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0.4.0 • Public • Published

This package is deprecated. Please use genkitx-openai instead.

Firebase Genkit <> OpenAI Plugin

OpenAI Community Plugin for Google Firebase Genkit

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genkitx-openai-plugin is a community plugin for using OpenAI APIs with Firebase GenKit. Built by The Fire Company. 🔥


Install the plugin in your project with your favorite package manager:

  • npm install genkitx-openai-plugin
  • yarn add genkitx-openai-plugin
  • pnpm add genkitx-openai-plugin


Basic examples

The simplest way to call the text generation model is by using the helper function generate:

// Basic usage of an LLM
const response = await generate({
  model: gpt4o, // model imported from genkitx-openai-plugin
  prompt: 'Tell me a joke.',

console.log(await response.text());

Multi-modal prompt

const response = await generate({
  model: gpt4o,
  prompt: [
    { text: 'What animal is in the photo?' },
    { media: { url: imageUrl } },
  config: {
    // control of the level of visual detail when processing image embeddings
    // Low detail level also decreases the token usage
    visualDetailLevel: 'low',
console.log(await response.text());

Within a flow

// ...configure Genkit (as shown above)...

export const myFlow = defineFlow(
    name: 'menuSuggestionFlow',
    inputSchema: z.string(),
    outputSchema: z.string(),
  async (subject) => {
    const llmResponse = await generate({
      prompt: `Suggest an item for the menu of a ${subject} themed restaurant`,
      model: gpt4o,

    return llmResponse.text();

Tool use

// ...configure Genkit (as shown above)...

const createReminder = defineTool(
    name: 'createReminder',
    description: 'Use this to create reminders for things in the future',
    inputSchema: z.object({
      time: z
        .describe('ISO timestamp string, e.g. 2024-04-03T12:23:00Z'),
      reminder: z.string().describe('the content of the reminder'),
    outputSchema: z.number().describe('the ID of the created reminder'),
  (reminder) => Promise.resolve(3)

const result = generate({
  model: gpt4o,
  tools: [createReminder],
  prompt: `
  You are a reminder assistant.
  If you create a reminder, describe in text the reminder you created as a response.

  Query: I have a meeting with Anna at 3 for dinner - can you set a reminder for the time?

console.log(result.then((res) => res.text()));

For more detailed examples and the explanation of other functionalities, refer to the examples in the official Github repo of the plugin or in the official Genkit documentation.


Want to contribute to the project? That's awesome! Head over to our Contribution Guidelines.

Need support?

This repository depends on Google's Firebase Genkit. For issues and questions related to GenKit, please refer to instructions available in GenKit's repository.

Reach out by opening a discussion on Github Discussions.


This plugin is proudly maintained by the team at The Fire Company. 🔥


This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.

License: Apache 2.0


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  • davidoort
  • epmatt
  • thefirecompany