
1.0.9 • Public • Published


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Devlogs Validator is a library to validate data in client or server.

Where can I use it?

Devlogs Validator is a library to validate data in a client or server. Which means that you can use devlogs-validator to validate data in any technology that uses javascript. ( a standalone Javascript, React.js, Node.js, Angular, vue, etc.)


Installation and Usage

Install the library with npm install devlogs-validator

No ES6

var Validator = require("devlogs-validator");


import Validator from "devlogs-validator";

Imagine that you have a form with this data

const formData = {
  username: "youssef27", // document.querySelector("form input#username")
  email: "",
  password: "12345678",
  passwordConfirm: "12345678",
  role: "admin",
  photo: {
    type: "image/jpeg",
    size: "421123", // Byte

Set Validation

const validator = new Validator(formData);
let errors = validator.setValidation({
  username: ["required", "min:5", "max:20"],
  email: ["required", "email"],
  password: ["required", "min:8", "max:50"],
  passwordConfirm: ["required", "match:password", "min:8", "max:50"],
  photo: ["image:jpeg,png", "size:2048"],
  role: ["required", "enum:user,admin"],

Set a custom message for each field manually

You can skip this part because there is global error messages for all validation errors. and you can change the global error messages and add messages in different languages.

  username: {
    required: "Username field is required.",
    min: "Username must be at least 5 characters.",
    max: "Username characters max 20.",
  email: {
    required: "Email field is required.",
    email: "Please provide a valid email.",
  password: {
    required: "Password is required",
    min: "Password must be at least 8 characters.",
    max: "Password characters max 50.",
  passwordConfirm: {
    required: "Password confirm is required",
    match: "Passwords are not the same.",
    min: "Password confirm must be at least 8 characters.",
    max: "Password confirm characters max 50.",
  photo: {
    image: "Please provide a valid image (jpeg, png).",
    size: "Max size is 2048KB.",
  role: {
    required: "Role is required",
    enum: "Role value must be in (user, admin)",

Return errors as object or array

errors = errors.getObjectErrors(); // get errors as object
//.getErrors(); // get errors as array

The entire example

const validator = new Validator(formData);
const errors = validator
    username: ["required", "min:5", "max:20"],
    email: ["required", "email"],
    password: ["required", "min:8", "max:50"],
    passwordConfirm: ["required", "match:password", "min:8", "max:50"],
    photo: ["image:jpeg,png", "size:2048"],
    role: ["required", "enum:user,admin"],
    username: {
      required: "Username field is required.",
      min: "Username must be at least 5 characters.",
      max: "Username characters max 20.",
    email: {
      required: "Email field is required.",
      email: "Please provide a valid email.",
    password: {
      required: "Password is required",
      min: "Password must be at least 8 characters.",
      max: "Password characters max 50.",
    passwordConfirm: {
      required: "Password confirm is required",
      match: "Passwords are not the same.",
      min: "Password confirm must be at least 8 characters.",
      max: "Password confirm characters max 50.",
    photo: {
      image: "Please provide a valid image (jpeg, png).",
      size: "Max size is 2048KB.",
    role: {
      required: "Role is required",
      enum: "Role value must be in (user, admin)",
  .getObjectErrors(); // get errors as object
//.getErrors(); // get errors as array

Translations and Languages

There is global error messages for all validation errors. so that is means you can setValidation() then getObjectErrors() then that will return for you a global error messages for all validation errors. Default Language is ( en ) ( english )

const validator = new Validator(formData);
let errors = validator
    username: ["required", "min:5", "max:20"],
    email: ["required", "email"],
    password: ["required", "min:8", "max:50"],
    passwordConfirm: ["required", "match:password", "min:8", "max:50"],
    photo: ["image:jpeg,png", "size:2048"],
    role: ["required", "enum:user,admin"],

Default global error messages

globalErrorMessages = {
  en: {
    required: `<%fieldName%> field is required.`,
    email: `Please provide a valid email address for <%fieldName%> field.`,
    array: `<%fieldName%> field must be an array.`,
    min: `Minimum length of <%fieldName%> is <%minSize%> characters.`,
    gt: `<%fieldName%> value must be grater than <%gtValue%>.`,
    gte: `<%fieldName%> value must be grater than or equal <%gteValue%>.`,
    lt: `<%fieldName%> value must be less than <%ltValue%>.`,
    lte: `<%fieldName%> value must be less than or equal <%lteValue%>.`,
    max: `Maximum length of <%fieldName%> is <%maxSize%> characters.`,
    match: `<%fieldName%> field and <%matchField%> are not match.`,
    enum: `<%fieldName%> field must be one of <%enumParams%>.`,
    in: `<%fieldName%> values must be at least one of <%inParams%>.`,
    image: `Please provide a valid image (<%imageExtensions%>).`,
    size: `The max size of <%fieldName%> is <%fileSize%>KB.`,

