TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

0.4.10 • Public • Published


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A TypeScript library to decode, create, modify and encode blueprints for the Deep Space Airships (DSA) game.

  • It works in Node.js and the browser. Not meant to support older Node.js versions or browsers.
  • The API design is subject to frequent changes for the time being.
  • Follows the official blueprint specification.
  • Encoded blueprint values aren't forced to be valid in the game. (Allows experimenting)
  • The generated blueprint strings won't be identical to what the game generates and may be shorter or longer.
  • In Node.js, the built-in zlib module is used for deflate and inflate operations, and the Buffer class is used for Base64 operations. In the browser, the fflate library (8.3KB) and the atob-btoa functions are used. The Compression Streams API is not used for a few reasons.



  • npm install dsabp-js  or  yarn add dsabp-js



// node
import { decode, encode } from "dsabp-js"
import * as dsabp from "dsabp-js"

const { decode, encode } = require("dsabp-js")
const dsabp = require("dsabp-js")

// browser
import { decode, encode } from "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/dsabp-js@latest/dist/browser/esm/index.js"
// put the .d.ts file next to .js for better IntelliSense
import * as dsabp from "lib/dsabp-js/index.js"

// the global name for the IIFE build is "dsabp"
<script src="https://unpkg.com/dsabp-js@latest/dist/browser/iife/index.min.js"></script>
const { decode, encode } = dsabp

See the docs for all exports.

Browser Extensions

There are some requirements when loading the library using a browser extension's content_scripts, which has to use the IIFE bundle:

  • The JS file must be included in the web_accessible_resources.
  • The JS file must be in a folder containing dsabp in its name, or the file must be named dsabp.js or dsabp.min.js. Some examples: /lib/dsabp/index.js, /dsabp.min.js and /lib/dsabp.js.

If you load it using methods such as import() (ESM) from a content script or by injecting a script tag (ESM or IIFE) into the page, it will work without any requirements.


  • Documentation
  • DSA Tools uses dsabp-js for the blueprint related stuff.
  • A Simple Example
    import { decode, BuildCmd, Item, encode } from "dsabp-js"
    const bp = await decode("DSA:m8DAxDRhAgMDY8OLiRMYGBkaXk6cOBEA") // decode a blueprint string
    for (const cmd of bp.commands) { // loop all commands of the bp
      if (!(cmd instanceof BuildCmd)) continue // ignore if the cmd is not a BuildCmd
      if (cmd.item == Item.BLOCK) // if the build item is iron block
        cmd.item = Item.BLOCK_ICE_GLASS // replace it with ice block
    console.log("DSA:" + await encode(bp)) // log string for the modified bp

Issues / Bugs

Create a detailed issue in the Issues page.

Suggestions and Questions

Use the Discussions page.

Code Contribution

See the contributing guidelines.

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  • blueyescat