
1.3.0 • Public • Published


Creates a new GitHub repository only using terminal.

What's the purpose?

Easy way to create a new repository (personal/organization) on GitHub using only the terminal.

What does it do?

  1. Creates a new local folder
  2. Initialize a git repository (git init)
  3. Creates a .gitignore file (optional)
  4. Creates a LiCENSE file (optional)
  5. Creates a file (optional)
  6. Creates a GitHub repository
  7. Pushes first commit to the main branch


  npm install -g git-new

How to use?

On your terminal:


  # or
  git-new <your_repo_name>

  # or
  git-new <your_repo_name> --private
  • Y/N questions, if no answer is given, the default value is True
  • All the white spaces in repo's name will be replaced with _ (e.g your_repo_name)

How to configure?

Single GitHub Account

  • If you only have one account, you will need:

Multiple GitHub Accounts

  • To use with multiple GitHub accounts, you will need:
    • Create a new SSH key
      • Config GitHub to use the new SSH public key
      • Config ssh config file
    • Create a Personal Access Token
      • Add new GitHub account and token to .gitconfig file

Single GitHub Account Config

Personal Access Token

  1. Create a GitHub personal access token

  2. Add your GitHub account and token to your gitconfig file

      git config --global user.acc "your_github_acc"
      git config --global user.token "243f93cd40c14c9dd16e29bfff73b6aa5384285e"
    • In /Users/<your_username>/.gitconfig, you will have:

            name = your_name
            email =
            acc = your_github_acc
            token = 243f93cd40c14c9dd16e29bfff73b6aa5384285e

Multiple GitHub Accounts Config

Create New SSH Key

  1. On Terminal generate a new SSH key

      ssh-keygen -t rsa -C ""
      # Generating public/private rsa key pair.
      # Enter file in which to save the key (/Users/<your_username>/.ssh/id_rsa):
      # Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
      # Enter same passphrase again:
      # Your identification has been saved in /Users/<your_username>/.ssh/id_rsa_dev.
      # Your public key has been saved in /Users/<your_username>/.ssh/
      # The key fingerprint is:
      # SHA256:I60nfahisdhfiahsidfhiasdifhiashyH4
      # The key's randomart image is:
      # +---[RSA 3072]----+
      # |                 |
      # |                 |
      # |                .|
      # |       .       ..|
      # |      k S    oo1.|
      # |     o +..  .d%+=|
      # |. . . =.c+  .-+*.|
      # | p D =a*+.o  o...|
      # |...  +Ffff +*f   |
      # +----[SHA256]-----+
  2. Add SSH key to your second GitHub account

    • Copy your new public SSH key (ends with .pub)

        cat /Users/<your_username>/.ssh/
        # ssh-rsa AAAAB3Nzafskdlfajsdjflajsdlf ... /qUg/DM=
    • On GitHub, go to Settings

    • Click on SSH and GPG keys > New SSH key

    • On SSH keys / Add new page

      • Title: add_a_title

      • Key: paste your public key

      • Click on Add SSH key

  3. Add New SSH Private Key To List

    • Add the the new ssh key to your ssh list

        ssh-add /Users/<your_username>/.ssh/id_rsa_dev
        # Enter passphrase for /Users/<your_username>/.ssh/id_rsa_dev:
        # Identity added: /Users/<your_username>/.ssh/id_rsa_dev (
  4. Configure ssh config file

    • In /Users/<your_username>/.ssh/config (create a config if file doesn't exist)

    • Add a new Host and point to your private SSH key (without the .pub)

        Host your_unique_profile_name
          UseKeychain yes
          User your_new_github_user
          IdentityFile /Users/<your_username>/.ssh/id_rsa_dev

Configure GitHub

Add a second profile (user1) to your .gitconfig file

  • the user1 will the name of the profile

    • the name of the profile has to start with user and followed by an unique number (eg. user1, user2...)
  • Create a Personal Access Token

  • Add a new user to .gitconfig file

      git config --global "your_name"
      #                       ^
      #                       └── user1 (user One)
      git config --global ""
      #                       ^
      #                       └── user1 (user One)
      git config --global user1.acc "your_second_github_acc"
      #                       ^
      #                       └── user1 (user One)
      git config --global user1.token "243f93cd40c14c9dd16e29bfff73b6aa5384285e"
      #                       ^
      #                       └── user1 (user One)

In your /Users/<your_username>/.gitconfig:

  [user] # <-------- Default profile
      name = your_name
      email =
      acc = your_github_acc
      token = 243f93cd40c14c9dd16e29bfff73b6aa5384285e
  [user1] # <-------- New profile
      name = your_name
      email =
      acc = your_second_github_acc
      token = 243f93cd40c14c9dd16e29bfff73b6aa5384285e


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