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A rose by any other name might smell sweeter

But might not make as much sense. f is for "format". align is self explanatory. Stay tuned. All will become clear.


falign is a smart and powerful formatter and parser. Anything (almost anything) format is capable of formatting may be parsed using the same format specification. The specification we devised picks and chooses our favorite qualities from c's sprintf and python's format and then we added our own flavor crystals. We tossed and turned the problem over in our heads and decided to make one big assumption which is that almost everything is formatted (not necessarily parsed) as a string. We do include some basic support for specifiers such as numeric precision.

"Hey, why do that?", you ask. "I loose my ability to convert and format a number as hexadecimal. I loose my ability to format my dates according to some calendar on some far off planet in some galaxy far far away!" Do you? No, you don't. No formatting library will ever be able to present the bits and pieces of your data in all the various ways you want to format it. falign's concern is formatting the whole. You know how you want to present the bits and pieces of your data. Format your Date your Objects, your special sauce however you like if toString doesn't cut it.

Are you still feeling gipped? Let's examine what you gain:

  • align all types to either the left, right or center of a specified width and pad with character of your choice.
  • align columns to the left or right or around a center.
  • parse using the very same specification you used to format your data (which is heavily dependent on alignment).

Feeling better? No. Well, checkout the specification. Check out the API. Check out the examples and if you are still not happy then sprintf will be there for you.


The following are all results from our examples. To run the examples NodeJS must be installed.

Format alignment examples - ./examples/format-lrc.js

description: left/right/center - padding=" ", width=10

request: format("${10l}|${10c}|${10r}", ["left", "center", "right"])
result: "left      |  center  |     right"

description: left/right/center - padding=".", paths=indexes, width=15

request: format("${0:.15l}|${1:.15c}|${0:.15r}", ["element-0","element-1"])
result: "element-0......|...element-1...|......element-0"

description: left/right/center - padding=".", paths=object, width=15

request: format("${left:.15l}|${center:.15c}|${right:.15r}", 
   {"center": "dead-eye", "left": "leftie", "right": "rightie"})
result: "leftie.........|...dead-eye....|........rightie"

Parse alignment examples - ./examples/parse-lrc.js

description: left/right/center - padding=" ", width=10

request: parse("${10l}|${10c}|${10r}", "left      |  center  |     right")
result: ["left", "center", "right"]

description: left/right/center - padding=".", paths=indexes, width=15

request: parse("${0:.15l}|${1:.15c}|${0:.15r}", "element-0......|...element-1...|......element-0")
result: ["element-0", "element-1"]

description: left/right/center - padding=".", paths=object, width=15

request: parse("${left:.15l}|${center:.15c}|${right:.15r}", 
result: {"left": "leftie", "center": "dead-eye", "right": "rightie"}

Format literal examples - ./examples/format-literals.js

description: fields and literals - align=left

request: format("${l} + ${l} = ${l}", [50, 25, 75])
result: "50 + 25 = 75"

description: fields and literals - align=left

request: format("${l} + ${l} = ${l}", [50.5, 25.25, 75.75])
result: "50.5 + 25.25 = 75.75"

description: fields and literals w/precision - align=left

request: format("${l} + ${l} ~= ${l}", [50.5, 25.25, "75.8"])
result: "50.5 + 25.25 ~= 75.8"

Parse literal examples - ./examples/parse-literals.js

description: fields and literals - align=left

request: parse("${l} + ${l} = ${l}", "50 + 25 = 75")
result: ["50", "25", "75"]

description: fields and literals - align=left, type=integer

request: parse("${li} + ${li} = ${li}", "50 + 25 = 75")
result: [50, 25, 75]

description: fields and literals - align=left, type=float

request: parse("${lf} + ${lf} = ${lf}", "50.5 + 25.25 = 75.75")
result: [50.5, 25.25, 75.75]

description: fields and literals - align=left, type=float

request: parse("${lf} + ${lf} ~= ${lf}", "50.5 + 25.25 ~= 75.8")
result: [50.5, 25.25, 75.8]



The format specification is a string. It may be composed of literals and optional fields. The field specification is as follows: "${[path:][pad][width]<l|r|c>}"

  • path: optional property path of the data in format's data param. Defaults to the field spec's index.
  • pad: optional character to pad with. It may not be 1-9. And width must be included for it to be useful. Defaults to a space.
  • width: optional width of field in characters.
  • l|r|c: align left, right or center


The parse specification is a superset of the format specification. Its motivations for being an extension of the format specification is that we offer an optional type directive. These allow us to know how to parse some simple field types such as numbers and dates. The field specification is as follows: "${[path:][pad][width]<l|r|c>[i|f|d][+]}"

  • path: optional property path of the parsed value in the result object. Defaults to the field spec's index.
  • pad: optional character the field is padded with. It may not be 1-9.
  • width: optional width of field in characters.
  • l|r|c: aligned left, right or center.
  • i|f|d: optional conversion type for the field: i=integer, f=floating point, d=date. string by default.
  • +: optional flag which reads to end of the line. Useful for variable length fields at the end of a line.


format(spec:string, data:(Array|Object)) -> string


spec (string): the specification string to which the formatter will format

data (Array|Object): the source of data referenced in the spec.


(string): formatted data

parse(spec:string, encoded:string, {
}) -> (Array|Object)


spec (string): the specification string that describes the data encoded in encoded

encoded (string): the data as (but not necessarily) formatted by format

exceptionOnMismatch (boolean): whether to throw an exception when encoded does not match the spec. If you set this to false then it will return the match up to the point at which the mismatch failed.


(Array|Object): the result. The type depends on the paths that you use in your spec.

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  • celsasser