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1.2.0 • Public • Published

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Easily read and write Node.js buffers. TypeScript and JavaScript supported!

Yes, yet another Buffer wrapper library. Unique selling points of this one compared to other libraries I've seen:

  • All reads go through a single read method (i.e. no readInt8, readUInt32LE, etc) and all writes through a single write method.
  • When reading, portions of the buffer can be skipped via an offset method and then followed up with a chained read call.
  • When writing, portions of the buffer can be automatically zero-padded via an offset method.
  • Provides convenience methods for reading and writing arrays, readArray and writeArray.


Install the package via npm:

$ npm install easy-buffer


A quick example:

import { BufferReader, BufferWriter } from 'easy-buffer';

const writer = new BufferWriter();
const buffer = writer
  .write({ type: 'UInt32LE', value: 37 })
  .write({ type: 'StringNT', value: 'easy', encoding: 'ascii' })
  .write({ type: 'Buffer', value: Buffer.from([0x01, 0x02, 0x03]) })

const reader = new BufferReader(buffer);
const a = reader.read({ type: 'UInt32LE' });
const b = reader.read({ type: 'StringNT', encoding: 'ascii' });
const c = reader.offset(5).read({ type: 'Buffer', length: 3 });

console.log(a, b, c); // = 37 'easy' <Buffer 01 02 03>

See the API section below for more.



A class that facilitates easy reading of buffers.

constructor(buffer: Buffer): BufferReader

Create a new BufferReader instance from the specified buffer.

The current read offset will automatically default to 0 (i.e. the position of the first byte in the buffer).


const reader = new BufferReader(buffer);

read(readable: Readable): number | string | Buffer

Read a value from the buffer at the current read offset, with the format of the value being determined by the specified readable configuration.

The current read offset will be auto-incremented by the byte length of the value that was read.


const a = reader.read({ type: 'UInt16LE' });
const b = reader.read({ type: 'StringNT', encoding: 'ascii' });
const c = reader.read({ type: 'Buffer', length: 3 });

readArray(callbackFn: (reader: BufferReader, index: number) => T): T[]

Read multiple values from the buffer, starting at the current read offset.

The specified callbackFn function will be called continuously until the end of the buffer is reached. Therefore, please ensure that it reads one or more values from the buffer to avoid it being called infinitely. The function can return a value of your choosing (custom type T).

Returns all of the return values of callbackFn as an array (T[]).


const buffer = Buffer.from([0x01, 0x02, 0x03]);
const reader = new BufferReader(buffer);
const items = reader.readArray(() => {
  return { id: reader.read({ type: 'Int8' }) };
console.log(items); // = [{ id: 1 }, { id: 2 }, { id: 3 }]

In essence, this method is somewhat analogous to Array.prototype.map().

offset(offset: number, absolute?: boolean): BufferReader

Increment/decrement the current read offset by the relative amount specified by offset. If absolute is true, offset will be treated as an exact byte position (i.e. not relative).

If the specified offset extends beyond the bounds of the buffer (either the start or the end), an error will be thrown.

Returns the BufferReader instance so you can chain further calls.


// move 2 bytes ahead and read
const a = reader.offset(2).read({ type: 'DoubleBE' });

// move 2 bytes back and read
const b = reader.offset(-2).read({ type: 'String' });

// move directly to byte 3 and read
const c = reader.offset(3, true).read({ type: 'Buffer' });

// move directly to the last byte (i.e. buffer.length - 1) and read
const d = reader.offset(-1, true).read({ type: 'UInt8' });

bufferRemaining(): Buffer

Get the remaining portion of the buffer that hasn't been read yet (i.e. beyond the current read offset).


A class that facilitates easy writing of buffers.

constructor(): BufferWriter

Create a new BufferWriter instance.

The current write offset will automatically default to 0, since no data has been written to the buffer yet.


const writer = new BufferWriter();

write(writable: Writable): BufferWriter

Write a value to the buffer at the current write offset, with the format of the value being determined by the specified writable configuration.

