
1.0.7 • Public • Published

🔥 Fire Starter

Node Package Manager

A simple, lightweight, modern asset pipeline. Uses Pug (Jade) for markup, Sass for styles, Babel for Javascript (ES6+) and Grunt to compile, optimize, serve and watch. Support for S3 bucket uploading and Cloudfront invalidation is included.

What You Need

  • Mac OS X, Windows, or Linux
  • Node.js v6+
  • npm v3+
  • Ruby and Sass
  • Text editor or IDE configured for React/JSX/ESlint

AWS Credentials

Bundled with this project in a credentials.json.sample file that should be renamed to credentials.json and edited so it contains the correct credentials. An accessKeyId and secretAccessKey are required in order for deployment to work correctly. This file is gitignored by default.

Dev Commands


# Install node modules - you only need to do this once :) 
npm install


# Starts a local server & watches for file changes 
npm start


# AWS 
npm run deploy

Static Build

# Builds static, optimized assets to the dist directory 
npm run build

Don't Need jQuery?

jQuery is included by default, but you might not need it. To uninstall, just remove the dependency from bower.json and the copy:jquery task (and references) in Gruntfile.js. Also delete the jQuery scripts near the bottom of layout.pug. If you don't need Bower either, you can delete that file all-together and remove the check bower dependencies section of Gruntfile.js on lines 212-218, as well as the bower package from package.json.

Don't Need AWS?

If you don't need AWS S3 and Cloudfront integration, just remove the aws and cloudfront tasks in Gruntfile.js on lines 228-257 as well as the deploy task on line 263. There is a rename function on lines 156-158 that removes the .html extension from files to make the S3 urls look nice. You can remove that, as well as the grunt-aws package from package.json and the credentials.json file.

Built with ♥ at Mcleod Studio

Package Sidebar


npm i fire-starter

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Last publish


  • sethmcleod