
0.3.0 • Public • Published


This is simply a POC and my way of writing down my thoughts about how I would want to implement a CQRS system. The focus here is on components/tools and functions that can be interchanged rather than a full framework.


  • Domain Model (Aggregate)

    This is the object that represents the state of our model. Only it can change its own state as a result of Commands. Each state change results in an Event.

  • EventStore

    A storage facility for events/history/facts. This can be in memory or backed by a database. What I have here is in memory.

  • EventBus

    The medium through which facts of state change are shared to interested observers.

  • EventListeners

    These are the observers of facts of state changes. They are functions to be invoked when the domain model has changed its state.

  • Repository

    A component through which we create and access the domain model.

  • Commands

    Objects representing an intent of state change by the user on the domain model.

  • CommandHandlers

    Functions with the purpose of communicating the intended state change to the domain model.

  • Events

    Objects representing a fact of state change in the domain model.

Based on these definitions of the components, the system should work like this:

CommandHandlers are effectively CH(Command) -> [...Event]

Actions the domain model can execute are A() -> [...Event]

This means every intention to change the state of the domain model results in n events (where n = 0 is a failure and n > 0 is success).

Examples of usage

Of course, I'll use a Todo application because that's the app any system can build.

Eventuality = require 'eventuality'

Todo = Eventuality.defineAggregate
  name: 'Todo'
    description: null
    completed: false
    complete: ->
      @state.completed = true
      Eventuality.Event(aggregateId: @id, name: 'TodoCompletedEvent', payload: {completed: true}, state: @state)

TodoCommands =
  CreateTodo: ({id, description }) -> name: 'CreateTodo', message: {id, description}
  MarkAsCompleted: ({ id }) -> name: 'MarkAsCompleted', message: {id}

TodoEventStore = Eventuality.EventStore()
# If you want to persist events somewhere else
# TodoEventStore = Eventuality.EventStore({
#   add: (event) -> # put it somewhere
#   getEvents: -> # return an array of events
# })

TodoRepository = Eventuality.Repository 'Todo', Todo, TodoEventStore

TodoCommandHandlers =
  CreateTodo: (attrs) -> TodoRepository.add attrs
  MarkAsCompleted: ({ id }) ->
    todo = TodoRepository.load id

TodoEventBus = Eventuality.EventBus()

TodoCreatedEventListenerToUpdateDB = (event) -> # Update database...
TodoCreatedEventListenerToLogStuff = (event) -> # Do some logging...

  TodoCreatedEvent: [
  TodoCompletedEvent: [
    (event) ->
      # More stuff to be done

It can(doesn't have to) all come together like so...

TodoFlow = Eventuality.Flow
  eventStore: TodoEventStore
  eventBus: TodoEventBus
  commandHandlers: TodoCommandHandlers

## Later when the user wants to do things...
TodoFlow.dispatch TodoCommands.CreateTodo id: 'todo1', description: 'Create a todo'
TodoFlow.dispatch TodoCommands.MarkAsCompleted id: 'todo1'

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