The current write offset will be auto-incremented by the byte length of the value that was written.

Returns the BufferWriter instance so you can chain further calls.


writer.write({ type: 'Int16BE', value: -45 });
writer.write({ type: 'StringNT', value: 'hello', encoding: 'base64' });
writer.write({ type: 'Buffer', value: Buffer.from([0x01, 0x02, 0x03]) });
writer.write({ type: 'Int8', value: 7 }).write({ type: 'String', value: 'hi' });

writeArray(array: T[], callbackFn: (writer: BufferWriter, item: T, index: number) => void): BufferWriter

Write multiple values to the buffer, starting at the current write offset.

The specified callbackFn function will be called for each item in array, allowing you to write items to the buffer sequentially.

Returns the BufferWriter instance so you can chain further calls.


const writer = new BufferWriter();
writer.writeArray([1, 2, 3], (_, item) => {
  writer.write({ type: 'Int8', value: item });
console.log(writer.buffer()); // = <Buffer 01 02 03>

In essence, this method is somewhat analogous to Array.prototype.map().

offset(offset: number, absolute?: boolean): BufferWriter

Increment/decrement the current write offset by the relative amount specified by offset. If absolute is true, offset will be treated as an exact byte position (i.e. not relative).

If the specified offset extends beyond the current bounds of the buffer (either the start or the end), the buffer will be automatically zero-padded from the boundary of the buffer to the new offset. This is by design, but might not be to everyone's taste, so be careful!

Returns the BufferWriter instance so you can chain further calls.


// move 2 bytes ahead and write
writer.offset(2).write({ type: 'FloatLE', value: 123.45 });

// move 2 bytes back and write
writer.offset(-2).write({ type: 'StringNT', value: 'cool', encoding: 'hex' });

// move directly to byte 3 and write
writer.offset(3, true).write({ type: 'Buffer', value: Buffer.from([0x01]) });

// move directly to the last byte (i.e. buffer.length - 1) and write
writer.offset(-1, true).write({ type: 'UInt16BE' });

buffer(): Buffer

Get the buffer that has been written so far.


An object literal representing a value to be read from a buffer. Essentially, a Bufferable without a value property.


An object literal representing a value to be written to a buffer. Essentially, a Bufferable without a length property.


An object literal representing a value to be read from or written to a buffer.

The structure of the object differs depending on what the type property has been set to.

{ type: 'Int8', value: number }

A signed 8-bit integer.

{ type: 'UInt8', value: number }

An unsigned 8-bit integer.

{ type: 'Int16LE', value: number }

A signed, little-endian 16-bit integer.

{ type: 'UInt16LE', value: number }

An unsigned, little-endian 16-bit integer.

{ type: 'Int16BE', value: number }

A signed, big-endian 16-bit integer.

{ type: 'UInt16BE', value: number }

An unsigned, big-endian 16-bit integer.

{ type: 'Int32LE', value: number }

A signed, little-endian 32-bit integer.

{ type: 'UInt32LE', value: number }

An unsigned, little-endian 32-bit integer.

{ type: 'Int32BE', value: number }

A signed, big-endian 32-bit integer.

{ type: 'UInt32BE', value: number }

An unsigned, big-endian 32-bit integer.

{ type: 'FloatLE', value: number }

A little-endian 32-bit float.

{ type: 'FloatBE', value: number }

A big-endian 32-bit float.

{ type: 'DoubleLE', value: number }

A little-endian 64-bit double.

{ type: 'DoubleBE', value: number }

A big-endian 64-bit double.

{ type: 'String', value: string, encoding?: BufferEncoding, length?: number }

A string.

{ type: 'StringNT', value: string, encoding?: BufferEncoding }

A null-terminated string.

{ type: 'Buffer', value: Buffer, length?: number }

A buffer.

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  • lukehorvat