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2.4.0 • Public • Published


Service to parse and evaluate math expressions.

Compact recursive descent expression parser, and evaluation service for closed-form analytic expressions. Service supports boolean expressions, regular algebraic expressions, numeric and string functions, variables, and closures.

Target: ES2022 [browser+NodeJS][ESM+CJS].


  • Parse once, execute multiple times
  • Efficient expression evaluation and basic type checking
  • Support for boolean, number, string, array, object, function, void, variant and nullable types
  • Boolean, arithmetic, string and index operators
  • Numeric and string comparison operators
  • Variadic functions and closures
  • Input and statement variables
  • Standard math functions
  • Easy to add custom functions or constants
  • All operators support literal equivalent
  • Method-style invocation is supported for all functions, i.e. pow(a,2) is the same as a.pow(2)



  • Boolean disjunction: |
  • Boolean conjunction: &
  • Boolean negation: !
  • Greater than: >
  • Less than: <
  • Greater than or equal to: >=
  • Less than or equal to: <=
  • Equals to: =
  • Not equals to: !=
  • String similar to: ~
  • String not similar: !~
  • Null coalescence: ?:
  • Arithmetic addition or string concatination: +
  • Arithmetic subtraction: -
  • Arithmetic negation: -
  • Arithmetic multiplication: *
  • Arithmetic division: /
  • Arithmetic percentage: %
  • Array element at literal index: @
  • Array element at numeric value: []
  • Array concatination: #
  • Object property by literal name: .
  • Object property by string value: {}
  • Object merging: $
  • Assignment: :
  • Grouping: (...)
  • Next statement: ,
  • Conditional statement: if ... then ... else ...


  • Boolean disjunction: or(boolean ...values)
  • Boolean conjunction: and(boolean ...values)
  • Bolean negation: not(boolean value)
  • Greater than: gt(number value1, number value2)
  • Less than: lt(number value1, number value2)
  • Greater than or equals to: ge(number value1, number value2)
  • Less than or equals to: le(number value1, number value2)
  • Equals to: eq(var value1, var value2)
  • Not equals to: neq(var value1, var value2)
  • String similar to: like(string value1, string value2)
  • String not similar to: nlike(string value1, string value2)
  • Conditional statement: ifte(boolean condition, var valueIfTrue, var valueIfFalse)
  • Null coalescence: nullco(var value, var valueIfNull)
  • Arithmetic addition or string concatination: add(number|string ...values)
  • Arithmetic subtraction: sub(number minuend, number subtrahend)
  • Arithmetic negation: neg(number value)
  • Arithmetic multiplication: mul(number ...values)
  • Arithmetic division: div(number dividend, number divisor)
  • Arithmetic percentage: pct(number dividend, number divisor)
  • Exponent: exp(number value)
  • Logarithm: log(number value)
  • Power: pow(number base, number exponent)
  • Root: rt(number value, number index)
  • Square: sq(number value)
  • Square root: sqrt(number value)
  • Absolute value: abs(number value)
  • Ceil: ceil(number value)
  • Floor: floor(number value)
  • Rounded value: round(number value)
  • Minimum: min(number ...values)
  • Maximum: max(number ...values)
  • String contains substring: contains(string value, string search, number? startPos, boolean? boolean? ignoreCaseSpaceEtc)
  • String starts with substring: startsWith(string value, string search, number? startPos, boolean? ignoreCaseSpaceEtc)
  • String ends with substring: endsWith(string value, string search, number? endPos, boolean? boolean? ignoreCaseSpaceEtc)
  • Get alphanum of string: alphanum(string value)
  • Trim: trim(string value)
  • Trim start: trimStart(string value)
  • Trim end: trimEnd(string value)
  • Substring: substr(string value, number beginPos, number? endPos)
  • Char at position: char(string value, number pos)
  • Char code at position: charCode(string value, number pos)
  • Array element at index: at(array value, number index)
  • Concatination of arrays and singular values into an array: concat(array ...values)
  • New array with reverse order of items: reverse(array value)
  • New array flattened to specified depth: flatten(array value, number depth)
  • New array sliced from given array: slice(array value, number? beginIndex, number? endIndex)
  • New array filled with numbers in between given two numbers: range(number inclusiveFrom, number exclusiveTo)
  • Find first item satisfying condition: first(array value, function condition)
  • Find last item satisfying condition: last(array value, function condition)
  • Find first index of item satisfying condition: firstIndex(array value, function condition)
  • Find last index of item satisfying condition: lastIndex(array value, function condition)
  • Iterate items: iterate(array value, function iterator)
  • Map items: map(array value, function transform)
  • Filter items satisfying condition: filter(array value, function condition)
  • Check if any item satisfies condition: any(array value, function condition)
  • Check if every item satisfies condition: every(array value, function condition)
  • Object construction from name-value pairs: construct(array ...values)
  • Object property by name: by(object value, string name)
  • Object merging: merge(object ...values)


