
0.2.18-experimental • Public • Published

react-figura (Figura)


This library is currently in production/testing and is strictly a pre-release version.


Figura is a powerful library of React components designed to simplify form handling, validation, and submission. It offers an easy-to-use and fully customizable solution for managing forms in your applications. Figura is built with React, TypeScript, and Tailwind CSS.


To install Figura, run the following command: npm install react-figura --save

Use Case

Figura was created with three main purposes in mind:

  1. Customizability: Figura provides a simple and effective way to customize form components. By importing the Figura styles (import 'react-figura/dist/styles.css'), you can apply pre-defined styles. However, we highly recommend customizing the components using the pre-defined style props. You can use Tailwind CSS classes or regular CSS class names to achieve the desired styling.

  2. Single Form State: Figura utilizes React's built-in useReducer hook to manage form state. It stores the state of all forms in a single reducer, eliminating unexpected re-renders and simplifying state management. With Figura, developers can use the components without worrying about complex state management, as it is handled seamlessly by the library.

  3. Custom Validation: While vanilla HTML provides basic form validation, Figura takes it a step further by offering custom syntax and styling for error messages. Figura combines industry standards for form validation and error handling, allowing developers to create professional applications with beautiful and user-friendly form validation.


import { Figura, FiguraText, FiguraLabel, FiguraEmail, FiguraTitle, 
FiguraPassword, FiguraSubmitBtn, FiguraPhone, FiguraBigError } from "react-figura"
import 'react-figura/dist/styles.css';

export default function MyFormComponent() {

    function signUp({ yourname, email, phone, password }) {
        return fetch(`http://localhost:3000/signup`, {
            method: "POST",
            headers: {
                "Content-Type": "application/json; charset=UTF-8",
            mode: "cors",
            body: JSON.stringify({ yourname, email, phone, password }),

    return (
        <div className="w-full h-screen flex justify-center">

            <Figura figuraID={"signup"} onSubmit={signUp}>

                <FiguraTitle>Sign Up Form</FiguraTitle>

                <FiguraText name="yourname">

                <FiguraEmail name="email">

                <FiguraPhone name="phone">

                <FiguraPassword name="password">

                <FiguraSubmitBtn>Sign Up</FiguraSubmitBtn>



How to handle onSubmit

When handling the onSubmit event, Figura will pass back an object called data. Your function for handling the data needs to accept it as an argument, like myFunction(data). If desired, you can destructure the data object as shown in the example above.

The name prop is required by all of Figuras input components. The name that you assign to the component will be returned in data as the key of the input value.

We recommend starting by accepting the data object and using console.log(data) to inspect the structure and contents of the object. Once you understand the object being passed back from Figura, you can destructure it and manipulate the data according to your needs.


Components Validation Props HTML
Figura N/A figuraID(required), onSubmit, formStyle <form>
FiguraLabel N/A labelStyle <label>
FiguraTitle N/A titleStyle <h1>
FiguraSubmitBtn N/A buttonStyle <button type="submit">
FiguraResetBtn N/A buttonStyle <button type="reset">
FiguraButton N/A(must be used as a child of FiguraButtonGroup) buttonStyle <input type="button">
FiguraButtonGroup must choose an option wrapper, errorStyle, name <div>
FiguraText must be filled and must not contain any special characters wrapper, inputStyle, errorStyle, validator, placeholder, name <input type="text">
FiguraEmail must be filled and must be in a valid email address format wrapper, inputStyle, errorStyle, validator, placeholder, name <input type="email">
FiguraPassword must be filled and must be at least 8 characters, contain at least one uppercase, one lowercase, one digit, and one special character wrapper, inputStyle, errorStyle, validator, placeholder, name <input type="password">
FiguraConfirmPassword must be filled (must have 1 corresponding FiguraPassword) and must match password wrapper, inputStyle, errorStyle, validator, placeholder, name <input type="password">
FiguraPhone must be filled and must be a valid 10 digit phone number wrapper, inputStyle, errorStyle, validator, placeholder, name <input type="tel">
FiguraTimeMilitary must be filled and must be in a valid 24h format ex: 12:34 wrapper, inputStyle, errorStyle, validator, name <input type="time24">
FiguraTime must be filled wrapper, inputStyle, errorStyle, validator, placeholder, name <input type="time">
FiguraNumber must be filled and must be between -1 million and 1 million wrapper, inputStyle, errorStyle, validator, placeholder, name <input type="number">
FiguraWeek must be filled wrapper, inputStyle, errorStyle, validator, name <input type="week">
FiguraMonth must be filled wrapper, inputStyle, errorStyle, validator, name <input type="month">
FiguraDate must be filled and must be a valid date wrapper, inputStyle, errorStyle, validator, name <input type="date">
FiguraDateLocal must be filled and must be a valid date and time wrapper, inputStyle, errorStyle, validator, name <input type="datetime-local">
FiguraCheckBox must be checked wrapper, inputStyle, errorStyle, validator, name <input type="checkbox">
FiguraRadio must be clicked wrapper, inputStyle, errorStyle, validator, name <input type="radio">
FiguraRange must choose a range wrapper, inputStyle, errorStyle, validator, name <input type="range">
FiguraColor must choose a color wrapper, inputStyle, errorStyle, validator, name <input type="color">
FiguraFile must select a file wrapper, inputStyle, errorStyle, validator, placeholder, name <input type="file">
FiguraUrl must be filled and must be a valid url wrapper, inputStyle, errorStyle, validator, name <input type="url">
FiguraHidden must NOT be filled wrapper, inputStyle, errorStyle, validator, name <input type="hidden">
FiguraSelect must have a value wrapper, inputStyle, errorStyle, validator, name <select>
FiguraTextArea cannot exceed 250 characters wrapper, inputStyle, errorStyle, validator, placeholder, name <textarea>

Figura: This is the primary component of our library.

