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:: README.md for evdh (version test201502211209 (public npm version)

evdh : EisF Video Download Helper

author sceext sceext@foxmail.com 2009EisF2015, 2015.02
copyright 2015 sceext All rights reserved.

evdh is used to AUTO download videos on webpages (such as youku) with the analyse service provided by flv.cn
(Download evdh) (Features of evdh) (test info)

flv.cn can analyse the URL of video playing web pages, and give the URLs of video files to download. (for example: videos of Youku can be downloaded by this way)
But when it comes to videos cut in several parts, it can be painful to download each part of video files one by one by hand.

evdh can auto download all parts of video files, and auto merge them. With the "task_list" mode, evdh can even auto download many videos.
With evdh, it will be much easier to download videos.

This is the npm version of evdh. (public npm version) branch version-npm

NOTE: The current evdh npm version is NOT ready to be used by other npm modules! It is just a tool used by human to auto download videos.


  • Please use npm

    evdh is an AUTO download tool used in node.js.
    Please use npm to install evdh.

    If you do not use npm, you can try other ways to Download evdh.

  • Software Dependence

    evdh depends on these softwares:

    • RECOMMEND: ffmpeg

    After installed these softwares can you use the functions of evdh entirely.

    On ArchLinux you can use pacman to install the softwares:

    $ sudo pacman -S ffmpeg

    • On Debian/Ubuntu please use apt-get
    • On Fedora/Redhat please use yum

    to install the softwares.

    Or to install them from the official websites:

  • Description of Software Dependence

    • node.js
      evdh uses node.js as the runtime environment.

    • xmldom (a module on npm)
      evdh uses xmldom to process xml.

    • ffmpeg
      evdh uses ffmpeg to merge video part files.
      Without ffmpeg, you can not use the "AUTO merge part video files" function of evdh.


The default config file is etc/evdh.conf.xml

Please edit it to your own needs.

About token

evdh uses the Web API of [flv.cn] http://flv.cn/ (api.flvxz.com)

You can try to get a token for free from http://flv.cn/docs.php?doc=api

NOTE: Please notice that the token is very important for you. When using the URL analyse service of flv.cn, the token is used to identity yourself.
So please be careful to prevent the token be used by others.

The token is stored in a separate file to protect your own private token.
You can change the location of the token file in config file.

Default token file is etc/private/token
You should write your own token in such file before use evdh to download videos.

RUN evdh

Please use evdh start shell script to start run evdh. You can use this command:

$ ./evdh.sh

This will start evdh interactively.

You can use $ ./evdh.sh --version to show version info of evdh.
Or you can use this to get help:

$ ./evdh.sh --help

evdh : EisF Video Download Helper 
Usage: evdh
       evdh [OPTIONS] ... 
   none         just use "evdh" without any command line arguments 
                will start evdh in "normal" mode, which runs interactively 

   --url <url>  start evdh in "auto_url" mode
                in this mode, evdh will auto download files, and
                do not ask user to confirm 
   --continue   start evdh in "auto_continue" mode
                in this mode, evdh will auto continue unfinished task, 
                do not ask user to confirm 
   --list-file <file>
                You can let evdh auto download many URLs in this "task_list" 
                mode. URLs is writen in <file>, one in a line 

   --help       Show this help information 
   --version    Show evdh version information 
     evdh is used to help download videos on website. 
  The URL inputed in evdh is the url of the video playing web page. 
  evdh will auto analyse the url by "api.flvxz.com", and get URLs of video 
  part files, and auto download them all, and auto merge part videos in 
  a whole one with "ffmpeg". 


This is FREE SOFTWARE, released under GNU GPLv3+
please see LICENSE for more information.

   evdh : EisF Video Download Helper, auto download videos on web pages 
   Copyright (C) 2015 sceext <sceext@foxmail.com> 

   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
   (at your option) any later version.

   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   GNU General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

Other Branches

You can get evdh from https://github.com/sceext2/evdh
and get the source code of evdh at the same time.

