
1.8.3 • Public • Published

yo learn-module - Microsoft Learn content templates

This is the repo for documentation about the Microsoft Learn template system available on npm. It is also a great location to make feature requests or file bugs.

These templates are intended for Microsoft employees writing content for Microsoft Learn. Each template is designed to streamline the creation of various Microsoft Learn content pieces, which often contain several metadata and configuration elements expecting very specific values.


Run the following command to install both the Microsoft Learn template system and the Yeoman prerequisite, making them available from anywhere on your computer:

npm install -g yo generator-learn-module

NOTE: To run any Yeoman generators, you need to have npm installed, which is included with Node.js. To install Node.js, download the run the latest LTS release for your operating system. With Node.js installed, run the following command to install the latest npm for managing Node.js packages.

npm install npm@latest -g .


To update to the latest Microsoft Learn template system, run the install command for the package again.

npm install -g generator-learn-module

Contribute and/or run locally

To learn more about developing for this project, including running the generator from the cloned repo code directly, see the developing docs.

Available templates

Run yo learn-module

The learn-module generator will walk you through the steps required to create various Microsoft Learn content. The first question will ask what type of content you wish to create. This decides what questions you will be asked to populate the new files it will generate.

To launch the generator simply type:

yo learn-module

NOTE: If you answer a question incorrectly, you can either cancel the Yeoman generator entirely using Ctrl+C and run it again or fix the incorrect information in the resulting files.

Generate a module

To start a new Learn module, run yo learn-module and pick the New module template from the first question.

Alternatively, you can pre-pick this template by providing the template value from the command line.

yo learn-module --template="module"

This template will create a base folder structure of YAML and Markdown content, with the {your-module-id} value automatically derived from the module title you provide.

  • ./{your-module-id}/
    • index.yml
    • 1-introduction.yml
    • 6-summary.yml
    • /includes/

While you will want a module summary, do not feel obliged to keep it as the sixth unit in your module. Just remember to renumber the YAML and Markdown files as well as the ID in the index.yml and the 6-summary.yml files.

Generate a module unit

To add a unit to an existing Learn module, make sure you are currently working from the module folder in your command line terminal and run yo learn-module; pick the Module unit (YAML+Markdown) template from the first question.

Alternatively, you can pre-pick this template by providing the template value from the command line.

yo learn-module --template="module-unit"

This template will create a unit YAML metadata file and Markdown content file with the {step-number}-{unit-title-id} value automatically derived from the step number and unit title values you provide.

  • ./{step-number}-{unit-title-id}.yml
  • ./includes/{step-number}-{unit-title-id}.md

You will still need to add your unit's ID to the current module's index.yml file manually to the units list.

Generate a module knowledge check

To add a knowledge check unit to an existing Learn module, make sure you are currently working from the module folder in your command line terminal and run yo learn-module; pick the Module knowledge check (YAML) template from the first question.

Alternatively, you can pre-pick this template by providing the template value from the command line.

yo learn-module --template="module-knowledge-check"

This template will walk you through creating a knowledge check unit YAML file (metadata and quiz question data).

  • ./{step-number}-knowledge-check.yml

You will still need to add your unit's ID to the current module's index.yml file manually to the units list.


  • 1.8
    • Correctly generate IDs for Xamarin.Forms ("xamarin-forms").
    • We can now run Mocha tests from the VS Code "test" task.
    • 1.8.3
      • [module] Add suggestion prompt to start a new Git branch
      • [internals] Added initial GitHub Actions to do the build/test/tag/publish process!
      • [internals] Updated mocha and various npm packages flagged by npm audit
      • [internals] Added ESLint to clean up errors and bad practices
    • 1.8.2
      • [module, unit, k-c] Allow user to review and override the generated module/unit ID.
    • 1.8.1
      • [unit] Properly guess next index when unit list has gaps (e.g., default to 3 when we have [1-introduction, 2-do-something, 6-summary]).
  • 1.7
    • Add knowledge check template (previously a separate repo).
    • 1.7.2
      • Remember user input for GitHub and Microsoft usernames.
    • 1.7.3
      • [module] Fix missing UID periods and lost module questions.
    • 1.7.4
      • [knowledge-check] Add missing YAML value quotes.
    • 1.7.5
      • (#32) Fixed duplicate repo portion of predicted module ID.
      • Lots of internal improvements to code organization and de-duplication.
    • 1.7.6
      • Updated selection list values from docs.
  • 1.6
    • Fix ID bug with titles containing " - " (e.g., "Exercise - Do something awesome"). [Thanks for reporting @jasallen.]
    • [Unit] Fix: use provided title (no more "Introduction" units). [Thanks for reporting @jasallen.]
    • Change template names internally and user-facing prompt copy to be more descriptive.
    • [dev] Add first unit tests via Mocha (as a dev dependency).
  • 1.5
    • Added content file template to create an arbitrary unit (#-unit-name.yml and includes/
    • Added initial template selection question to decide between multiple templates (currently two)
  • 1.4
    • Added repo suffix prompt
    • Added command-line argument support
    • Removed some legacy items
  • 1.3
    • Updated to new module badge YAML schema.
    • 1.3.1
      • [dev] Added VS Code debug support for macOS and Windows with global Yeoman install
  • 1.2
    • Added new sub-products.
  • 0.1
    • Generates the basic scaffolding for a new Microsoft Learn module.




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    • patridge