const { GiveawayManager } = require("djs-dream")
const gm = new GiveawayManager({
client: client, // your discord client.
storage: "./database.json", // file to store data.
managePermission: "MANAGE_GUILD" // permission to manage Giveaways.
client.on("interactionCreate", async i => {
await gm.handleInteraction(client, i) // Buttons yippe!
message: message, // message
channel: "", // channel id to start giveaway.
time: 5000, // end time
winners: 5, // winners count
hostedBy: true, whether to tell host or not not
prize: "Something", // Prize, the most precious
everyonePing: false, // whether ping or not
/*embed: {
title: "", // title of giveaway
color: "", // color of the embed
footer: "", // footer of the embed
image: "", // image of the embed
thumbnail: "", // thumbnail of the embed
}) // start the giveaway!
end(msgid) // end the giveaway!
reroll(msgid) // re-roll the giveaway!