  • null
  • true
  • false
  • NaN
  • PosInf
  • NegInf
  • Epsilon
  • Pi


The expression parsing is performed using the following grammar:

<list> = <disjunction>{ ","<disjunction> }
<disjunction> = <conjunction>{ "|"<conjunction> }
<conjunction> = <comparison>{ "&"<comparison> }
<comparison> = { "!" }<aggregate>{ ( ">" | ">=" | "<" | "<=" | "=" | "!=" | "~" | "!~" )<aggregate> }
<aggregate> = <product>{ ( "+" | "-" | "#" | "$" )<product> }
<product> = <factor>{ ( "*" | "/" | "%" )<factor> }
<factor> = { "-" }<coalescence>{ "^"<coalescence> }
<coalescence> = <accessor>{ "?="<accessor> }
<accessor> = <term>{ ( "["<disjunction>"]" | "@"<array-index> | "{"<disjunction>"}" |
	"."( <property-name> | <function-name>"("{ <disjunction> }{ ","<disjunction> }")" ) ) }
<term> = <number> | <string> | <constant-name> |
	<function-name>"("{ <disjunction> }{ ","<disjunction> }")" |
	{ <type> } <variable-name>{ ":"<disjunction> } |
	<type>"("<type> <argument>{ ","<type> <argument> }")" "=>"<list> |
	"("<disjunction>")" |
	"["{ <disjunction> }{ ","<disjunction> }"]" |
	"{"{ <property-name>:<disjunction> }{ ","<property-name>:<disjunction> }"}" |
	"if" <condition> "then" <disjunction> "else" <disjunction>
<type> = ( "void" | "boolean" | "number" | "string" | "array" | "object" | "function" ){ "?" } | "var"

Whitespace characters are ignored.

Valid variable or function names consist of a letter, or "_" characters followed by any combination of alphanumeric characters, and "_". For example: x, _a1, abc25


Create instance of ExpressionService for math expression. During the parsing any alphanumeric sequence not identified as number value, string value, operator, or a function name is assumed to be variable. Evaluate the expression by providing variable values.

Sample code:

const expr = new ExpressionService( 'x * (y + abc / 5) > 10' );
const value1 = expr.evaluate( { x: 10, y: 20, abc: 10 } ); // true
const value2 = expr.evaluate( { x: 1, y: 4, abc: 5 } ); // false
const arrExpr = new ExpressionService( '[ 1, 2, 3, a, b, c ].add()' );
const valueSum = arrExpr.evaluate( { a: 10, b: 20, c: 30 } ); // 66
const objExpr = new ExpressionService( '{prop1:a,prop2:`abc`}.prop1+10' );
const oValue = objExpr.evaluate( { a: 50 } ); // 60
const iteratorExpr = new ExpressionService(
	' a) -> a*2).filter(boolean(number a) => a>3).add()'
const iValue = iteratorExpr.evaluate( { arr: [ 1, 2, 3 ] } ); // 10
const complexExpr = new ExpressionService(
	'var a:myvar1/10, var b:myvar2-100, a/b + b*a + 600'
const value = complexExpr.evaluate( { myvar1: 40, myvar2: 104 } ); // 4761


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