A Gatsby.js plugin that creates an e-book from your all your posts whenever you build your site.
Getting started
Install the plugin by running the following command in your Gatsby site's root directory:
npm install gatsby-plugin-ebook
Add 'gatsby-plugin-ebook'
to the plugins
array in gatsby-config.js
plugins: [ 'gatsby-plugin-feed', 'gatsby-plugin-offline', 'gatsby-plugin-react-helmet',+ 'gatsby-plugin-ebook', ]
Next time you build your site with the build
command, an epub e-book will be generated in your public
By switching to the notation that lets you pass an options
object you can customize how your e-book is created.
plugins: [ 'gatsby-plugin-react-helmet',- 'gatsby-plugin-ebook',+ {+ resolve: 'gatsby-plugin-ebook',+ options: {+ // custom options go here+ }+ } ]
The options
object you pass is merged with the default options object, so you can (and should) only override the properties you want to customize.
Also, you can refer to the source code of the default options to use as a starting-off point.
Here are the currently available options:
As is customary in the Gatsby ecosystem, graphql is used to fetch the posts in your site. You can copy the default query and adapt it to suit your needs (e.g. only use posts written in English to compose the e-book).
plugins: [ 'gatsby-plugin-react-helmet', 'gatsby-plugin-ebook', { resolve: 'gatsby-plugin-ebook', options: { query: ` { site { siteMetadata { title author } } allMarkdownRemark( sort: { fields: frontmatter___date, order: ASC },+ filter: { fields: { langKey: { eq: "en" } } } ) { edges { node { id fileAbsolutePath rawMarkdownBody frontmatter { title date } } } } } `, } } ]
Lets you set the name of the generated epub file.
plugins: [ 'gatsby-plugin-react-helmet', 'gatsby-plugin-ebook', { resolve: 'gatsby-plugin-ebook', options: {+ filename: 'my-ebook.epub', } } ]
Lets you set the directory where the ebook will be created.
Typically this is the local public
directory (the same directory where all Gatsby content will be created).
plugins: [ 'gatsby-plugin-react-helmet', 'gatsby-plugin-ebook', { resolve: 'gatsby-plugin-ebook', options: {+ publicDir: './my-generated-site', } } ]
Running tests
Run tests with npm test