
3.0.0 • Public • Published


Store data in various local storages using easy Ember set/get semantics

This addon adds a local-settings service and LocalSettingsInterface object to your app that makes it simple to store values in various local storages without worrying about the different semantics.

It uses a serializer/adapter model much like Ember Data -- the serializer converts the data to and from a storable format and the adapter performs the storage operations.


  1. local-storage
  • Stores data in HTML5 local storage (persists across browser sessions)
  1. session-storage
  • Stores data in HTML5 session storage (cleared when browser is closed)
  1. cookie
  • Stores data in cookies
  1. local-memory
  • Stores data in memory (useful for unit tests)


  1. json
  • Uses JSON.stringify and JSON.parse to store the data as JSON strings
  1. noop
  • Leaves the data as-is. Can only be used with the local-memory adapter, or if only strings need to be stored.


The service is configured through config/environment:

module.exports = function(environment) {
  let ENV = {
    // ...
    localSettings: {
      serializer: 'json',
      adapter: 'local-storage',
      prefix: 'myAppName/'

  if (environment === 'test') {
    ENV.localSettings.adapter = 'local-memory';
  // ...

Using the local-memory adapter is recommended for test mode so that tests don't leak state into other tests through more persistent storage.


There are two APIs that you can use to get and store values. The first one is the using the getValue() and setValue() method on the service. The second is using the settings proxy, which allows access using Ember get() and set() semantics:

import { inject as service } from '@ember/service';

export default Ember.Controller.extend({
  localSettings: service('local-settings'),

  doStuff() {
    let localSettings = this.get('localSettings');
    // The following are equivalent:
    localSettings.setValue('key', 'value');
    localSettings.set('settings.key', 'value');
    localSettings.get('settings').set('key', 'value');


Because the settings proxy uses Ember get() and set() semantics, it cannot be used with keys that contain .s. getValue() and setValue() have no such restriction.

Using either interface, setting a value to null or undefined will delete the value, and getting a deleted/unset value will return null.

Prefixes & branching

Prefixes allow you to scope settings to your application or to specific parts of your application. When writing to persistent back-ends like local storage, you'll want to make sure your settings don't conflict with anything else writing to local storage served from your same domain, which is why it's a good idea to configure the service with a prefix using something like your application name.

Similarly, if your application is complex enough, you might have different parts of it writing settings (e.g. components that want to save state), so you might want to be able to apply prefixes to specific areas of your code. You can do this with the createBranch() method on the service, which allows you to specify another prefix and get back an object with the same semantics as the service, and with the new prefix appended to the service's prefix. This object, in turn, also implements createBranch() so you can continue branching as deep as you like:

import { inject as service } from '@ember/service';

export default Ember.Controller.extend({
  localSettings: service('local-settings'),

  doStuff() {
    let localSettings = this.get('localSettings');
    // If localSettings is configured with the prefix 'myApp' then this will be
    // stored in the underlying storage as 'myApp/key'.
    localSettings.set('settings.key', 'value');

    let branch = localSettings.createBranch('branch/');
    branch.get('settings.key'); // null
    branch.set('settings.key', 'branchValue');

    localSettings.get('settings.key'); // 'value'
    localSettings.get('settings.branch/key'); // 'branchValue'

    let subBranch = branch.createBranch('subBranch/');
    subBranch.set('settings.key', 'subBranchValue');

    localSettings.get('settings.branch/subBranch/key'); // 'subBranchValue'
    branch.get('settings.subBranch/key'); // 'subBranchValue'
    subBranch.get('settings.key'); // 'subBranchValue'

    localSettings.get('settings.key'); // 'value'
    branch.get('settings.key'); // 'branchValue'
    subBranch.get('settings.key'); // 'subBranchValue'

Each branch will share the serializer and adapter of its parent.

Non-singleton usage

The entire implementation is also available via the LocalSettingsInterface class, which is a simple class extending Ember.Object which you can instantiate directly (note that the prefix needs to be specified outside the config hash):

import LocalSettingsInterface from 'local-settings-interface';

let interface = LocalSettingsInterface.create({
  config: {
    serializer: 'json',
    adapter: 'local-storage'
  prefix: 'myAppName/'
interface.set('settings.key', 'value');
let branch = interface.createBranch('branch/');

LocalSettingsInterface has exactly the same API as the service -- in fact, it's instances of this object that are returned when you call createBranch() on the service!

A note about the local memory adapter

Since the local-memory adapter stores its values in local memory, if you instantiate multiple instances of LocalSettingsInterface you can either pass it the same config object, in which case they will all share the same storage, or different config objects, in which case they will each have their own storage. This is mostly useful for isolation in unit tests.

Installing The Addon

ember install ember-local-settings


  • git clone <repository-url> this repository
  • cd ember-local-settings
  • npm install


Running Tests

  • npm test (Runs ember try:each to test your addon against multiple Ember versions)
  • ember test
  • ember test --server


  • ember build

For more information on using ember-cli, visit https://ember-cli.com/.


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