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0.2.15 • Public • Published

An ethereum event stream based on cloudflare worker and durable object



npm i do-ethereum-events

extend EthereumEventsDO and implement onEventStream

/// MyEthereumEventsDO.ts
import { EthereumEventsDO, EventWithId } from 'do-ethereum-events';

export class MyEthereumEventsDO extends EthereumEventsDO {

  constructor(state: DurableObjectState, env: Env) {
    super(state, env);

  async onEventStream(eventStream: EventWithId[]) {
    // TODO whatever you want

  // optionaly you can add more endpoint, like a normal DO
  async fetch(request: Request): Promise<Response> {
    return super.fetch(request);


Example: the websocket implementation

hook it up in the worker

Indeed, as a Durable Object you still need to hook its request from the worker like so for example:

/// worker.ts
export default {
  async fetch(
    request: Request,
    env: Env,
    ctx: ExecutionContext,
  ): Promise<Response> {
    switch (new URL(request.url).pathname) {
      case '/events/setup':
      case '/events/list':
        // we only need one DO so we use _GLOBAL_ id
        const namespace = env.ETHEREUM_EVENTS;
        const DO = namespace.get(namespace.idFromName('_GLOBAL_'));

        return DO.fetch(request);
        return new Response('Not found', { status: 404 });

// TODO rename

export { MyEthereumEventsDO as EthereumEventsDO } from './MyEthereumEventsDO';

This is just for demonstration purpose, admin checks need to be set for setup

  • setup expect to be called once with the contract data. then the durable object will call itself and fetch the events for these, store then and call onEventStream
  • list is simply a getter to fetch the event, you might not want to expose it. it accept 2 get param start and limit

You also need to export its class (as shown above) and declare it in the wrangler.toml (See cloudflare doc)

for example:

bindings = [{name = "ETHEREUM_EVENTS", class_name = "EthereumEventsDO"}]

Setup data

to setup the worker to process events, you need to send a POST request to events/setup. its type is

type ContractData = { eventsABI: any[]; address: string; startBlock?: number };
type AllContractData = { eventsABI: any[]; startBlock?: number };

type ContractSetup = {
  reset?: boolean;
  start?: boolean;
  list?: ContractData[];
  all?: AllContractData;
  • reset will force a reset, deleting all data, this will also happen if new contracts are added
  • start will trigger the fetching. if not set, you'll have to GET fetch events/start
  • list or all need to be specified, not both
  • list expect a list of contract data (abi, address and starting block)
  • all expect a single (abi and starting block), no address as it will listen to all events across the chain matching the abi

frequency of updates

By default the DO use cloudflare worker alarm and these are called 30s by default

To disable the alarm : EthereumEventsDO.alarm = null;

To set a specific interval that the DO will try to perform : EthereumEventsDO.alarm = { interval: 6 };

If you disable the alarm, the events won't be processed, (even if it was started with start)

The DO also expose a fetchLogsAndProcess endpoint and you can call it in a worker CRON handler instead

CRON have a resolution of 1 minite so you ll need to also call it several time

The DO can do that for your automatically via : EthereumEventsDO.scheduled = {interval: 6}

You could also trigger it externaly. Technically it is idemptotent so there should be no need to protect it behind authentication even


install dev env

pnpm i

Websocket tests

To test

in one console:

pnpm dev

in another :

pnpm ts-node scripts/test.ts

then you can use a websocket tool (like on ws://localhost:8787/websocket and connect and see the stream of event

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