
1.1.1 • Public • Published

ES7 - Babel Library Boilerplate

  Build Status (#master):   CircleCI

  Coverage (#master):   codecov

  Code Quality Score:   Code Climate

  Code Issues:   Issue Count


Development Experience


  • npm start - execute code in src directory with live reload via nodemon transpiled with babel-node
  • npm run serve:dev <target> - execute target code with live reload via nodemon transpiled with babel-node
  • npm run debug src - execute code with debug flag enabled
  • npm run benchmark - run benchmark tests with benchmark.js
  • npm run benchmark:watch - run benchmark tests with benchmark.js and watch for file changes
  • npm run lint - code linting with eslint
  • npm run lint:fix - fix problems automatically with eslint
  • npm test - run tests with mocha and chai with spec as reporter and nyc code coverage
  • npm run test:watch - run tests with mocha and chai and watch for changes
  • npm run test:reporter-list - run tests with mocha and chai with list reporter
  • npm run test:export - export tests results as html files in the ./reports folder via mochasome
  • npm run build:dist - transpile and minify ES6+ code and create sourcemaps with babel & babili
  • npm run serve:dist - serve production files from the ./dist folder via node
  • npm run scan:security - run vulnerability tests via the node security platform nsp
  • npm run scan:updates - check for latest versions of dependencies via ncu


Testing with Mocha and Chai, HTML Reports via mochawesome

npm test

Benchmarking Suite

Benchmark Testing with Benchmark.js

npm run benchmark


Currently a known issues in node-inspector/. in current Version 0.12.8 here prevents use with Node Version 6x.

Current debug workaround for node 6.x:

  • "debug": "nodemon $2 --exec babel-node --debug",

When issues is resolved or on version 4.x / 5.x:

  • "debug": "babel-node-debug $2",

and run it via ...

npm run debug src

Security & Updates

Run vulnerability tests via Node Security Project

Check for dependency updates via NPM Check Updates

Dependents (0)

Package Sidebar


npm i es7-babel-starter

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Last publish


  • d3viant0ne