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Incremental detection tool based on TSC implementation


In modern development and build environments, developers often adopt compilers not implemented in JavaScript, such as esbuild, to improve compilation speed and efficiency. While these tools indeed provide a lightning-fast compilation experience, they typically lack TypeScript (TS) type checking capabilities. This means TypeScript type-related errors may not be caught during the compilation stage, potentially leading to an accumulation of type issues in the codebase.

To address this pain point, the tsc-check tool was created. It focuses on providing fast, incremental TypeScript type checking to ensure all type errors are caught before code commits or merges.

Key Scenarios

  1. Incremental code checking during the pre-commit stage

    • Before committing code, use tsc-check for incremental checking, which only checks the types of changed files. This significantly reduces the time spent checking while ensuring each commit is type-safe.
    • Used in combination with lint-staged, tsc-check can be run automatically during the commit stage to ensure code quality.
  2. Command-line individual file check

    • During development, developers may need to type-check a single file to verify its type correctness. With tsc-check, it is easy to perform type checking on a single file.。
  3. Code validation on the pipeline:

    • Before code merging or release, a series of code validations are usually required to ensure code quality. tsc-check can be used as a step on the pipeline to perform type checking.
    • If type errors are discovered on the pipeline, it can prevent the code from being merged or released, thus ensuring the stability of the codebase.


npm i delta-tsc-check -D


  1. Command line
npx tsc-check --files a.ts b.ts  src/*.ts
  1. Combined with lint-staged The API version is as follows, and the CLI version is described in the CLI section below
// lint-staged.config.cjs
const path = require('path');
const { performMultiTSCheck } = require('delta-tsc-check');

const eslintignorePath = path.join(__dirname, '.eslintignore');
module.exports = {
    '**/*.{ts,tsx}': async (filenames) => {
        // Generate tsc-related execution commands
        const commands = await performMultiTSCheck({ filenames, lintstaged: true });

        // Other commands such as eslint
        if (commands) {
            commands.push(`prettier ${filenames.join(' ')} --write`);
        commands.push(`eslint --ignore-path ${eslintignorePath} ${filenames.join(' ')} --fix --quiet --cache`);
        return commands;
  1. Configuration file (to be completed)

The configuration file is named tsc-check.config.json, which can mainly be used to configure

// tsc-check.config.json
  "include": [], // Generally global declaration files. Refer to the include field of tsconfig.json
  "debug": true, // Debugging mode
  "monorepo": true, // Whether it is a monorepo

Node API

Usage instructions for the performMultiTSCheck API

performMultiTSCheck is a function that executes multiple TypeScript checks within the lint-staged hook. This function belongs to the delta-tsc-check library, which allows you to run the TypeScript compiler (tsc) to check for type errors when code changes and compiles only changed files for improved performance.

Function Signature

import { performMultiTSCheck } from 'delta-tsc-check';

// 函数签名
async function performMultiTSCheck({
    lintstaged = false
    debug = false
    include = []
}): Promise<{ commands?: string[], error: Error }> {
  // ...


  • filenames (string[]): An array of filenames that need TypeScript checking.
  • lintstaged (boolean): Whether to run in a lint-staged environment. If true, the function will return a command array compatible with lint-staged.
  • debug: Whether to enable debug mode, default is false.
  • include: Files to be included such as ts/tsx/d.ts, generally global declaration files, refer to the functionality of tsconfig.include.

Return Value

  • Promise<{ commands?: string[],error: Error }>: Returns a Promise that resolves to an object containing commands and error properties. commands is an array of strings that includes the commands to be executed.


Usage instructions for the tsc-check

tsc-check is a command-line tool for performing type checking with the TypeScript compiler (tsc), and it can be integrated with lint-staged to perform type checking only on changed files. It offers several options to customize the execution behavior.

Command Format

tsc-check [options]

Available Options

  • --files, -f

    • Description:Specifies the files to check. This is a required option.
    • Type:Array (multiple files or directories can be specified).
    • Example:`--files src/index.ts
  • --debug, -d

    • Description:Enables debug mode. This will output additional debugging information.
    • Type:Boolean (true/false).
    • 示Example例--debug
  • --lintstaged, -l

    • Description:Executes in the lint-staged environment. This will adjust the command's output and behavior to be compatible with lint-staged.
    • Type:Boolean (true/false).
    • Example--lintstaged

Usage Examples

  1. Check a single file
tsc-check --files myfile.ts
  1. Check multiple files
tsc-check --files file1.ts file2.ts
// or
tsc-check --files *.ts
  1. Use in lint-staged

If you have used tsc-check in your lint-staged configuration, you can specify the options like this:

    - "*.{ts,tsx}": ["tsc-check --lintstaged --files"]
    + "*.{ts,tsx}": ["tsc-check --files"]
  1. Enable debug mode
tsc-check --files myfile.ts --debug


  • [] Support for tsc-check.config.json configuration file
  • [ x ] Support glob patterns with --files option

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  • liubeijing1994