
0.4.1 • Public • Published


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JHipster blueprint, Blueprint that allows for a Java web layer to be skiped during code generation.


This is a JHipster blueprint, that is meant to be used in a JHipster application.

This blueprint is intended for applications/projects that would like to take benefit from JHippster generator capabilities in creating Java JPA model, DTO's, JPA Repositories and Service layer, but do not need Controllers, Mappers and other components specific for Web applications.

Examples of this kind of applications would be: Spring Shell CLI apps, or Java FX based Desktop applications.

In short once installed this bluprint will skip the generation of all web components.

What this blueprint does not do at the moment.

Current version of the bluprint does not change build files: or pom.xml.

You still need to manually remove web dependencies you do not need from these!

Supported JHipster version

Current version of the JHipster generator this bluprint is adjusted for, is JHipster version 6.10.5.


As this is a JHipster blueprint, we expect you have JHipster and its related tools already installed:


With NPM

To install this blueprint:

npm install -g generator-jhipster-skipserverweb

To update this blueprint:

npm update -g generator-jhipster-skipserverweb

With Yarn

To install this blueprint:

yarn global add generator-jhipster-skipserverweb

To update this blueprint:

yarn global upgrade generator-jhipster-skipserverweb


To use this blueprint in your Jhipster project run the command bellow:

jhipster --blueprint skipserverweb

Running local Blueprint version for development

During development of blueprint, please note the below steps. They are very important.

  1. Link your blueprint globally

Note: If you do not want to link the blueprint(step 3) to each project being created, use NPM instead of Yarn as yeoman doesn't seem to fetch globally linked Yarn modules. On the other hand, this means you have to use NPM in all the below steps as well.

cd generator-jhipster-skipserverweb
npm link
  1. Link a development version of JHipster to your blueprint (optional: required only if you want to use a non-released JHipster version, like the master branch or your own custom fork)

You could also use Yarn for this if you prefer

cd generator-jhipster
npm link

cd skipserverweb
npm link generator-jhipster
  1. Create a new folder for the app to be generated and link JHipster and your blueprint there
mkdir my-app && cd my-app

npm link generator-jhipster-skipserverweb
npm link generator-jhipster (Optional: Needed only if you are using a non-released JHipster version)

jhipster -d --blueprint skipserverweb


Apache-2.0 © Domagoj Madunić


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  • dmadunic