
1.1.4 • Public • Published


Forke is a simple CLI tool designed to measure development productivity from GitHub info.


# Install
npm install -g forke

# This npm requires GITHUB_TOKEN, so please set it in the environment variable in any way.
export GITHUB_TOKEN='...'


This tool is designed to measure Four Keys, a development productivity indicator.

Measuring the Four Keys is not enough; it is important to link the results of the measurement to improvements. For this reason, a stat command is provided to retrieve the indicators and a list command to output the original data of the indicators. The user of the tool is expected to see from the results of the list command which work of the development team is the bottleneck when each indicator is bad.

Lead time for changes & Deployment frequency

[BaseBranch]                                                    to LeadTimeBranch |  to DeployBranch |
|---------------------------------- lead time ------------------------------------|--   No Stat    --|
|-- timeFromCommitToOpen --|-- timeFromOpenToReview --|-- timeFromReviewToMerge --|------------------|
^                          ^                          ^                           ^                  ^
first commit        create PullRequest            first review              merge PullRequest       release
  • Deployment frequency = Number of PullRequests targeting DeployBranch
  • Lead time for changes = timeFromCommitToOpen + timeFromOpenToReview + timeFromReviewToMerge.
    • As shown in the figure, the time between the merge and the deployment is not captured by Forke.
    • As the deployment process is heavily influenced by the business side, I have decided that it is not possible to drill down from the GitHub data and have used this specification, but I may make it possible to obtain this information in the future.

Change failure rate & Time to restore service

  • Change failure rate = (Number of PullRequests targeting LeadTimeBranch and head is hotfixBranch) / (Number of PullRequests targeting LeadTimeBranch)
  • Time to restore service = Average(Lead time of PullRequests targeting LeadTimeBranch and head is hotfixBranch)
    • The Lead   time calculation method is the same as for calculating lead time for changes.


List PullRequests

List merged pull requests that match the search conditions are output to standard output.

npx forke list --query ...


Name Description
title The title of the pull request.
url The URL of the pull request.
repository The repository's owner and name, separated by a slash (ex: IkumaTadokoro/Forke).
author Pull Request's author name.
baseRefName The name of the base branch for the pull request.
headRefName The name of the head branch for the pull request.
labels The labels array associated with the pull request.
isDraft Whether the pull request is a draft or not.
isReadByViewer Whether the pull request has been read by the viewer.
isForcePushed Whether the pull request has been force pushed.
state The state of the pull request ("OPEN", "MERGED", "CLOSED").
additions The number of lines added in the pull request.
deletions The number of lines deleted in the pull request.
changedFileCount The number of files changed in the pull request.
firstCommitUrl The url of the first commit associated with the pull request; if it has been force pushed, it refers to the commit before it was force pushed, not the first commit currently associated with it.
firstCommitAuthoredDate The authored date of the first commit associated with the pull request.
firstCommitCommittedDate The committed date of the first commit associated with the pull request.
firstReviewedAt Time the pull request was first reviewed.
reviewers Reviewer names (Array).
totalCommentsCount The total number of comments on the pull request.
createdAt The creation date of the pull request.
updatedAt The last update date of the pull request.
publishedAt The publication date of the pull request.
closedAt The date when the pull request was closed.
mergedAt The date when the pull request was merged.
timeFromCommitToOpen The lead time between firstCommitAuthoredDate and pullRequest createdAt. The units are those specified in the timeunit option.
timeFromOpenToReview The lead time between pullRequest createdAt and firstReviewedAt. The units are those specified in the timeunit option.
timeFromReviewToMerge The lead time between firstReviewedAt and pullRequest mergedAt. The units are those specified in the timeunit option.
leadTime Total of timeFromCommitToOpen, timeFromOpenToReview and timeFromReviewToMerge.


The following options can be specified.

