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1.0.0 • Public • Published


This library includes a number of helpful pre-built tools that include components, methods, and systems. They offer simple solutions to common scenarios that you're likely to run into.

Move or rotate an entity gradually

Move an entity

To move an entity over a period of time, from one position to another, use the MoveTransformComponent component.

MoveTransformComponent has three required arguments:

  • start: Vector3 for the start position
  • end: Vector3 for the end position
  • duration: duration (in seconds) of the translation

This example moves an entity from one position to another over 2 seconds:

// Create entity
const box = new Entity()

// Give entity a shape and transform
box.addComponent(new BoxShape())
box.addComponent(new Transform())

//Define start and end positions
let StartPos = new Vector3(1, 1, 1)
let EndPos = new Vector3(15, 1, 15)

// Move entity
box.addComponent(new MoveTransformComponent(StartPos, EndPos, 2))

// Add entity to engine

Follow a path

To move an entity over several points of a path over a period of time, use the FollowPathComponent component.

FollowPathComponent has two required arguments:

  • points: An array of Vector3 positions that form the path.
  • duration: The duration (in seconds) of each segment in the path. // TODO of the segments of the whole path?

This example moves an entity over through four points:

// Create entity
const box = new Entity()

// Give entity a shape and transform
box.addComponent(new BoxShape())
box.addComponent(new Transform())

//Define the positions of the path
let path = []
path[0] = new Vector3(1, 1, 1)
path[1] = new Vector3(1, 1, 15)
path[2] = new Vector3(15, 1, 15)
path[3] = new Vector3(15, 1, 1)

// Move entity
box.addComponent(new FollowPathComponent(path, 2))

// Add entity to engine

Rotate an entity

To rotate an entity over a period of time, from one direction to another, use the rotateTransformComponent component, which works very similarly to the MoveTransformComponent component.

rotateTransformComponent has three required arguments:

  • start: Quaternion for the start rotation
  • end: Quaternion for the end rotation
  • duration: duration (in seconds) of the rotation

This example rotates an entity from one rotation to another over 2 seconds:

// Create entity
const box = new Entity()

// Give entity a shape and transform
box.addComponent(new BoxShape())
box.addComponent(new Transform())

//Define start and end directions
let StartRot = Quaternion.Euler(90, 0, 0)
let EndRot =  Quaternion.Euler(270, 0, 0)

// Rotate entity
box.addComponent(new rotateTransformComponent(StartRos, EndRos, 2))

// Add entity to engine

Change scale

To adjust the scale of an entity over a period of time, from one size to another, use the ScaleTransformComponent component, which works very similarly to the MoveTransformComponent component.

ScaleTransformComponent has three required arguments:

  • start: Vector3 for the start scale
  • end: Vector3 for the end scale
  • duration: duration (in seconds) of the scaling

This example scales an entity from one size to another over 2 seconds:

// Create entity
const box = new Entity()

// Give entity a shape and transform
box.addComponent(new BoxShape())
box.addComponent(new Transform())

//Define start and end positions
let StartSize = new Vector3(1, 1, 1)
let EndSize = new Vector3(0.75, 2, 0.75)

// Move entity
box.addComponent(new ScaleTransformComponent(StartSize, EndSize, 2))

// Add entity to engine

Non-linear movement or rotation

All of the translation components, the MoveTransformComponent, rotateTransformComponent, ScaleTransformComponent, and FollowPathComponent have an optional argument to set the rate of change. By default, the movement, rotation, or scaling occurs at a linear rate, but this can be set to other options.

The following values are accepted:

  • Interpolation.LINEAR
  • Interpolation.EASEINQUAD
  • Interpolation.EASEOUTQUAD
  • Interpolation.EASEQUAD

The following example moves a box following an ease-in rate:

box.addComponent(new MoveTransformComponent(StartPos, EndPos, 2, , Interpolation.EASEINQUAD))

Callback on finish

All of the translation components, the MoveTransformComponent, rotateTransformComponent, ScaleTransformComponent, and FollowPathComponent have an optional argument that executes a function when the translation is complete.

  • onFinishCallback: function to execute when movement is done.

