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no longer maintaining


0.0.25 • Public • Published


Packaged Environment Manager - Generates packages from objects which can deploy to any framework across many languages.

WARNING: Evox is in development and has not passed testing. DO NOT USE IN LIVE ENVIRONMENTS!


  1. $ sudo npm install -g nodemon
  2. $ sudo npm install -g phonegap
  3. $ sudo npm install -g evox
  4. $ sudo evox profile
  5. $ sudo evox profile
  6. $ sudo evox profile
  8. $ evox create
  9. Point Apache to deploy/admin
  10. Point Apache to deploy/web
  11. $ evox

CLI Commands

 evox                          - Alias for "evox help"
 evox create [profile] [name]  - Creates an environment
 evox database                 - Adds a database to evox.json
 evox deploy                   - Deploys entire build to environments
 evox environment              - Updates environment settings.
 evox generate [name] [env]    - Generates a package given the 
								 schema.json in that same folder
 evox install [link]           - Installs package from remote
 sudo evox profile [link]      - Adds a profile
 evox relate [name]            - Generates a relational package given
								 the schema.json in that same folder
 evox remove [name]            - Removes package
 evox watch [name]             - Watches changes in [name] only


Evox applications are built using event driven packages. Packages are objects or components used as building blocks to an application. Example packages can be thought of as category, post, user. Each package is event driven which allows other packages to easily interactive with each other.

In team environments it is best practice to divided members by packages. Since packages can be separately "turned of and on" bugs are easily manageable.

$ evox install

Packages are maintained in a separate repository from evox. Valid parameters can be exclusively the GitHub repository link or a link to a tarball .tar.gz file. Some premade package examples are listed below.

Alternatively a tarball file can also be used in the absence of GitHub. Some examples of tarballs are listed below.

evox generate [name] [env]

Packages can be auto-generated if a schema.json is provided. A schema is either a definition of an object or a relation. Follow the instructions below to create an example category package.

  1. Create a folder called category in [PROJECT_DIRECTORY]/project
  2. In [PROJECT_DIRECTORY]/project/category folder, create a file called schema.json
  3. Paste in the data from here
  4. Run evox generate category

Follow the instructions below to create an example category_user relation package.

  1. Create a folder called category_user in [PROJECT_DIRECTORY]/project
  2. In [PROJECT_DIRECTORY]/project/category_user folder, create a file called schema.json
  3. Paste in the data from here
  4. Run evox generate category_user

Environment Profile

Profiles are evnrionment platform templates used by evox to interact from a package folder to the actual deployable environments. This allows frameworks like Express or Backbone for example to interface with Evox packages seemlessly. Profiles are not limited to Node frameworks. A profile can be created from any languange. It is possible to create a profile based on Wordpress, Django, Rails for example. Some premade package examples are listed below.


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