Generate TypeScript/Flow definitions from your gatsby queries.
Export schema and apollo config file to give autocomplete feature in vscode through apollographql.vscode-apollo (
npm install --save gatsby-plugin-codegen
How to use
// In your gatsby-config.js
plugins: [
// other plugins
resolve: "gatsby-plugin-codegen",
options: {}
Available options
Please check the documentation of apollo tooling ( for further explanation. This plugin creates an apollo config file (apolloConfigFile), a file from the gatsby schema (localSchemaFile) and the directory for the generated types (output).
export interface PluginCodegenOptions {
// Name of the generated apollo config file
apolloConfigFile?: string;
// apollo:codegen options configured for usage with gatsby, see defaultOptions
addTypename?: boolean;
excludes?: string[];
includes?: string[];
localSchemaFile?: string;
output?: string;
tsFileExtension?: string;
watch?: boolean;
tagName?: string;
target?: "typescript" | "swift" | "flow" | "scala";
// apollo:codegen additional options
globalTypesFile?: string;
mergeInFieldsFromFragmentSpreads?: boolean;
namespace?: string;
outputFlat?: boolean;
passthroughCustomScalars?: boolean;
useFlowExactObjects?: boolean;
useReadOnlyTypes?: boolean;
// Gatsby specific, not used in this plugin
plugins?: unknown[];
const defaultOptions = {
apolloConfigFile: "apollo.config.js",
addTypename: false,
excludes: [],
localSchemaFile: "./schema.json",
output: "__generated__",
target: "typescript",
tagName: "graphql",
tsFileExtension: "d.ts",
includes: [
// "./node_modules/gatsby-*/**/*.js" Performance reasons
// True can result in missed error messages through the console
// Set it the following way to catch the errors during the build and still have watch mode:
// process.env.NODE_ENV === "development" ? true : false
watch: false