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Username validation and processing utilities

If you want to support a wide range of usernames, including uppercase and lowercase characters, numbers, and hyphens, but also want an easy way to compare them and prevent simple typosquatting, denizen can help you.



A username is a unique, human-readable identifier for a user. They are used in a wide variety of contexts, such as the URL to link to a person's profile page on a social media site or as the name of a home directory to hold a user's data.

People love to have usernames that match their aesthetic preferences (e.g. someone named Mary-Jo Lee may prefer Mary-Jo-Lee or MaryJo-Lee more than MaryJoLee or maryjolee). But the more variations we allow, the harder it is to ensure a username will be valid, unique, and safe in all of the contexts we may want to use it. That can also put our user's security at risk by making it easier to typosquat, among other concerns.

This is where denizen comes in, providing tools for validating and comparing usernames in a safe and reliable manner, based on proven conventions.


npm install denizen --save


const denizen = require('denizen');
denizen.isValidUsername('Jane-Doe');    // => true
denizen.normalizeUsername('Jane-Doe');  // => 'janedoe'

For UX reasons, your app should save usernames in a manner that preserves their case and punctuation after validating them. Searching for and comparing usernames, however, should always involve lowercasing them and removing their punctuation, which we refer to as "normalizing" the username. This way, we can support vanity usernames with casing and punctuation, while preventing the creation of new usernames that are confusingly similar to an existing one. It also makes it easier for people to find each other, since users don't need to remember any punctuation.

Rules for valid usernames:

  • Must have a length of 1-30 characters (inclusive).
  • Must contain only alphanumeric characters and hyphens.
  • Must start and end with an alphanumeric character.
  • Must not have multiple hyphens in a row.



Type: RegExp

Pattern for matching non-alphanumeric characters.


Type: RegExp

Pattern for matching all valid usernames (regardless of normalization).

validateUsername(username, option)

Returns the username as-is if it is valid (regardless of normalization), otherwise throws an error whose message describes a constraint that has been violated.

Note that the validate option is implicitly always true for this method.

denizen.validateUsername('Jazz-Master');   // => 'Jazz-Master'
denizen.validateUsername('Jazz-Master-');  // Error: Username must end with an alphanumeric character

validateUsername.silent(username, option)

Returns an object of username validation problems. If username is valid (regardless of normalization), the object will be empty, otherwise it will contain messages describing each violation.

denizen.validateUsername.silent('I-Am-Okay');      // => {}
denizen.validateUsername.silent('IEndWithABang!')  // => { invalidEnd : 'Username must end with an alphanumeric character' }

If username is invalid, the returned object will have at least one of properties below.

Key Description
tooShort The username is falsey. If the allowEmpty option is set to true, this will never be returned.
tooLong The username is more than thirty characters.
doubleHyphen The username has at least two consecutive hyphens (--).
invalidStart The username has a non-alphanumeric first character.
invalidEnd The username has a non-alphanumeric last character.
invalidChars The username has a character that is neither alphanumeric, nor a hyphen.

isValidUsername(username, option)

Returns true if the username is valid, as determined by usernameRegex, otherwise returns false.

Note that the validate option is implicitly always true for this method, but validation errors will be represented via the returned boolean instead of being thrown. If the allowEmpty option is set to true, a falsey username is treated as valid.

denizen.isValidUsername('Jazz-Master-1');   // => true
denizen.isValidUsername('-Jazz-Master-1');  // => false

normalizeUsername(username, option)

Returns the username in lowercase, with all non-alphanumeric characters removed.

Note that validation happens before normalization. Set the validate option to false if you want to force normalization of invalid usernames, but note that the return value is then not guaranteed to be a valid username, since it could exceed the maximum length limit for valid usernames.

denizen.normalizeUsername('Jazz-Master-1');  // => 'jazzmaster1'

isNormalizedUsername(username, option)

Returns true if the username is all lowercase and only contains alphanumeric characters, otherwise returns false.

denizen.isNormalizedUsername('Jazz-Master-1');  // => false
denizen.isNormalizedUsername('jazzmaster1');    // => true


Type: string
Example: Jazz-Master


Type: object


Type: boolean
Default: true

Throw when username is invalid, as determined by validateUsername().


Type: boolean
Default: false

Allow username to be falsey, causing it to be treated as valid and normalized. This is useful to avoid errors being thrown when a form field has not been filled out yet, for example.

Note that this option only has an effect when validation is enabled. If you set validate to false, empty usernames will always be allowed and this option will be ignored.


See our contributing guidelines for more details.

  1. Fork it.
  2. Make a feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  5. Submit a pull request.


MPL-2.0 © Seth Holladay

Go make something, dang it.

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