
2.2.5 • Public • Published


Dynograte-V2 is a Node.js DynamoDB migration tool extended from https://www.npmjs.com/package/dynograte


npm install dynograte-v2

Dynograte also comes packaged with tooling for making your life easier. You obviously need it. You can install Dynograte globally with:

npm install dynograte-v2 -g


  • Migrating DynamoDB tables from a directory
  • Migrating DynamoDB tables from functions
  • Command line tool for auto-generating migration files
  • Reminds you of a dinosaur

How it works

Dynograte creates a DynamoDB table with a name that you specify. This table is used to track migration files that have already been run. Dynograte will only run migration files that do not exist in the migrations table.


Dynograte can load migrations from a directory

const path = require('path');
const dynamodb = new aws.DynamoDB(config.dynamodb);

let migrationDir = path.resolve(__dirname, './dynamodb-migrations');

return dynograte.migrate({
  dynamodb: dynamodb,
  migrationTableName: 'my-awesome-migration-table',
  migrationDir: migrationDir

Dynograte can handle migrations as functions

return dynograte.migrate({
  dynamodb: dynamodb,
  migrationTableName: randomTableName
}, [
  (dynamodb) => {
    return theBestMigration(dynamodb);
  (dynamodb) => {
    return Promise.resolve();

Or a single migration function

return dynograte.migrate({
  dynamodb: dynamodb,
  migrationTableName: randomTableName
}, (dynamodb) => {
  return theBestMigration(dynamodb);

Migration Retry

Dynograte supports migration retries. Retrying a migration is usefuly for safe operations that fail and should be tried multiple times.

NOTE: Retrying a DynamoDB migration can be very dangerous. Use this feature with caution. You should only retry migrations like creating a table. Retrying a migration that alters a table could cause a partial table alter that can be difficult to recover from. We recommend backing up your tables!

Dynograte uses the tri module for retries. You can either export true and use the Dynograte default retry options, or specify your own:

// My awesome migration that should retry
exports.retry = true;

exports.up = function(dynograte) {
// My awesome migration that should retry
exports.retry = {
  maxAttempts: 3,
  delay: 100,
  factor: 2,
  jitter: true

exports.up = function(dynograte) {

Often times, when a database migration is part of the process startup-tasks, the process may be killed if a migration completely fails to run. The process may restart and we may want to retry it again when it comes back online. If your migration fails, Dynograte remembers that the migration has failed and stores that information in the migration table in DynamoDB.

Dynograte allows you to export runNextMigrateAfterFail that will run a failed migration again the next time dynograte.migrate(...) is called:

// My awesome migration that should run the next time the migrations run if it
// failed to run previously.
exports.runNextMigrateAfterFail = true;

exports.up = function(dynograte) {


Dynograte comes packaged with a CLI, which will auto-generate migration files. Migration files are prefixed with the current Date in YY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS format followed by a migration name of your choosing.

dynograte create --dir ~/Proj/dynomodb-migrations --migration update-users-table

The create command will generate a file in ~/Proj/dynomodb-migrations that has a file name similar to 2016-09-07-10-48-28_update-users-table.js.js and looks like:

'use strict';

exports.up = (dynamodb) => {



To run the tests specify your own DynamoDB configuration in config.js.

Run tests:

npm test

You need create your own custom config:

'use strict';

const aws = require('aws-sdk');

module.exports = {
  dynamodb: {
    region: 'us-east-1',
    endpoint: new aws.Endpoint('http://localhost:32795')

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npm i dynograte-v2

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  • aditya-clerisy