional, Default: origin

  • branch: string
    The branch name to sync in sync mode
    In Sync Fork mode this is the fork to update to.
    Optional, Default: master

  • strict: boolean
    Run only if the current branch matches the branch defined.

  • sync Sync Fork mode definition, sync a remote branch into the origin branch.
    i.e: Pulling an "upstream" remote "master" into the "origin" master.
    Optional, Default: undefined (sync mode)

    • remote: string
      The remote name to pull from
      e.g: upstream

    • branch: string
      The branch name to pull from
      e.g: master

    • rebase: boolean
      If true rebase is used (rebasing from upstream), otherwise a merge Optional, Default: false

    • push?: boolean
      If true, push the changes to the forked remote (origin) Optional, Default: false }


  • config: RepoWatchConfig The config object for this instance.

  • error: Error If an error occurred this will be the Error object.

  • changed: boolean True if the pull was different, i.e: the source repo was updated. Irrelevant when an error has occurred.

Example (TypeScript)

import { GitWatcher, RepoResult } from './src';
const gw = new GitWatcher();
// Use Sync Fork to check for changes in the upstream an update.{
  path: '/repos/forks/material2',
  remote: 'origin',
  branch: 'master',
  strict: true,
  sync: {
    remote: 'upstream',
    branch: 'master',
    rebase: true,
    push: true
gw.check$.subscribe( info => {
  // will fire every check.
gw.result$.subscribe( (result: RepoResult) => {
  // will fire once a check is finished.
  // When using Sync Fork the origin is now updated (and local ofcourse)
  if (result.error) {   
   // don't forget to unsubscrive...
  } else {
    if (result.checked === true) {
      // new version, we can build it, publish to a site... whatever.

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  • shlomiassaf