
0.0.4 • Public • Published

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What ?

FineACL is a fine grained ACL library for node

What ???

FineACL is a document/row level access contol library that handles per user, per resource, user defined ACLs.


Sometimes you need to contol access to a single dynamic resource or a dynamic set of resources, which can be challenging since most frameworks and ACL libraries assume that you want a veyr simple role based ACL to access static resource groups.

Why ???

Here is a list of real life usecases where this type library could be used:

  • allow read access to a google drive document
  • allow a user to commit into a git repository
  • allow a group of users to list particular folder
  • allow a group of users to review and merge commits
  • allow a user to contribute to my trello board
  • allow a user to access my slack channel

Run tests

Tests are written using mocha, you can run it using:

npm test



npm install fineacl --save
const fineacl = require('fineacl');

Acl instance

let acl = fineacl();


First, let's define our resource types.

acl.resource("REPOSITORY", {

    // define available permissions
    permissions: {
        READ:   "Gives read only access to the repository",
        REVIEW: "Gives review publish ability",
        MERGE:  "Gives merge access to any branch of the repository",
        ADMIN:  "Gives full access to any operation on the repository"


A relationship between a user and a resource is a key concept in fineacl.

let rel = acl.rel({
	userId: 1234,
	resourceType: "REPOSITORY",
	resourceId: 5678,
	permissions: ["READ", "REVIEW", "MERGE"]

Once we defined a relationship, we can check its existence with assert method:

rel.assert((err, exists) => {
	console.log(exists?"access to resource granted":"access to resource denied")

We can enforce this relationship, using sync method, to add new permissions, while keeping existing ones:

rel.sync((err, success) => {
	console.log(success?"access granted":"can't grant access, check err")

Alternatively we can enforce this relationship, using replace method, to replace existing ones:

rel.replace((err, success) => {
	console.log(success?"access granted":"can't grant access, check err")

We can remove this relationship, using break method:

rel.break((err, success) => {
	console.log(success?"relationship broken successfully":"can't break relationship, check err")


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    • dchapkine