The following example logs a message when the box finishes its movement. The example uses MoveTransformComponent, but the same applies to rotateTransformComponent and ScaleTransformComponent.

box.addComponent(new MoveTransformComponent(StartPos, EndPos, 2, () => {
	log("finished moving box")

The FollowPathComponent has a two optional arguments that execute functions when a section of the path is complete and when the whole path is complete.

  • onFinishCallback: function to execute when movement is complete.

  • onPointReachedCallback: function to execute when each section of the path is done.

The following example logs a messages when the box finishes each segment of the path, and another when the entire path is done.

box.addComponent(new FollowPathComponent(path, 2,  
	() => {
		log("finished moving box")
	() => {
		log("finished a segment of the path")


Use the ToggleComponent to switch an entity between two possible states, running a same function on every transition.

The ToggleComponent has the following arguments:

  • startingState: Starting state of the toggle (ON or OFF)
  • onValueChangedCallback: Function to call every time the toggle state changed.

It exposes three methods:

  • toggle(): switches the state of the component between ON and OFF
  • isOn(): reads the current state of the component, without altering it. It returns a boolean, where true means ON.
  • setCallback(): allows you to change the function to be executed by onValueChangedCallback, for the next time it's toggled.

The following example switches the color of a box between two colors each time it's clicked.

// Create entity
const box = new Entity()

// Give entity a shape and transform
box.addComponent(new BoxShape())
box.addComponent(new Transform())

//Define two different materials
let greenMaterial = new Material()
greenMaterial.albedoColor = Color4.Green()
let redMaterial = new Material()
redMaterial.albedoColor = Color4.Red()

// Add a Toggle component
box.addComponent(new ToggleComponent(ToggleComponent.State.Off, value =>{
	if (value == ToggleComponent.State.On){
		//set color to green
		//set color to red

//listen for click on the box and toggle it's state
box.addComponent(new OnClick(event=>{

// Add entity to engine

Combine Toggle with Translate

This example combines a toggle component with a move component to switch an entity between two positions every time it's clicked.

// Create entity
const box = new Entity()

// Give entity a shape and transform
box.addComponent(new BoxShape())
box.addComponent(new Transform())

//Define two positions for toggling
let Pos1 = new Vector3(1, 1, 1)
let Pos2 = new Vector3(1, 1, 2)

//toggle for wine bottle
box.addComponent(new ToggleComponent(ToggleComponent.State.Off, value =>{
	if (value == ToggleComponent.State.On){
		box.addComponentOrReplace(new MoveTransformComponent(Pos1,Pos2, 0.5))
		box.addComponentOrReplace(new MoveTransformComponent(Pos2,Pos1, 0.5))

//listen for click on the box and toggle it's state
box.addComponent(new OnClick(event=>{

// Add entity to engine


These tools are all related to the passage of time in the scene.

Delay a function

Add a Delay component to an entity to execute a function only after an n amount of milliseconds.

This example creates an entity that only becomes visible in the scene after 100000 milliseconds (100 seconds) have passed.

// create entity
const easterEgg = new Entity()

// give entity a shape and set invisible
const easterEggShape = new BoxShape()
easterEggShape.visible = false

// add a delayed function
easterEgg.addComponent(new Delay(100000, () => {
	easterEgg.getComponent(PlaneShape).visible = true

// add entity to scene

To delay the execution of a task that isn't directly tied to any entity in the scene, create a dummy entity that only holds a Delay component.

Delay removing an entity

Add an ExpireIn component to an entity to remove it from the scene after an n amount of milliseconds.

This example creates an entity that is removed from the scene 500 milliseconds after it's clicked.

// create entity
const box = new Entity()

// give entity a shape
box.addComponent(new BoxShape())

// add a function to run when clicked
box.addComponent(new OnClick(() => {
	box.addComponent(new ExpireIn(500))

// add entity to scene

Repeat at an Interval

Add an Interval component to an entity to make it execute a same function every n milliseconds.

This example creates an entity that changes its scale to a random size every 500 milliseconds.

// create entity
const box = new Entity()

// give entity a shape and transform
box.addComponent(new BoxShape())
box.addComponent(new Transform())

// add a repeated function
box.addComponent(new Interval(500, () => {
	let randomSize = Math.random()

// add entity to scene

To repeat the execution of a task that isn't directly tied to any entity in the scene, create a dummy entity that only holds an Interval component.

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