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1.3.0 • Public • Published


A text editor that comes with a compatible view component based on Draft.js that works in both client-side and server-side (see the Server Side Rendering Instructions below).


first, navigate to a react.js project (if you don't have one already, you can create one using create-react-app) then run

using npm

npm install draftn draft-js@0.11.7

or using yarn

yarn add draftn draft-js@0.11.7


DraftnEditor example

import { Component } from 'react';
import { DraftnEditor, DraftnUploadHandler } from 'draftn';
import { EditorState, convertFromRaw } from 'draft-js';
 you must not import the 'draft-js/dist/Draft.css' file
 because its code included in the 'draftn/dist/index.css' file
import 'draftn/dist/index.css';

const emptyContentState = convertFromRaw({
  blocks: [
      key: 'foo',
      text: '',
      type: 'unstyled',
      depth: 0,
      inlineStyleRanges: [],
      entityRanges: [],
      data: {},
  entityMap: {},

interface AppProps {}

interface AppState {
  editorState: EditorState;

class App extends Component<AppProps, AppState> {
  constructor(props: AppProps) {

    this.state = {
      editorState: EditorState.createWithContent(emptyContentState),

  onChange = (editorState: EditorState) => {
    this.setState({ editorState });

  handleFileUpload: DraftnUploadHandler = (
  ) => {
    if (fileType === 'image') {
        you can send the image to the server
        then pass the image url you will receive
        to "success" function like the following

      // const formData = new FormData();
      // formData.set("image", file);
      // fetch("http://localhost:3030/upload", {
      //   method: "POST",
      //   body: formData,
      // })
      //   .then((res) => res.json())
      //   .then(data => {
      //     success(data.imageUrl);
      //   })
      //   .catch(failure);

        or you can convert it to base64 url
        then pass it to "success" function
        like the following

      const reader = new FileReader();

      reader.onloadend = () => {
        const imageUrl = reader.result as string;

      reader.onerror = failure;

  render() {
    const { editorState } = this.state;

    return (
          maxWidth: '600px',
          height: '300px',
          linkHref: '^https?:\\/\\/',
          imageSrc: '^(https?:\\/\\/|data:)',
          imageExtensions: ['png', 'jpg', 'jpeg'],

export default App;

DraftnView example

import { Component } from 'react';
import { DraftnView } from 'draftn';
import { EditorState, RawDraftContentState, convertFromRaw } from 'draft-js';
 you must not import the 'draft-js/dist/Draft.css' file
 because its code included in the 'draftn/dist/index.css' file
import 'draftn/dist/index.css';

const rawContentState: RawDraftContentState = {
  blocks: [
      key: 'foo',
      text: 'Draft.js is a JavaScript rich text editor framework',
      type: 'unstyled',
      depth: 0,
      inlineStyleRanges: [
          offset: 0,
          length: 8,
          style: 'BOLD',
          offset: 14,
          length: 10,
          style: 'ITALIC',
      entityRanges: [],
      data: {},
  entityMap: {},

const contentState = convertFromRaw(rawContentState);

interface AppProps {}

interface AppState {
  editorState: EditorState;

class App extends Component<AppProps, AppState> {
  constructor(props: AppProps) {

    this.state = {
      editorState: EditorState.createWithContent(contentState),

  render() {
    const { editorState } = this.state;
    const contentState = editorState.getCurrentContent();

     * for good performance use 'DraftnViewOnce' rather than 'DraftnView'
     * if the component will renders once only
    return <DraftnView lang="en" contentState={contentState} />;

export default App;

Server-Side Rendering Instructions

to make the Draftn components render correctly in both server-side and client-side follow these instructions

  • replace the Draftn css file import with DRAFTN_CSS constant import from the Draftn javascript css text file then pass the constant to a CSS-in-JS library that supports css rendering for both client-side and server-side like styled-jsx, emotion-js, styled-components, or others. like the following:
import { Component } from 'react';
import { DraftnEditor, DraftnView } from 'draftn';
 * import the `DRAFTN_CSS` constant from the Draftn javascript css text file
import DRAFTN_CSS from 'draftn/dist/index.css-text';

class App extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
        {/* pass the `DRAFTN_CSS` constant to `styled-jsx` */}
        <style jsx>{DRAFTN_CSS}</style>

