
0.1.14 • Public • Published

Enzyme Page Object

A library to help write enzyme tests using the page-object pattern



$ npm install enzyme-page-object --save-dev


$ yarn add enzyme-page-object --dev


enzyme-page-object is a simple wrapper around enzyme with the goal of making tests a little more readable and managable.

To use enzyme-page-object, create a page for the file you want to test and extend your SpecificPage class from Page.

To create a page, just pass the following arguments to the constructor:

  • shallow or mount, depending on how you want to test your component
  • the react component
  • an options object

Available options:

  • dive: (number of times to dive into shallow component)

So, something like this:

new Page('shallow', <Component props={...props} />, { dive: 2 })


Because this is a work in progress, not all aspects of Enzyme are currently represented. If you ever need to get to an underlying enzyme element, you can call element on the last returned Page object, and work with that as you would an enzyme object:

page.find('a').filter('.my-class').element // returns enzyme element


Given a file Logo.js:

// Logo.js

import React from 'react'

class Logo extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
      <img src="/my/logo.png" />

export default Logo

And a test originally written without page objects:

// __tests__/Logo.test.js

import React from 'react'
import { shallow } from 'enzyme'
import Logo from '../Logo'

describe('rendering the logo', () => {
  it('renders the src /my/logo.png', () => {
    const wrapper = shallow(<Logo />)

    const result = wrapper.find('img').prop('src')


You can write a page object:

// __tests__/pages/Logo.page.js

import Page from 'enzyme-page-object'

class LogoPage extends Page {
  constructor(component) {
    super('shallow', component)

  get image() {
    return this.find('img').prop('src')

export default LogoPage

And then convert your test to this:

// __tests__/Logo.test.js

import React from 'react'
import LogoPage from './pages/logo.page'
import Logo from '../Logo'

describe('rendering the logo', () => {
  it('renders the image /my/logo.png', () => {
    const page = new LogoPage(<Logo />)

    const result = page.image



A Section is part of a page that you may use in multiple places.

It accepts a Page, or type and component to create a Page.

It uses the given or created page as context.

Given a Section:

import { Section } from 'enzyme-page-object'

class MenuSection extends Section {
  get dashboard() {
    // context here is the given or created page
    return this.context.find('a').filter('dashboard').element

We can add the section to an existing page:

import Page from 'enzyme-page-object'
import Home from './components/Home' // The page being tested

class HomePage extends Page {
  get menu() {
    return new MenuSection({ page: this })

page = new HomePage('shallow', <Home />)

const dashboard = page.menu.dashboard

Or use the section to generate a new page on the fly:

import Home from './components/Home' // The page being tested

// Options (like `dive`) are passed to the Page automatically
section = new MenuSection({ type: 'shallow', component: <Home />, dive: 1 })

const dashboard = section.dashboard



constructor(type, component, options = {})

Returns a Page object. Accepts the following arguments:

  • Type: One of mount or shallow (Required)
  • Component: A React component that the Page will wrap (Required)
  • Options: an options object
    • dive: When shallow rendering, the dive option to pass to enzyme
    • context: The context to pass to a shallow rendered or mounted enzyme object


Calls enzyme find() using the selector given. Returns a FoundElement


Calls enzyme getElement()


constructor({ page, type, component })

Returns a Section object. Accepts the following arguments:

  • Page: a Page context to be used for the section. If one is not provided, a new Page will be created.
  • Type: If no Page is provided, the type of Page to generate (shallow or mount)
  • Component: If no Page is provided, the React component to wrap the Page around



Returns FoundElement with element attached as property.


Calls enzyme simulate('click'), passing the given options. Returns null.

change(value, options = {})

Calls enzyme simulate('change'). value will be merged into options, to result in a call like this:

// textfield.change('New Value')

simulate('change', { target: { value: 'New Value' }})

// textfield.prop('value')
// => 'New Value'

If the underlying element has a property for checked (as a checkbox would), checked is set instead:

// checkbox.change(false)

simulate('change', { target: { checked: false }})

// checkbox.prop('checked')
// => false

Returns null.

filter(selector) => self

Calls enzyme filter(selector). Returns self.

find(selector) => self

Calls enzyme find(selector). Returns self.

instance() => enzyme.instance()

Calls and returns enzyme instance().

map(fn, wrap) => []

Calls enzyme map(fn). If wrap is true, results are wrapped in FoundElement, else results are returned directly. Returns array.

prop(key) => enzyme.prop(key)

Calls and returns enzyme prop(key)

props() => enzyme.props()

Calls and returns enzyme props()

setContext() => self

Calls enzyme setContext(context). Returns self.

state(key) => enzyme.state(key)

Calls and returns enzyme state(key)

text() => enzyme.text()

Calls and returns enzyme text()

type() => enzyme.type()

Calls and returns enzyme type()

update() => enzyme.update()

Calls enzyme update()


Tests are written with Jest and can be run with:

npm run test


  • Ensure parity to enzyme for shallow / mount
  • Mock enzyme to stop testing functionality that is not from enzyme-page-object




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