This package has been deprecated

Author message:

Please replace fpl-mongoose-audittrail with mf-mongoose-audittrail.


0.0.7 • Public • Published


Track dates and users of every create or update operation. Compare versions of documents.


npm install --save fpl-mongoose-audittrail

New Version & Owner

Ownership has been transferred to MEAN Factory and is available under their mf-mongoose-audittrail package.

No updates will be made to this project. Please replace all instances with the new version from MEAN Factory.



  • Add audit fields to schemas with one line of code
  • Track date created, date update, or both
  • Track user ID of the responsible operation
  • Compare / contract version differences (coming soon)

DTO Compatibility

  • Designed to work with fpl-mongoose-dto plugin
  • Automatically hide / show audit fields based on user rights

Soft Delete Compatibility

  • Designed to work with fpl-mongoose-softdelete plugin
  • Increase data integrity by retaining deleted data
  • Retain historical data
  • Flag objects as "deleted"
  • Automatically remove deleted data from result sets
  • Manually find or count data with or without deleted items

Settings & Defaults

No additional coding is required besides adding the plugin to the schema. However, the defaults may be overridden to alter the functionality of the plugin. This is done by supplying a JSON object in the following hierarchy to the plugin while attaching it to the schema:

    created : {
        use         : true,                    // set to false to disable
        key         : 'audit.created',         // used by fpl-mongoose-dto plugin
        hide        : undefined,               // used by fpl-mongoose-dto plugin
        name        : 'Created Date',          // used by fpl-mongoose-dto plugin
        path        : 'ac',                    // actual path in schema
        show        : undefined                // used by fpl-mongoose-dto plugin
    updated : {
        use         : true,
        key         : 'audit.updated',
        hide        : undefined,
        name        : 'Updated Date',
        path        : 'au',
        show        : undefined
    member : {
        use         : true,
        default     : undefined,                // generally used while seeding your database
        type        : Schema.ObjectId,          // override the data type or use uuid setting
        key         : 'audit.member',
        hide        : undefined,
        name        : 'Audit Member',
        path        : 'am',
        show        : undefined,
        uuid        : undefined                 // flags data type as UUID (uid, v1, v4)

If desired, you may use UUID values for the Audit Member ID field by setting the uuid: property. Valid options are 'uid', 'v1', and, 'v4'. Setting this value will automatically change the dependent parameters within the schema (type, etc.). For example:

    member : {
        uuid : 'v4'

Example #1: Basic Usage

Date Created and Date Updated are added automatically. Member ID may be added by default or passed in.


In the example below we are seeding the database. The optional (extended) Unique Identifier type is supplied along with the ID of the System Administrator user. None fo the values in the audit fields (ac, au, or am) were supplied after the creation of the schema.


var mongoose = require('mongoose'),
    fplAudit = require('fpl-mongoose-audittrail'),
	enums    = require('../enums');

var personSchema = mongoose.Schema({

    s   : { type: String, name: 'SSN'  },

    p   : { type: String },
    f   : { type: String },
    m   : { type: String, name: 'Middle Name', key: 'name.middle' },
    l   : { type: String, name: 'Last Name', key: 'name.last' },

    bm  : { type: Number, name: 'Birth Month', key: 'dob.month' },
    bd  : { type: Number, name: 'Birth Day', key: '' },
    by  : { type: Number, name: 'Birth Year', key: 'dob.year' }

personSchema.plugin(fplAudit, {
	member: {
	    uuid    : 'uid',
   		default : '40B30547A8F748EC91D57A95749E0112'

module.exports = mongoose.model('Person', personSchema);


    s : '123-45-6789',

    p : 'MR'
    f : 'Joe',
    m : 'Dweezil',
    l : 'Blow',

    bm : 12,
    bd : 31,
    by : 2000,

    ac : Fri Aug 19 2016 15:35:23 GMT-0400 (EDT),   // Date Created
    au : Fri Aug 19 2016 19:14:03 GMT-0400 (EDT),   // Date Modified
    am : '40B30547A8F748EC91D57A95749E0112'         // Responsible User ID

Example #2: Basic Usage + the DTO Plugin)

Adding the fpl-mongoose-dto plugin allows for the output of the toJSON() call to be prepared for user-facing application usage.