This is the npm version of evdh. (public npm version) branch version-npm

evdh also has these versions

Or you can download evdh releases from

uuid mark for evdh

uuid mark for this program evdh is

uuid=1df11f80-183f-405f-b93c-4dff2ce08398 (public npm version)


current version 0.0.2-1.npm test201502211207 (public npm version) branch version-npm

version 0.0.2-1.npm test201502211207 (public npm version)

  • update README.md for evdh npm version.

version v0.0.1 test201502202333 (public npm version)

  • first npm version of evdh. Forked from evdh public version.
    (evdh version test201502141915 (public version) branch version)

More Information

To get more information about version (include version history)
please see VERSION.md (o/VERSION.md)
Or https://github.com/sceext2/evdh/releases


evdh now has these features

  • use flv.cn's service to analyse URL (api.flvxz.com)
    AUTO analyse the URL of video playing pages, and get the URL of part video files to download.

  • AUTO download all part video files, and AUTO create the file name to save

  • AUTO merge part video files
    evdh uses ffmpeg to AUTO merge part video files. There it merges videos without re-encoding. So it is very fast, and willnot hurt quality of video.

  • [NEW] AUTO download many videos
    In "task_list" mode, evdh can AUTO download many videos. For example, write many URLs of video playing pages in the url.list file, each in a line.
    Then use the command $ ./evdh.sh --list-file url.list to AUTO download every videos in this list file.

  • Continue the task not finished last time
    evdh has log file, supports resuming HTTP download, can continue to do the unfinished task last time when start.

  • [NEW] AUTO mode and Interactive mode
    evdh has 2 kinds of modes, AUTO mode and Interactive mode. Use the command $ ./evdh.sh to start evdh in interactive mode. The usage of AUTO mode, please use $ ./evdh.sh --help to show it.

  • [NEW] AUTO retry after download failed
    In "task_list" mode, if a download failed, evdh will AUTO retry to download. Default retry times is 4.

  • AUTO select video
    Many videos can be got after analysing only one URL, with different video quality. evdh can AUTO select one of them to download.
    First, evdh will select video by the code of video quality (the "hd" number, which is provided by the analyse service of flv.cn), which can be set in config file.

    [NEW] Otherwise, in AUTO mode, evdh can AUTO select video by KEYWORDS. If there is more than one video selected with the hd number, in Interactive mode, evdh will ask user to select one. But in AUTO mode, evdh will not ask user, and AUTO select videos with keywords in the "quality string". (the "quality string" is provided by the analyse service of flv.cn) Keywords is writen in config file.

  • Show download status and speed
    When downloading videos, evdh will show the information such as finished bytes, download speed.

  • Multi-thread download
    Each part video file downloads with single thread, but many file can be downloaded at the same time. So it is multi-thread download on the whole. Default number of thread is 2, which can be changed in config file.

  • Download memory buffer
    Default size is 2MB (each file), which can be changed in config file. This is used to protect hard disk, to prevent write too often.

  • Config file
    evdh has its own config file. token is stored in another file, which can help to protect the private token.

Shortcomings of evdh

Now evdh has some shortcomings, and some known BUGs.

More information please see SHORTCOMING.md (o/SHORTCOMING.md)


Test info of evdh English version (public version) branch version

evdh is now tested on ArchLinux (2015.02)

  • evdh works fine on ArchLinux.

  • Known problems

    • Installing ffmpeg on Ubuntu 14.04 is not very easy.
      So the function "Auto merge part video files" has not been tested on Ubuntu 14.04.

NOTE: evdh is an auto download tool writen to run on GNU/Linux OS, with node.js.

About sceext and 2009EisF2015

sceext is my pen name. sceext reads as s-c-e-e-x-t.
sceext has no meaning, but only I use sceext on the Internet. (There is hardly no conflicts.)

EisF is the mark that I add to my programs.

EisF means EisF is EisF. EisF is a forked recursive acronym.
(Just like GNU = GNU's Not Unix) EisF = EisF is EisF ([E]isF [is] Eis[F])

2009EisF2015 means that the mark EisF has been used from year 2009 to now (year 2015).


evdh EisF Video Download Helper English version public version branch version

auto download videos

download videos easier download videos on web pages analyse videos on web pages

download youku video download sohu video

with analyse service provided by flv.cn api.flvxz.com

:: end README.md


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