A plugin for esbuild that allows importing CSS,
SVG, HTML, XLIFF files as tagged-template literals. The files are (optionally)
minified using esbuild minifier (for CSS), html-minifier
(for HTML), and
svgo (for SVG).
npm i esbuild-plugin-lit -D
Include plugin in your build script:
const { default: litPlugin } = require("esbuild-plugin-lit");
entryPoints: ["index.ts"],
bundle: true,
outfile: "index.js",
minify: true,
plugins: [litPlugin()],
Now you can import CSS, SVG, HTML files as tagged-template literals:
import styles from 'styles.css';
import icon from 'icon.svg';
class SpecialButton extends LitElement {
static styles = styles;
render() {
return html`
<span class="icon">${icon}</span>
For TypeScript support, include ambient module types in your config file:
"include": ["./node_modules/esbuild-plugin-lit/modules.d.ts"]
Customization & Loading SASS, LESS, etc.
The plugin supports setting custom file extensions and transformation for each imported types, for example, the following with load SASS files:
const { default: litPlugin } = require("esbuild-plugin-lit");
const SASS = require("sass");
plugins: [litPlugin(
// augment the global filter
filter: /\.(css|svg|html|xlf|scss)$/,
css: {
// specify extension for css
extension: /\.s?css$/,
transform: (data) => Sass.renderSync({ data }).css.toString(),
If minification is set for esbuild (minify: true
), the plugin will minify
imported CCS files using esbuild's built-in minifier. You can set
minify: false
in settings for CSS to opt-out from minification:
plugins: [litPlugin({
css: {
minify: false,
To minify SVG and HTML files, the plugin uses svgo
and html-minifier
packages respectively, so make sure they are installed if such minification is
npm i svgo -D
npm i html-minifier -D
Then supply the minifiers' options to the plugin:
minify: true,
plugins: [litPlugin({
svg: {
svgo: {
plugins: [
html: {
htmlMinifier: {}, // use the default options
Loading XLIFF localization files
Lit provides lit-localize
package for localization purposes. When used in the
so-called runtime mode, the package relies on a set of rollup based tools to
extract messages from templates into XLIFF localization files
(lit-localize extract
), and to later compile them into "importable" JS files
using lit-localize build
With esbuild-plugin-lit
one can skip the build step and "load" XLIFF files
directly as shown in our
example project:
// Load xliff files statically
import * as ce from "./xliff/ce.xlf";
import * as es from "./xliff/es.xlf";
const locales = new Map(
[["ce", ce], ["es", es]],
const { setLocale } = configureLocalization({
sourceLocale: "en",
targetLocales: ["ce", "es"],
loadLocale: async (locale) => locales.get(locale),
The files are compiled on the fly by esbuild, thus, simplifying the toolchain and speeding up the process.
To load XLIFF files, install tmxl
npm i txml -D
And set xlf
loader: {
".xlf": "text",
plugins: [litPlugin({
xlf: {}, // use default settings
Using with Deno
The plugin also supports building with Deno:
import * as esbuild from "";
import { denoPlugin } from "";
import pluginLit from "";
await esbuild
plugins: [
specifier: "",
entryPoints: ["./main.ts"],
outfile: "./main.js",
target: "es2022",
format: "esm",
bundle: true,
minify: true,
sourcemap: true,
Though, keep in mind that Deno
does not support ambient module
typing (declare module
) and each asset import has to be typed using
// @deno-types
MIT @ Maga D. Zandaqo