Intercepts a function call and stores the result with the given context. In calls that have the same parameters, it will return the stored result. The proposal is to reduce the response time for processing heavy functions, but it always has the same result. Doing this in a simple and transparent way, taking away the need for developer memory management. Can store multiple functions and their contexts separately in an individual stack of items limit 20, each new surplus item will erase an older one.
GET FAST!! - Reduced in test case from 107 milliseconds to 12 milliseconds
I will help if you have any difficulty =)
Contact me by github:heyderpd. I'll be glad to help you.
Thanks forIMPORTANT!!!
In 'recall' your function (named as Service) will receive yours parameters (named as context) using the spread operator
const recall = { /* *** */ return }
To intercept and return result from memorizer or run your function, depending on being memorized earlier
const recall getHash = /* IMPORTANT!!! in 'recall' your function (named as Service) will receive yours parameters (named as context) using the spread operator */ const recall = { *** return }/* */ const heavyFunctions = a +b +cconst functionId = || const heavyFunctionsMemorized = const context = a b cconst result =
const recall getHash = const heavyFunctions = a +b +cconst functionId = || const context = a b cconst result =
If you do not want to use memorizer as an interceptor, you can use this way
const getHash remember = const heavyFunctions = a +b +cconst functionId = || const context = a b clet resulttry result = catch err /* err = dejavu-call: no memory found || dejavu-call: no keeper found */ result =