TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

0.2.0 • Public • Published


A feathers.js service adapter for agendajs written in Typescript.

npm libraries.io npm GitHub license


npm i feathers-agenda

Also see:

Supported features

  • [x] Agenda instaniation, interaction & configuration
    • [x] instaniation -> constructor initializes an instance and stores it on the service instance
    • [x] configuration -> new AgendaService() or app.configure()
    • [x] interaction -> getAgenda method
    • [x] custom job processors -> AgendaJobDefinition can be provided during setup
  • [x] Support different scheduling types:
    • [x] every() / repeatEvery()

In progress

  • [ ] Implement out-of-the-box job processor ServiceCall for easily scheduling Feathers service calls

Todo (contributions welcome)

  • [ ] Tests
  • [ ] List jobs
  • [ ] Delete jobs
  • [ ] Canceling, disabling and enabling jobs
  • [ ] schedule job type -> support different scheduling types
  • [ ] now job type -> support different scheduling types
  • [ ] handle SIGTERM properly to avoid dead agenda record (e.g. lockedAt is set instead of undefined)
  • [ ] Interact with events
  • [ ] Update to latest @feathers/feathers
  • [ ] Mixin API to comfortably scheduling service calls from within the code base


For a quick start no further configuration is required. The library will pick the MongoDB url from the Feathers config.mongodb property.

With app.use()

import { AgendaService } from 'feathers-agenda';

app.use("/agendas", new AgendaService({
  // options

  name : 'ServiceCall',
  interval : '*/20 * * * * *', // Every 20 seconds
  data: {
    service: '',
    method: 'get',
    data: {
      // The data you want to pass into the job
      // An `_id` for a `get` call or an object for `create` or other methods
    params: {
      // Any Feathers `params` you want to pass in

With app.configure()

import { setup } from 'feathers-agenda';


  name : 'ServiceCall',
  interval : '*/20 * * * * *', // Every 20 seconds
  data: {
    service: '',
    method: 'get',
    data: {
      // The data you want to pass into the job
      // An `_id` for a `get` call or an object for `create` or other methods
    params: {
      // Any Feathers `params` you want to pass in

Custom job definition example

import { FeathersAgendaOptions, setup } from 'feathers-agenda';

// Define the name and the code of a job you want to run periodically / in a scheduled way
app.configure((app) => {
  const customConfigAndJobs: FeathersAgendaOptions = {
    jobDefinitions: [
        name: 'MyJob',
        callback: async (job: any) => {

          // Do anything you want here (like service calls, business logic, etc)
          const { attrs: { _id } } = job;
          const record = await app
  setup(app, customConfigAndJobs);

// Actually schedule the job
  name : 'MyJob',
  interval : '*/20 * * * * *', // Every 20 seconds
  data: {
    _id: '61e5a5bb06c4d94ddc9cb531'


Simply run npm test and all your tests in the test/ directory will be run. It has full support for Visual Studio Code. You can use the debugger to set breakpoints.


Licensed under the MIT license.


Original feathers service template was feathers-messagebird by Frederik Schmatz.


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    • matthiasmaxorg