
2.0.1 • Public • Published



npm install -g ebam



Change directory to where you are authoring your module.

Run ebam init to automatically create an ebam project with config fields in the package.json file. You should also run npm init. You can run npm init before, or after ebam init. Ideally ebam init won't step on any fields created by npm init, and vise versa.

Then run ebam on the command line to build your project.

ebam will create a dist folder and these files:

  • dist/{moduleName}.js
  • dist/{moduleName}.min.js
  • dist/bundle.es.js
  • dist/bundle.js

Additional source maps are also generated for each file.

dist/{moduleName}.js, and dist/{moduleName}.min.js are browser ready downloadable builds.

The programmatic interface

Install locally using npm install ebam.

Create a build file in your project's directory:

const ebam = require('ebam');
//Build your project
    "input": "index.js",
    "test": {
      "src": "test/src.js",
      "dest": "test/code.js"
    "transforms": {
      "dangerousForOf": false,
      "dangerousTaggedTemplateString": false
.then(v=>console.log('All done!'))

You can also get the package config automatically.

const ebam = require('ebam');
//Build your project
    //pack is the package.json object
    return ebam(pack.ebam);
.then(v=>console.log('All done!'))


There are no notes for version 1.

Version 2

Version 1 uses an ebam.input field instead of ebam.entry. Old configuration should still work.

Version 2 uses the ebam init command instead of relying on a yeoman generator. The yeoman generator should still be useful, but it's use is being phase out.

The code base is somewhat cleaner for ebam under version 2.


ebam is a wrapper around rollup that compiles your es2015 module into something consumable by browsers using the rollup-plugin-buble module.

This module is meant to do all the usual things when publishing a browser destined module.

The Config

Use the ebam field in your package.json to configure ebam.

Here is a package.json with an ebam configuration field.

  "name": "a-thingy",
  "ebam": {
    "input": "index.js",
    "test": {
      "src": "test/src.js",
      "dest": "test/code.js"
    "transforms": {
      "dangerousForOf": false,
      "dangerousTaggedTemplateString": false
  "main": "dist/bundle.js",
  "jsnext:main": "dist/bundle.es.js",
  "module": "dist/bundle.es.js"

Warning ebam will create main, jsnext:main, and module fields in your package.json.

The ebam.transforms field is just like the transforms options that buble accepts. See the buble project for more.

The ebam.test field is a source (src) of a test file, and an output destination (dest) for a compiled version. Use the dest file to test your module in the browser. This can be used when you aren't using some test automation suit.

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