Adding the fpl-mongoose-dto plugin extends the capabilities of the fpl-mongoose-audittrail plugin for a more cosmetically pleasing and human-readable presentation.


var mongoose = require('mongoose'),
    fplAudit = require('fpl-mongoose-audittrail'),
	fplDto   = require('fpl-mongoose-dto'),
    enums    = require('../enums');

var GUEST = 10,
    USER  = 20,
    OWNER = 30,
    ADMIN = 40;

var personSchema = mongoose.Schema({

    s   : { type: String, name: 'SSN'  },

    p   : { type: String, name: 'Prefix', enums: enums.NamePrefix.ids },
    f   : { type: String, name: 'First Name', key: 'name.first' },
    m   : { type: String, name: 'Middle Name', key: 'name.middle' },
    l   : { type: String, name: 'Last Name', key: 'name.last' },

    bm  : { type: Number, name: 'Birth Month', key: 'dob.month' },
    bd  : { type: Number, name: 'Birth Day', key: '' },
    by  : { type: Number, name: 'Birth Year', key: 'dob.year' }

personSchema.plugin(fplAudit, {
	created: {
	    hide : '< ' + USER
	updated: {
	    hide : '< ' + USER
	member: {
	    uuid     : 'uid',
   		 default : '40B30547A8F748EC91D57A95749E0112',
   		 show    : '>= ' + USER

module.exports = mongoose.model('Person', personSchema);


var result = person.toJSON({
    hide  : '_id',
    show  : ['bd', 'by'],
    level : USER


    prefix : {
        id : 'MR'
    name : {
        first  : 'Joe',
        middle : 'Dweezil'
    dob  : {
        month : 12,
        day   : 31,
        year  : 2000
    audit : {
    	member  : '40B30547A8F748EC91D57A95749E0112'


  1. The Audit Fields are build out in a more human-readable hierarchy.
  2. Some fields are hidden by the fpl-mongoose-dto plugin because the hide and show settings passed into the plugin when it was added to the schema.
  3. Other fields in the document were automatically hidden by the fpl-mongoose-dto plugin because of the hide and show parameters added to the schema.

Database Seeding

Remember to set the audit.member identifier field when seeding your database. When using the default settings, the key for this field is am:. For example:

var seedMemberId = '49031586161143F5AB37AD809538A5CE';

module.exports = {
    items: [
            t: 'E',
            i: '',
            p: [
                { k: 'name', v: 'Spotless Software LLC', am: seedMemberId }
            am: seedMemberId
            t: 'E',
            i: '',
            p: [
                { k: 'name', v: 'Fred Lackey', am: seedMemberId }
            am: seedMemberId

You may also want to override the the type: setting for the audit.member field. The example above uses the 'uid' identifier type, so the plugin settings for this would be:

var externalProfileSchema = new mongoose.Schema({

    _id : String,

    t   : String,
    i   : String,

    p   : { type: [ propertySchema ] }

externalProfileSchema.plugin(fplAuditTrail, {
    member: {
        uuid: 'uid'

module.exports = mongoose.model('ExternalProfile', externalProfileSchema);

the type:

Related Projects

The following projects have been designed specifically to work with each other:

Track who and when documents are created and updated without complex programming. Compare and contract different versions of each document.

Convert to/from JSON DTO while applying optional level-based hiding.

Increase data integrity by retaining historical data and preventing data from being permanently deleted. Each delete operation causes the document to be marked as "deleted" and subsequently hidden from result sets.

Provides additional validation for extended data types, field lengths, arrays, and other useful features.

Contact Information

MEAN Factory

Original Author

Fred Lackey


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