        <DraftnEditor {...draftnEditorProps} />

         * for good performance use 'DraftnViewOnce' rather than 'DraftnView'
         * if the component will renders once only
        <DraftnView {...draftnViewProps} />

export default App;
  • set the editorKey prop of the DraftnEditor component explicitly. like the following:
import { Component } from 'react';
import { DraftnEditor } from 'draftn';

class App extends Component {
  render() {
    return <DraftnEditor editorKey="foo" {...restDraftnEditorProps} />;

export default App;
  • don't use the EditorState.createEmpty() to generate the initial editorState of the DraftnEditor component instead use the EditorState.createWithContent(). like the following:
import { Component } from 'react';
import { DraftnEditor } from 'draftn';
import { EditorState, convertFromRaw } from 'draft-js';

const emptyContentState = convertFromRaw({
  blocks: [
      key: 'foo',
      text: '',
      type: 'unstyled',
      depth: 0,
      inlineStyleRanges: [],
      entityRanges: [],
      data: {},
  entityMap: {},

interface AppProps {}

interface AppState {
  editorState: EditorState;

class App extends Component<AppProps, AppState> {
  constructor(props: AppProps) {

    this.state = {
       * use the `EditorState.createWithContent()` instead of the `EditorState.createEmpty()`
       * like the following
      editorState: EditorState.createWithContent(emptyContentState),

  render() {
    const { editorState } = this.state;

    return (
      <DraftnEditor editorState={editorState} {...restDraftnEditorProps} />

export default App;

Components API

<DraftnEditor /> Props

Name Type Description
editorState* EditorState The state which represents the content of the editor
onChange* func The function that will receive the new editor state whenever the user changes the editor's content.

(editorState: EditorState) => void
onUploadFile* func The function that will be invoked when the user uploaded a file and will receive the fileType and the file and two functions success and failure.
After the app uploaded the file to the server successfully and got its url or maybe convert it to base64 url the app has to call the success function and pass to it the image url.
However, if the app failed to upload the file because of the network connection the app has to call the failure function.

function (
  fileType: 'image',
  file: File,
  success: (fileUrl: string) => void,
  failure: () => void
) => void
editorKey? string this prop is optional if you don't set it, draft-js will automatically generate a unique editorKey. However, if you are rendering the editor on the server-side you must set this prop to avoid server/client mismatches. and its value must be a unique value per editor.
lang? 'en' | 'ar' The language that will be used to describe things for the user and will also determine the direction of the editor either LTR or RTL.

Default: 'en'
restrictions? object An optional object that will restrict the editor with the following optional properties:

linkHref?  (regex as string)
The value of it will tell the editor to show an error to the user if he/she creates a link that its href doesn't match it. also, it will be used to remove any hrefs that doesn't much it in the initial editor state or when the user pasted a link(s).

imageSrc?  (regex as string)
The value of it will tell the editor to show an error to the user if the uploaded image's src doesn't match it. also, it will be used to remove any images that doesn't much it in the initial editor state or when the user pasted an image(s).

imageExtensions?  (string[])
The value of it will tell the editor to filter the files that appeared in the upload window and it will show an error to the user if he/she uploaded a file with an extension that isn't included in the given extensions. however unlike imageSrc, this restriction will not apply in the initial state or when the user paste.
className? string A name of a CSS class that may change the editor's width/height or any other style stuff
style? CSSProperties A style object that may change the editor's width/height or any other style stuff
exclude? ('bold' | 'italic' | 'underline' | 'strikethrough' | 'header-two' | 'header-three' | 'ordered-list-item' | 'unordered-list-item' | 'blockquote' | 'image' | 'link')[] An array of draftn formats to be excluded

<DraftnView /> Props

Name Type Description
editorState* EditorState The state which represents the content of the draft
lang? 'en' | 'ar' The language that will be used to describe things for the user and will also determine the direction of the draft content either LTR or RTL.

Default: 'en'
className? string A name of a CSS class that may change the draft's width/height or any other style stuff
style? CSSProperties A style object that may change the darft's width/height or any other style stuff

<DraftnViewOnce />

this component has the same props and functionality of DraftnView except it will render once only (which is good for performance)

CSS Classes

using these CSS classes you can customize the draft content style

Name Description
.DraftnFormat_root The class of the root element that wraps the draft content
.DraftnFormat_root[langdir="ltr"] The class of the root element that wraps the draft content which its lang prop value is an LTR language
.DraftnFormat_root[langdir="rtl"] The class of the root element that wraps the draft content which its lang prop value is an RTL language
.DraftnFormat_root[iseditable="true"] The class of the root element that wraps the draft content which its component is DraftnEditor
.DraftnFormat_root[iseditable="false"] The class of the root element that wraps the draft content which its component is DraftnView
.DraftnFormat_h2 The class of h2 elements
.DraftnFormat_h3 The class of h3 elements
.DraftnFormat_li The class of li elements
.DraftnFormat_blockquote The class of blockquote elements
.DraftnFormat_image The class of img elements
.DraftnFormat_link The class of a elements


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  • amjedomar