
1.0.0 • Public • Published

Express WaaS SDK

Getting Started

npm i ew-sdk

Initiating your Server

import { EWServer } from 'ew-sdk'

const server = new EWServer({
    encryption: 'AUTO' | 'NONE' | { publicKey: '', privateKey: '' },
    log: false | true,
    serverLocation: 'INDIA-CENTRAL',

server.connect(SERVER_TOKEN, [
        name: "topic1",

server.connect() is an async method. SERVER_TOKEN will be provided from the dashboard after adding your server. All the configuration will be fetched from cloud. You can use you RSA keypairs or use AUTO encryption mode for SDK to generate keypairs automatically.

Server API

1. Custom Authentication

This is an event based custom authentication hook. You can access or use query section of Client for custom authentication.

server.customAuthentication(({ query, client_socket_id }) => {
    // some calculation
    // authentication code
    return true | false

2. Recieving messages from clients

This method can be used to recieve messages from any clients.

server.on_client_msg(data => {})

3. Broadcasting Data

await server.broadcast(data)

4. Publishing to a topic

await server.publish(topicName, data)

Initiating a Client

import { EWClient } from "ew-sdk"

const client = new EWClient({
	namespace: NAMESPACE,
	log: false | true,
	serverLocation: "INDIA-CENTRAL",

await client.connect({
    token: CLIENT_TOKEN,
    type: "ANONYMOUS",
    ref: "SERVER",
    topics: [
            name: "topic1",

You can use query section for any data to pass along with the connection request. It can also be used for custom authentication.

Note: Client automatically syncs encryption settings with the server its connected to.

Client API

1. Subscribing to topics

await client.subscribe(['Topic1', 'Topic2',...])

2. Unsubscribing to topics

await client.unsubscribe(['Topic1', 'Topic2',...])

3. Recieving Updates

client.on(topicName, (...publishedData) => {})

Note: You can have multiple hooks on same topic!

4. Recieving Broadcasted Updated

client.onBroadcast((...broadcastedData) => {})

Note: You can have multiple hooks.

5. Send

await client.send(data)


If E2EE is on, SDK will handle the encryption and decryption of data automatically.


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  • hrishikesh.214