  • The Figura component is the main wrapper for all other Figura components. It requires a unique figuraID prop, which should be unique when using multiple Figura forms in your application. This ID identifies the form that the user is interacting with, ensuring a single source of truth for form state throughout your application.
  • This component accepts an onSubmit prop, similar to the HTML variant, to handle form submission. You can provide a custom function to handle form submission with this prop.

Example usage:

function formSubmission(data) {

return (
    <Figura figuraID={"myspecialID"} onSubmit={formSubmission} formStyle="w-80 m-4 p-2 bg-gray-400 overflow-hidden">

        <FiguraText name="yourname">

        <FiguraEmail name="email">

        <FiguraPassword name="password">

        <FiguraSubmitBtn>Sign Up</FiguraSubmitBtn>


NOTE: Figura handles the html event for you, and by default calls preventDefault. You can still pass the event if you'd like.

FiguraLabel: This component is used within input components to set a label above the input field.

Example usage:

    <FiguraText name="yourname">
        <FiguraLabel labelStyle="text-2xl text-rose-400">Name:</FiguraLabel>

FiguraTitle: This component creates a title for your form.

Example usage:

    <FiguraTitle titleStyle="text-center text-4xl text-rose-400">Sign Up Form</FiguraTitle>

FiguraSubmitBtn: This component is the primary submit button for Figura forms.

Example usage:

    <FiguraSubmitBtn buttonStyle="bg-sky-400 border-2 border-black">Sign Up</FiguraSubmitBtn>

FiguraHidden: This component is a hidden input field and is used as a honeypot to catch bots. if it is filled it will throw an error warning the user that a bot may be attempting to fill a form. Use this component as a security mechanism.

Example usage:


        <FiguraText name="yourname">

         <FiguraPassword name="password">

        <FiguraSubmitBtn>Log In</FiguraSubmitBtn>

        <FiguraHidden name="hidden"/> 


FiguraButtonGroup & FiguraButton: These two components are used in concert to create a group of buttons to choose from. FiguraButtonGroup ONLY accepts FiguraButton as a child. FiguraButton can ONLY be used as a child of FiguraButtonGroup. The resulting value that you recieve will be the child of FiguraButton. So in the example below if you click 'Okay' FiguraButtonGroup's value will be 'Okay'. To give the button group a label see the example below. The buttongroup also requires a name.

Example usage:

    <span>How are you feeling today?</span>
    <FiguraButtonGroup name="buttongroup">

These components: (FiguraEmail, FiguraPassword, FiguraPhone, FiguraTimeMilitary, FiguraSelect, FiguraTextArea, FiguraCheckBox, FiguraRadio, FiguraConfirmPassword, FiguraRange, FiguraTime, FiguraNumber, FiguraDate, FiguraDateLocal, FiguraColor, FiguraWeek, FiguraMonth, FiguraFile, FiguraUrl) display form input fields, and each have unique validation described in the table above. All of these components require a 'name' prop. You can use the 'wrapper' prop to customize the div container around the input field, error message, and label.

Example usage:

        wrapper="flex flex-col mb-1" 
        inputStyle="bg-black text-white p-2 outline-none rounded-3xl" 
        placeholder="What is your name?..."

Style TIP 1. By default the input components are ordered as label -> input -> error top to bottom. To reverse the direction of the components you can use css's 'flex-direction: column-reverse' or tailwind 'flex-col-reverse' on the wrapper prop and then you will have error -> input -> label.

Style TIP 2. Anytime you use custom styling it will totally overwrite Figuras styling.

Style TIP 3. By default Figura styles all of the children in a flex column. If you'd like to have multiple input fields next to each other use css grid. Heres an example of how you can pass your formStyle prop with styling to create a grid formStyle="grid grid-cols-2 gap-4 w-96 m-4 mt-20 p-2 overflow-hidden" then make your title span the grid with titleStyle="col-span-2 text-center h-10 text-3xl overflow-hidden"

Custom Validation

If you need to create custom validation logic for an input field pass the prop 'validator' in to the component with a value of your custom validation function.

function customNameValidation(value: any) {
    if (value.trim() === "") {
        return { hasError: true, error: "Custom Name validation" };
    return { hasError: false, error: "" };

return (
    <FiguraText name="firstname" validator={customNameValidation}>
        <FiguraLabel>First Name:</FiguraLabel>

NOTE: This will totally override Figuras built in validation (i.e. your function replaces Figuras). You must return an object with {hasError: boolean, error: string}


Copyright 2023-present react-figura

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

If you've made it this far; thank you and enjoy the library!

If you have any feedback and would like to see things added/removed/changed create a new issue @

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