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This package was renamed to @foxkit/util

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0.3.0 • Public • Published


Foxkit is a collection of utility modules for CJS, ESM and TypeScript projects.


npm install foxkit
# or
yarn install foxkit



The clamp module provides the functions clamp() and isClamped():

import { clamp, isClamped } from "foxkit/clamp";

clamp({ value: 5, min: 0, max: 10 }); // => 5
clamp({ value: -5, min: 0 }); // => 0
clamp({ value: 100, max: 10 }); // => 10

isClamped({ value: 5, min: 0, max: 10 }); // => true
isClamped({ value: -5, min: 0 }); // => false
isClamped({ value: 100, max: 10 }); // => false

The min and max options are optional on both functions to serve as a complete replacement to Math.min() and Math.max().


dedent allows for simple string reformatting with as many indentations removed as possibly and the remainder formatted as per settings.


  • tabWidth: The amount of spaces a tab symbol (\t) is representing (default: 2)
  • useTabs: Transforms as many spaces as possible to tab symbols as per set tabWidth (default: false)
  • trim: Remove empty lines at the start and end of the string (default: false)

Passing an objects object is optional, but recommended as defaults may change in future versions.


import { dedent } from "foxkit/dedent";
const dd = dedent({
  tabWidth: 2,
  useTabs: false

  foo: {
    bar: "baz",
  \tcat: "meows"
`); /* =>
foo: {
  bar: "baz",
  cat: "meows"

Note: The dedent formatter transforms \r\n to \n and removes all whitespace in empty lines.


The forEach module works much like Array.prototype.forEach, but also works for Strings and Objects. You may also optionally return false from the callback to perform a break in the internal for () loop. To continue simply return;.

import { forEach } from "foxkit/forEach";

const myObj = {
  foo: "foobar",
  lorem: "Lorem ipsum",
  foxkit: "Utility collection",
  unseen: "Can't see me in output :)"

forEach(myObj, (value, key) => {
  if (key === "unseen") return false;
  console.log(`${key}: ${value}`);
}); /* =>
foo: foobar
lorem: Lorem ipsum
foxkit: Utility collection


The range module returns an array with numbers based on the constraints provided in the options. You must provide either an end (inclusive) or length option. Negative step values are supported. Should you provide an invalid combination you may receive an empty array!

import { range } from "foxkit/range";

range({ start: 1, end: 5 }); // => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
range({ start: 4, step: 0.5, length: 3 }); // => [4, 4.5, 5]
range({ start: 10, step: -2, end: 5 }); // => [10, 8, 6]
range({ start: 0, end: -5, step: 1 }); // => []


The sleep module returns a Promise that resolves after the given amount of time. It will return false should the argument not be a positive number.

await sleep(500); // => Promise<pending> (resolve after 500ms)
await sleep("fox"); // => false

Other Modules

See our foxkit-js github org page or search for "foxkit" on npm.

See also

  • modern-diacritics: library for tranforming diacritics and latinizing text. Also includes a slugify function


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