
0.1.1 • Public • Published


DEPRECATED - use curlymail

Send emails with templates.

Template engine: Hogan.js

Email driver: emailjs


npm install dotmail


var dotmail = require('dotmail');
var account = {
    user: '',
    password: 'PA55W0RD',
    host: '',
    ssl: true
// add an email account and connect it to its SMTP server
dotmail.addAccount( 'main', account );
// you can write mustache templates in template fields
var template = {
    from:    "{{appname}}",
    to:      "{{username}} <{{email}}>",
    subject: "testing emailjs",
    html:    "<html>Your file <strong>{{filename}} messages</strong></html>",
    text:    "You have {{messages.length}} messages"
// add an email template with its key
dotmail.addTemplate('weekly', template );
// data to render the template
var data = {
    username: 'Neo',
    email: '',
    appname: 'dotmail co.',
    filename: 'timetable',
    attachments: [ // attachments don't use templates
      {path:"path/to/", type:"application/zip", name:""}
dotmail.send( 'main', 'weekly', data, function (err, msg) {
    console.log( err || msg );


dotmail.addAccount( key, account)

Add an email account and connect it to its SMTP server

  • key String: account keyname
  • data Object: data account credentials

dotmail.addTemplate( key, template )

Add or overwrite a mail template object with hogan.js templates

  • key String: template keyname
  • template Object: mail template

dotmail.send( account, template, data, callback )

Send email


  • account String: account keyname
  • template String||Object: template keyname or template object
  • data Object: data for template rendering
  • callback Function: Callback function. Signature: err, message

Email server connection options

Same as emailjs.

Message and attachments options

Same as emailjs:


// headers is an object ('from' and 'to' are required)
// returns a Message object

// you can actually pass more message headers than listed, the below are just the
// most common ones you would want to use

headers =
    text        // text of the email
    from        // sender of the format (address or name <address> or "name" <address>)
    to          // recipients (same format as above), multiple recipients are separated by a comma
    cc          // carbon copied recipients (same format as above)
    bcc     // blind carbon copied recipients (same format as above)
    subject // string subject of the email
  attachment // one attachment or array of attachments


// can be called multiple times, each adding a new attachment
// options is an object with the following possible keys:

options =
    // one of these fields is required
    path      // string to where the file is located
    data      // string of the data you want to attach
    stream    // binary stream that will provide attachment data (make sure it is in the paused state)
              // better performance for binary streams is achieved if buffer.length % (76*6) == 0
              // current max size of buffer must be no larger than Message.BUFFERSIZE

    // optionally these fields are also accepted
    type          // string of the file mime type
    name        // name to give the file as perceived by the recipient
    alternative // if true, will be attached inline as an alternative (also defaults type='text/html')
    inline      // if true, will be attached inline
    encoded     // set this to true if the data is already base64 encoded, (avoid this if possible)
    headers     // object containing header=>value pairs for inclusion in this attachment's header
    related     // an array of attachments that you want to be related to the parent attachment

© 2015 Jacobo Tabernero - jacoborus

Released under MIT License


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