# ex)
npx forke list -f 2023-04-01T00:00:00+09:00 -q 'base:main base:release' --format json --timeunit hour
Long Alias Choices Default Description
from f (any string) * Starting point of the PullRequest search condition(mergedAt).
to t (any string) * End point of the PullRequest search condition(mergedAt)
query q (any string) - Search query. Internally is:pr is:merged merged:{from}..{to} is specified, this option allows additional refinement criteria to be specified.  See here for options that can be specified.
timezone - UTC, Asia/Tokyo Asia/Tokyo Specifies in which time zone the acquisition results are displayed.
format - csv, csv-no-header, json csv Result format.
timeunit - minute, hour, second minute Unit for calculating lead time.
order o asc, dec asc Ascending or descending result order of MergedAt.

Create Stats

Output statistics from pull requests that match the specified conditions.

npx forke stat --query ...


Name Description
from Starting period of the measurement; value specified in the from option.
to End period of the measurement, the value specified in the to option.
deployCount The number of pull requests for the deploy target branch.
leadTimeTargetCount The number of pull requests for the lead time target branch.
hotfixCount The number of pull requests for the hotfix target branch.
totalAdditions The total number of lines added across all pull requests.
averageAdditions The average number of lines added per pull request.
medianAdditions The median number of lines added per pull request.
totalDeletions The total number of lines deleted across all pull requests.
averageDeletions The average number of lines deleted per pull request.
medianDeletions The median number of lines deleted per pull request.
totalDiffs The total number of line differences (additions and deletions) across all pull requests.
averageDiffs The average number of line differences (additions and deletions) per pull request.
totalChangedFiles The total number of files changed across all pull requests.
averageChangedFiles The average number of files changed per pull request.
medianChangedFiles The median number of files changed per pull request.
totalComments The total number of comments across all pull requests.
averageComments The average number of comments per pull request.
medianComments The median number of comments per pull request.
totalLeadTime The total lead time across all pull requests.
averageLeadTime The average lead time per pull request.
medianLeadTime The median lead time per pull request.
totalTimeFromCommitToOpen The total time from commit to open across all pull requests.
averageTimeFromCommitToOpen The average time from commit to open per pull request.
medianTimeFromCommitToOpen The median time from commit to open per pull request.
totalTimeFromOpenToReview The total time from open to review across all pull requests.
averageTimeFromOpenToReview The average time from open to review per pull request.
medianTimeFromOpenToReview The median time from open to review per pull request.
totalTimeFromReviewToMerge The total time from review to merge across all pull requests.
averageTimeFromReviewToMerge The average time from review to merge per pull request.
medianTimeFromReviewToMerge The median time from review to merge per pull request.
changeFailureRate The ratio of hotfix pull requests to lead time target branch pull requests.
meanTimeToRepair The average lead time for hotfix pull requests.


The following options can be specified.

# ex)
npx forke stat -f 2023-04-01T00:00:00+09:00 -q 'base:main base:release' --format json --timeunit hour --deployBranch release
Long Alias Choices Default Description
from f (any string) * Starting point of the PullRequest search condition(mergedAt).
to t (any string) * End point of the PullRequest search condition(mergedAt).
query q (any string) - Search query. Internally is:pr is:merged merged:{from}..{to} is specified, this option allows additional refinement criteria to be specified. See here for options that can be specified.
timezone - UTC, Asia/Tokyo Asia/Tokyo Specifies in which time zone the acquisition results are displayed.
format - csv, csv-no-header, json csv Result format.
timeunit - minute, hour, second minute Unit for calculating lead time.
deployBranch - RegExp ^(main | master)$ Target branch name for deploy.
leadTimeBranch - RegExp ^(main | master)$ Target branch name for lead time.
hotfixBranch - RegExp hotfix Target branch name for hotfix.



The following Issue is accepted (English or Japanese).

  • Questions about features
  • Report errors or problems
  • Propose additions or improvements to feature

Please click here to issue.

How to send Pull Request

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create a branch
  3. Add or modify feature
  4. Run unit test
  5. Check the feature in your terminal
  6. Commit Changes
  7. Push branch
  8. Create Pull Request

How to set up a Local Development Environment

First, clone the forked repository locally.

git clone

Install dependencies.

npm i

(Option) Setup envfile for debug. When the configuration is complete, the script can be executed in npm run dev -- <command> <options>.

cp .env.sample .env
# Set your secrets in .env.

That's it. Happy coding 👍


Forke is available under the MIT License.

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  • ikuma-t