Add a new translation for the French Language

First you have to use addTranslation(language, translation as object) then use setLanguage(Language) before getObjectErrors()

const validator = new Validator(formData);

validator.addTranslation("fr", {
  required: `Le champ <%fieldName%> est obligatoire.`,
  email: `Veuillez fournir une adresse e-mail valide pour le champ <%fieldName%>.`,
  min: `La longueur minimale de <%fieldName%> est de <%minSize%> caractères.`,
  max: `La longueur maximale de <%fieldName%> est de <%maxSize%> caractères.`,
  match: `Le champ <%fieldName%> et <%matchField%> ne correspondent pas.`,
  enum: `Le champ <%fieldName%> doit être l'un des <%enumParams%>.`,
  image: `Veuillez fournir une image valide (<%imageExtensions%>).`,
  size: `La taille maximale de <%fieldName%> est de <%fileSize%>Ko.`,

let errors = validator
    username: ["required", "min:5", "max:20"],
    email: ["required", "email"],
    password: ["required", "min:8", "max:50"],
    passwordConfirm: ["required", "match:password", "min:8", "max:50"],
    photo: ["image:jpeg,png", "size:2048"],
    role: ["required", "enum:user,admin"],
  .setLanguage("fr") // French

Add a new translation for the Arabic Language

First you have to use addTranslation(language, translation as object) then use setLanguage(Language) before getObjectErrors()

const validator = new Validator(formData);

validator.addTranslation("ar", {
  required: "حقل <%fieldName%> مطلوب.",
  email: "من فضلك أدخل بريد الكتروني صالح لحقل <%fieldName%>",
  min: "الحد الأدنى للحروف التي يمكن ادخالها في حقل <%fieldName%> هو <%minSize%>",
  max: "الحد الأقصى للقيمة التي يمكن ادخالها في حقل <%fieldName%> هو <%maxSize%>",
  match: "الحقل <%fieldName%> و <%matchField%> غير متطابقيين.",
  enum: "الحقل <%fieldName%> يجب أن يكون من ضمن هذة القيم <%enumParams%>.",
  image: "من فضلك قم برفع صورة صالحة من نوع <%imageExtensions%>.",
  size: "أقصى حجم ملف مسموح به هو <%fieldName%> كيلوبايت.",

let errors = validator
    username: ["required", "min:5", "max:20"],
    email: ["required", "email"],
    password: ["required", "min:8", "max:50"],
    passwordConfirm: ["required", "match:password", "min:8", "max:50"],
    photo: ["image:jpeg,png", "size:2048"],
    role: ["required", "enum:user,admin"],
  .setLanguage("ar") // Arabic

Update an existing translation

validator.updateTranslation("en", {
  required: `<%fieldName%> can't be empty!`,
  match: `<%fieldName%> field and <%matchField%> field are not the same.`,


"required"; // Check if a certain field is not empty.
"email"; // Check if a certain field is a valid email address.
"array"; // Check if a certain field is an array.
"match:(field)"; // Check if a certain field value is equal to another field value. ["match:password"]
"min:(number)"; // Set a certain minimum length. ["min:8"]
"max:(number)"; // Set a certain maximum length. ["max:100"]
/* can use with multiples files field */
"image:(extensions)"; // Check if a certain image field is an image with certain extensions. ["image:jpeg,png,jpg"]
/* can use with multiples files field */
"size:(KB)"; // Set a certain file size in KB. ["size:2048"]
"enum:(values)"; // Set a certain values. ["enum:user,admin"]
"in:(values)"; /*
 - Set a certain values, but between two arrays. ["in:admin, moderator"]

  formData = {
    roles: [admin, user]

  roles: ["in:admin, moderator"] => roles must have at least one of those values.

"gt:(number)"; // Check if a certain field value is grater than another value. ["gt:20"]
"gte:(number)"; // Check if a certain field value is grater than or equal another value. ["gt:20"]
"lt:(number)"; // Check if a certain field value is less than another value. ["lt:20"]
"lte:(number)"; // Check if a certain field value is less than or equal another value. ["lte:20"]

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  • youssefahmed